Planting 20 million trees provides multiple benefits On the outskirts of Glasgow, the Woodland Trust has planted 250 ha of native woodland, putting communities at the heart of the restoration and involving local people at each stage of the project. The resulting mix of pasture and woodland creates areas for families with paths woven through the area and outdoor classrooms for the schools involved. ree planting in the Clyde Climate Forest will focus on three aspects: canopy, connectivity and carbon. Urban tree planting aims to improve canopy cover, providing benefits such as shade and cooling from increasing temperatures. The project will identify vacant and derelict land sites to promote connectivity for wildlife and to sequester carbon. 20 million trees will be planted over 10 years . “A delivery project for the Blueprint is the Clyde Climate Forest. The Clyde Climate Forest is going for the big wins, targeting increases in urban tree canopy cover, woodland habitat connectivity and new forests to capture carbon emissions. The Clyde Climate Forest will provide climate adaptation benefits to people that include flood mitigation in periods of heavy rainfall and reduced urban temperatures at times of heatwaves.” Max Hislop, Programme Manager, GCV Green Network Partnership Innovative finance for a Green Network Strategy Underpinning the Green Network Strategy is the Blueprint that sets out the foundations for the creation for a network for people and a network for nature. “There is a growing understanding that the natural environment is linked to the economic success of the region. New finance is needed to repair the damage we have done. The aim is to deliver nature-based projects at a large enough scale to tap into new funding streams. The two very different sectors of green investment and environmental management need to work together, linking the funding ‘pipeline’ into scalable projects to attract financial investment.” Max Hislop, Programme Manager, GCV Green Network Partnership
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