Glasgow City Region Adaptation Strategy - report

Intervention 2 Develop the ability of organizations, businesses and communities to adapt Aim: For businesses, organizations and communities to increasingly contribute to making adaptation happen. By considering and addressing climate risks in all strategies, plans, programmes, projects and operations, as well as capability building across public institutions, businesses and community groups to systematically consider the positive and negative implications of a changing climate on their operations. Background: The strategic, large-scale interventions included in this Strategy will unlock opportunities and drive systems change. They will make it easier for society to adapt but cannot replace the need for collective action. It is essential that public, private and third sector organizations and whole communities actively engage with adaptation and develop their ability to act. The challenge: Climate change has the potential to make it harder for all organizations and communities to reach their existing goals and to deliver their programmes, plans, investments and projects. But many organizations or communities currently neglect climate change risks and opportunities for adaptation, and where they do act, it is often from an individual, siloed perspective, rather than an integrated and more strategic approach. What’s more, they generally do not consider the need to develop skills of individuals and teams to adapt well. In the years ahead we must develop and expand the ability of citizens, professionals and organizations to collaborate and implement adaptation actions across all scales. This will require intensive capacity building and creating opportunities for collaboration, training and learning, as well as a flexible definition of a ‘community’, realizing that it means different things in different contexts. Where are we now? Through Climate Ready Clyde we have begun to develop a community of adaptation leaders who are influencing change across their organizations, sectors and spheres of influence. We have seen the benefits of collaboration, skills development and shared learning in accelerating adaptation across all scales: from embedding climate risk in decision-making processes through to factoring adaptation actions in to planning and investment decisions. Many organizations and strategic partnerships have begun to factor climate change considerations into their plans and strategies, decision-making and skills and organizational development. The Regional Economic, Spatial and Transport strategies, as well as the Regional Marine Plan are including a strong focus on adapting to climate change. On decision-making, Glasgow City Council, University of Glasgow and South Lanarkshire Council are among the first major organizations in Glasgow City Region to factor climate change risks into their decision-making. On skills and organizational development, SEPA’s new Flooding Services Strategy actively recognizes the need for new approaches and skills. 13 More broadly, the Adaptation Scotland programme provides tools, resources and capacity building support to enable adaptation across all sectors, this includes an Adaptation Capability Framework which enables organizations to mature their approach to adaptation. In the private sector, the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosure (TFCD) 14 sets out requirements for businesses to address the governance, management and understanding of climate risks, and provides support to implement it.


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