Glasgow City Region Adaptation Strategy - report

Glasgow City Region Climate Adaptation Strategy 2020-2030

Working with the Climate Ready Clyde Board to create personal connections Artist Lesley Anne Rose—using her skills as a producer and writer—was embedded within the Climate Ready Clyde Board and Secretariat to encourage them to rethink their values and connect to the people living in Glasgow City Region. The Board recognized that achieving the vision would require doing something different. Lesley Anne challenged them to think about the story behind the vision for Glasgow City Region. How would this be communicated to people and who has authorship? “Asking the Board to describe an object that represented GCR gave people space and time to voice what their personal values were and to start to see people around the Board room in a different light, the aim being to open up thinking and support strong teamwork.” Lesley Anne Rose, Producer and Writer Engaging communities in local adaptation projects Over on the continent two projects invited embedded artists to engage local communities, giving them a voice in influencing adaptation projects local to them. In Gothenburg, artist Ulrika Janson worked with housing company Poseidon and a small community on a project to capture rain in the local area. Community members shared their stories, which fed into the design of a community-centred yard. Artist Anyuta Wiazemsky Snauwaert was embedded in the local government in the City of Ghent to de-pave Paul De Smet De Naeyer Park (PDSDN). Anyuta worked with people to dig up pavements and plant gardens and created an artistic pathway through the park to increase rainwater absorption.

“Artists and creative practitioners can have a very direct relationship with communities, recognizing people as experts within their communities and ensuring their voices are heard and considered and inform the work they do.” Lesley Anne Rose, Producer and Writer

Continuous reflection, monitoring and learning was a crucial element for the project Cultural adaptations was an ‘action-research’ project, with learning, monitoring and continuous reflection a core element of the work. “Attending four transnational meetings enabledme to learn frompartners and sharemy experiences. I have seen how the learning has influenced the design of the toolkits. External evaluators fromboth the cultural and sustainability worlds provided continuous evaluation to shape the project as it progressed.” Ben Twist, Director, Creative Carbon Scotland “Artists informing projects at an early planning stage, if possible, opens up increased potential to achieve long-term benefits and the success of adaptation projects. Artistic and creative practitioners can help to create space to reflect in projects. Artists help to re-imagine value, examining projects from not just an economic value, but also social and environmental value and allowing space for failure to have value.” Lesley Anne Rose, Producer and Writer Resilient Regions: Clyde Rebuilt would not have been possible without the foundation set by Cultural Adaptations The success of Cultural Adaptations paved the way for the Clyde Rebuilt project. A collaboration of actors— community groups, local councils, universities, businesses, government agencies— working together to catalyse a transformational approach to the way the region’s society, economy and environment operate to address climate change collectively.


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