Glasgow City Region Climate Adaptation Strategy and Action Plan
What needs to happen:
2.1 An enhanced programme to increase awareness of the potential impacts of climate change on organizations and communities, and opportunities to adapt. This should involve targeted engagement with intermediary organizations such as trade bodies, as well as communities to raise awareness of climate impacts and risks to key sectors and systems in Glasgow City Region, enhancing the national work of Adaptation Scotland. This approach should use digital and physical methods and be underpinned by a robust evidence base on adapting to climate risk, providing information to support adaptation decisions and investments, and to ensure an integrated approach to adaptation is promoted across communities and organizations. 2.2 Establishment of a City Region working group/forum and mentoring programme. Partnering public, private and third sector organizations together with those that broker knowledge (e.g. Adaptation Scotland programme, research providers) to support greater integration of climate change into their strategic decision-making, supported by tools and techniques to make it happen. A key focus should be on mainstreaming consideration of climate risks into policies, plans, strategies, programmes and projects, with a particular focus on those organizations which have a material impact on the direction of Glasgow City Region. Priority should be given to organizations or sectors at particular risk, or of strategic importance to Glasgow City Region (e.g. financial services), or with opportunities for co-benefits, such as air quality or tourism management. It should also consider how such activities interact with wider sustainability goals. 2.3 Targeted community capacity building for adaptation. In addition to capacity building of organizations and communities most exposed or vulnerable to impacts should be given opportunities to build their adaptive capacity and resilience. Such opportunities should cover both practical resilience and adaptation measures, as well as mental welfare and resilience, and be delivered in partnership with the existing actors and networks, such as the Community Planning Partnerships and the Scottish Flood Forum.
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