Glasgow City Region Adaptation Strategy - report

Glasgow City Region Climate Adaptation Strategy and Action Plan

3.3 Making it happen Glasgow City Region’s first regional Adaptation Strategy and Action Plan is a bold and ambitious statement of the different future we want, to ensure the City Region flourishes in its future climate. Its intention is to be a catalyst; a call to action for all organizations, communities and businesses with a stake in Glasgow City Region to step forward and step up as is required. Action to deliver the Strategy is urgent and demands rapid progress. To support Strategy delivery, the initiative is setting stretch targets, structuring itself to enable delivery by others and working with others to unlock the investment required. Stretch targets It is not possible to condense the ambition above of flourishing in its future climate into a set of straightforward indicators which can be achieved, since the baseline level of climate will continue to change. However, we have identified stretching targets to help ensure the Action Plan stays true to the intention of supporting the most vulnerable, as well as overcoming the financial and inclusion barriers to achieving the Strategy’s interventions. These targets are that by 2025, we will have:

Involved 125 new organizations, community groups and businesses supporting Glasgow City Region to adapt

Increased the resilience of over 140,000 of the region’s most vulnerable people to the impact of climate change

Closed the region’s adaptation finance gap of £184 m. a year

Achieving these targets do not mean that in and of itself the region will be flourishing in its future climate, but they will be markers of significant progress to making it happen in a fair and equitable way. The targets have been calculated based on an assessment of the baseline picture in Glasgow City Region of those most vulnerable and the adaptation gap. The target of supporting the most vulnerable 140,000 in the region is aligned to the U.N.’s Race to Resilience campaign, which will build the resilience of four billion of the world’s most vulnerable people to the impacts of climate change. In Glasgow City Region, 140,000 people are in the top 20% of the SIMD and live in areas that may experience either heat hazards or flood risk. Further detail on these, as well as the adaptation finance gap, and the methods used to calculate them, are included in the technical annexes.


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