Glasgow City Region Adaptation Strategy - report

Glasgow City Region Climate Adaptation Strategy and Action Plan

Commitment to a 60-year partnership between Scottish Canals, Scottish Water and Glasgow City Council has made this possible. An innovative funding package shares financial risks allowing for the development of the Smart Canal. A smart system reduces flood risk An early warning system is used to predict periods of heavy rainfall. A live weather forecast feeds into a hydraulic model which determines whether the water level of the canal should be lowered. When there is risk of flooding, canal water is moved through a system of sustainable urban drainage (SUDS) ponds, lowering the water level by 10cm. This creates space in the canal for rainwater runoff. Water quality is monitored at various points along the canal network. “Communities will have an appreciation of water levels fluctuating with rainfall through the rise and fall of the water levels in the drainage systems in the park that form part of this dynamic water management system.” David Hay, Group Manager – Engineering, Project Management & Design, Glasgow City Council The value of surface water Throughout the regeneration sites a network of SUDS are in place for the management of surface water. This replicates a natural river flood plain. “Traditionally runoff water has been managed underground. The use of surface water ponds within the surrounding parks creates space for water and has benefits for the visual aspect of the landscape. Biodiversity benefits through creating new habitats and space for nature.” David Hay, Group Manager – Engineering, Project Management & Design, Glasgow City Council Storing water in household tanks Future water management plans in Glasgow include grey water recycling. Rainfall is collected underground in tanks and pumped into buildings for use in households such as toilets. “We are exploring the possibility of making these grey water storage systems smart, so that before a heavy rainfall event the storage tanks are pumped out so that surface water can be captured reducing flood risk. Creating space for water in planning is a principle taken forward from the Smart Canal.” David Hay, Group Manager – Engineering, Project Management & Design, Glasgow City Council

Green corridors for communities in Medellin, Colombia Nature-based solutions are being rolled out around the world, including in the Municipality of Medellin to address severe urban heat island effect in an effort to reduce extreme temperatures, urban greening began in 2015. Citizens were involved in planting over 30 green corridors.


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