Glasgow City Region Climate Adaptation Strategy and Action Plan
Resilient Regions: Clyde Rebuilt – innovating to accelerate adaptation action Glasgow City Region is taking a pioneering role to accelerate climate adaptation using innovation and is a front runner in a process which will be adopted and replicated by over 100 regions in Europe over the next decade. Through Clyde Rebuilt, Climate Ready Clyde worked in partnership with EIT Climate-KIC through its Deep Demonstration programme of Resilient Regions, which is championed by the European Commission’s Adaptation Mission. 11 The Deep Demonstration approach focuses on a whole-system approach that looks at business, governance... and behaviour changes, in addition to technological, environmental and social innovations that will accelerate progress. The process involves identifying new levers in Glasgow City Region’s systems which have the potential to stimulate more transformational change, before piloting, evaluating, adjusting and scaling-up. These levers have then been used to identify large-scale innovation actions which will significantly accelerate adaptation progress across all areas of the Strategy’s interventions. During the Strategy development process, the Clyde Rebuilt project engaged with many new and different actors from within Glasgow City Region to map the systems relating to culture, governance and delivery of adaptation. Alongside this, it looked at new approaches for financing adaptation, including innovative instruments and with different actors. These have given us a ‘blueprint’ of 15 ‘positions’ – areas where urgent, innovative solutions could help accelerate the region’s climate- resilient transition. These are set out below. We have also reviewed emerging solutions in these spaces from other cities and regions, to see what progress is already being made and how it might apply locally. The focus has been on identifying systemic actions in relation to extreme heat, health and well-being, and transformative finance solutions.
Governance & culture
Transformative adaptation
Problem Space 1 – position Problem Space 2 – position
Position 3: go where data is co-designed and socialized for adaptation
Position 7: go where community-led
• Culture, Social • Governance • Technical • Environment • Finance
Position 11: go where transformative financing is supporting nature -based solutions
Position 1: go where local capacity builders have contributed to transformational change in their communities
activities and services connect with public sector services
Position 8: go where open and green space has been valued and invested in
Position 5: go where the cultural sector has enabled civic change locally and in the region
Position 15: go where new system-based
Position 4: go where missing, marginalized actors have become mobilized and act as agents of change
approaches are being used for sustainable finance
Position 6: go where assets are defined and valued differently to create incentives for investing in the common good
Position 14: go where the enabling
Position 2: go where there is innovation within and across governance systems and structures
environment for adaptation and financing is being created
Transformative finance
Position 13: go where new de-risking instruments and/or models are designed
Position 12: go where public funds are being used strategically to leverage private sector support
Position 10: go where major
Position 9: go where innovative combined mitigation- adaptation finance has supported transformational net-zero and resilience projects
public adaptation projects have been financed with non- grant models
Fig.16. Systems innovation positions for Glasgow City Region’s adaptation efforts.
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