Glasgow City Region Climate Adaptation Strategy and Action Plan
Flagship action 5: A multi-hazard climate warning alert system Intention Partners will pilot, finance and deliver a multi-hazard climate warning alert system to allow people and organizations to better respond to the new range of climate hazards facing the region, and over time look to develop a possible multi-hazard integrated alert system. The alert system will be delivered in stages, focusing on priority hazards, seeking to provide the inputs required for multi-hazard early warning alerts (such as data from the Met Office), for the new emerging risks. It will also identify clear organizational processes which describe who needs to be aware of the information, what to respond to, and how to respond. It will seek to bridge the wider long-term gap between adaptation planning and emergency planning. Such a system will build on, and in the longer-term be integrated with, existing tools and processes, such as SEPA’s existing flood alert processes, and the pilot of surface water alerting conducted as part of the Commonwealth Games in 2014. The partners will also explore the potential for linking to a national system of climate warning, as well as how a system could support impact-based alerts. These early warning systems have some of the highest net economic benefits of any adaptation measure, and importantly, they provide immediate benefits today, which will increase with future climate change. Outcomes The hazards Glasgow City Region faces are changing, increasingly causing widespread disruption to people’s lives and the critical systems on which we rely. SEPA’s flood alerts provide early warning for river and coastal flooding. Alerts for surface water will need to be added over time, as well as other hazards, notably heatwaves, wildfires and landslides as such events become more frequent and severe. These warning systems will enable more widespread awareness and advance warning of potential impacts, reducing weather related losses as well as impacts on people’s lives. They will improve understanding of potential hazards, enabling people and organizations to become climate ready and better plan for, and respond to, climate impacts when they happen. This is a key part of building resilience for people and society, particularly the most vulnerable. It will also make a significant contribution to ensuring that on a day-to-day basis, the critical systems upon which we rely are fully resilient. Working towards a collaborative, integrated approach will provide greater impact; a more integrated, standardized approach is likely to be more effective and offers economies of scale. Supporting and enabling mechanisms • SEPA Daily Flood Guidance Statement and Flood Alert System – together forming the Scottish Flood Forecasting Service, a joint service between SEPA and the Met Office, which provides a strong existing system to build upon. • Existing hazard warning systems in other jurisdictions – notably for heat in England.
Supports delivery of the following Adaptation Strategy interventions 2 7 8 9 11
Key partners Regional Resilience Partnership, Local Resilience Partnerships, SEPA, NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde, NHS Lanarkshire, Glasgow City Council (Lead), Ready Scotland, NHS Health Facilities Scotland, Scottish Government, Met Office, Scottish Fire and Rescue, Scottish Flood Forum, NHS Health Facilities Scotland, ABI, Scottish Trade Unions Congress, Natural Hazards Partnership (for health and pandemics), National Centre for Resilience, British Geological Survey, National Railway, Transport Scotland, Network Rail, Police Scotland, University of Strathclyde, SPEN, SGN.
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