Glasgow City Region Adaptation Strategy - report

Glasgow City Region Climate Adaptation Strategy and Action Plan

What needs to happen:

8.1 Adaptation embedded in Glasgow City Region’s net-zero transition ensuring the pathway to net-zero is resilient to the changes ahead. This should include solutions which maximize co-benefits and synergies such as habitat restoration and seek to minimize trade-offs. 8.2 Creation of an adaptation forum for Glasgow City Region infrastructure working through the infrastructure portfolio of Glasgow City Region City Deal the forum should focus on improving knowledge and understanding of risks, as well as where responsibility for action sits. 8.3 Adaptation of existing infrastructure, with policies and regulation to require all new investment to be climate resilient starting with Climate Ready Clyde’s members committing to assess climate risks and incorporate adaptation solutions for most risky infrastructure and consider climate risk in all future investment. 8.4 Strengthening of adaptation requirements in the planning system supported by Scottish Government, Clydeplan and local planning authorities through the National Planning Framework 4, the Regional Spatial Strategy and local development plans and building standards. These should be co-designed with developers 8.5 Creation of a regional retrofit framework for climate resilience for use by the region’s building owners to assess climate resilience needs of building stock, and to underpin development of a retrofit programme which ensures stock is fit for the future, aligned with the net-zero target. This should also consider wider issues such as tenure, the ability to pay, and the importance of differing lifestyles and cultures in communities. 8.6 Creation of a framework for adapting cultural heritage assets with collaboration with Historic Environment Scotland, National Trust for Scotland, and Heritage Trusts to continue work to evaluate the impacts of climate change on the region’s historic assets, such as the Antonine Wall and New Lanark. 8.7 Lobby UK and Scottish Governments to reform infrastructure investment frameworks with Core Cities, and the Scottish Cities Alliance making for reforms to drive more investment into adaptation. 8.8 Evaluation of future adaptation infrastructure needs with a strategic review for Glasgow City Region to identify and evaluate new infrastructure that may be required for future adaptation, with a view to developing an investment pipeline.


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