Glasgow City Region Adaptation Strategy - report

Glasgow City Region Climate Adaptation Strategy and Action Plan

Strong political leadership, and public sector and government signals, provide confidence for businesses to act (e.g. regulation policies, plans, commitments)

Keystone Cluster 1

Keystone Cluster 3

Government and Public Sector


Foster an adaptive culture

Deliver innovation

Innovative Action

Innovative Action

Enable and equip action

Coordinate and activate actors

Keystone Cluster 2

Keystone Cluster 4

Innovative Action

Business and community action collectively create space for further action by public sector

Strong private sector actions create broader societal expectations of resilience

Voluntary, community, Third Sector and Citizens


Keystone Cluster

Innovation Action

Partnership function

Dashed lines are indicative to show connections, relationships, information and activity flows

Collaborative projects on areas with particular areas of regional significance

New collaborative activities that are needed to enhance regional progress

Proposed activities of a long-term climate partnership

Fig.25. Glasgow City Region adaptation ambition loop.


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