Glasgow City Region Adaptation Strategy - report

Glasgow City Region Climate Adaptation Strategy and Action Plan

In addition, a larger ecosystem of social network actors was mapped for finance in Glasgow City Region. draws out the potential interaction between public, private and third sector actors to finance adaptation – see Figure 28. The closer the actor to the centre, the greater their role in adaptation finance and the more likely ease of finance. This map is useful to understand which actors already play a strong role in financing adaptation and which ones need to be provided with incentives and enabling environments to encourage their participation. This could be an effective way to tease out combined mitigation-adaptation approaches to finance climate action or blending finance.

Adaptation Finance Social Network Map


Actors Examples Closeness to centre =

Water Industry Commission for Scotland


greater current role in adaptation finance and likely ease of finance


Visit Scotland


Public Sector

Scottish Power, SSE

Transport Scotland

Inverclyde Council, Glasgow City Council, East Dunbartonshire Council, etc.

Scottish Water




Government Agencies



Local Authorities


Block grant/ COVID-19 green recovery

Axa, etc.

Private Sector

Scottish Government

Adaptation finance in Glasgow City Region

Micro, small and medium enterprises

Small tourism, fisheries

UK Government

European Union /Commission

Project developers, contractors, construction

Large enterprises & multinational corporations

Green Deal

material providers

Public financial institutions

Foundations, NGOs, charities, trusts

Venture capital investors

Scottish Venture Fund, Scottish Enterprise


Scottish Wildlife Trust, Keep Scotland Beautiful, The MacRobert Trust, Esmée Fairbairn Foundation, Garfield Weston Foundation, D’Oyly Carte Charitable Trust

Commercial banks

Institutional investors

Retail investors

Angel investors

Impact investors

Investment banks

Lloyds, Barclays

Climate action fund, community response recovery & resilience fund

ESM Investments, Equity Gap, Apollo Informal Investment

Third Sector

Asset management firms

Positive change fund, Aberdeen Standard Investments

Pension funds

Macquarie Group, JP Morgan

Brunel Pension Partnership, Scottish Public Pensions Agency

Blackrock, Aberdeen Asset Management

Fig.28. Adaptation Finance Social Network Map for Glasgow City Region.

More detail of the approach to finance adaptation can be found in the technical annexes.


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