King's Business - 1924-02

T H E K I N G ’S B U S I N E S S


for the lack of conviction of sin. We will never under­ stand or appreciate the cross of Christ un til we understand th e heinousness of sin. Prov. 14:9, 34; Prov. 28:13; Isa. 59:1, 2; Eph. 5 :11 ; John 3 :19 ; Heb. 3 :13 ; Rom. 5:12-19; Jas. 1 :15 ; Prov. 16:25. FEBRUARY 24 One H alf of th e World Lacks th e Gospel; W hat Shall we do about it? Matt. 9:35-38 The§e verses show th a t prayer is th e g rea t secret of the advancing of! the m issionary cause. But, we will not care to pray un til we REALIZE the need of the multitudes w ithout th e Gospel, the value of souls, and our responsibil­ ity in th e m atter. However, we cannot pray un til we gen­ uinely REPENT of our indifference, disobedience to the call, and prayerlessness. We cannot pray for the Lord to send out others unless we are w illing to go ourselves. We must completely RENOUNCE self and absolutely su rrender our wills to th e will of God. Note in 10:1, afte r th e com­ mand to pray, immediately the Lord sends th e “pray-ers” out. We will n o t pray very earnestly un til we are willing to go out to RECRUIT w orkers for th e field and then work and give to speed them on th e ir way. (Rom. 10:15; Luke 10 :2 ; Matt. 28:19, 20; Mark 16:15-18; John 17:18; John 15 :16 ). MARCH 2 (Consecration Meeting) In H is Steps (3 ). W h at Jesu s Said abou t Happiness _ Matt. 5:1-12; John 15:11. P erhaps th e most fam iliar teachings of our Lord are the beatitudes. “Blessed” means “happy” or “very, very, happy.” Let us note those whom our Lord pronounces happy: 1. “ Poof in sp irit” (Psa. 34:18; 51:17; Isa. 57: 15; 56 :2 ; Jas. 4:9-10; 1 Cor. 1:26-28). 2. “Mourn” 2 Cor. 1:3-4; 1 John 5 :19 ; Phil. 3 :20 ; Rom. 8 :23 ; Matt. 21:5; ■1 Pet. 3 :4-5; Jas. 1:21; 3 :1 3 ). 3. “Meek” (1 Cor. 4:21; 2 Cor. 10 :1 ; Gal. 6 :1 ; 2 Tim. 2:24-25; Tit. 3 :2 ; Isa. 57: 13). 4. “H unger and th irst” (Rom. 3:10-23; 1 Cor. 1:30; Isa. 55 :6 ; Matt. 6:33; Jer. 29:13; Rom. 4 :3 ). 5. “Merci­ fu l” (Matt. 7 :2 ; Gal. 6:1, 2, 7; Matt, 18:23-25). 6. “Pure in h e a rt” (John 14:19, 21, 23; 1 Cor. 13:12; Gal. 5:22; Heb. 1 2 :14 ). 7. “Peacem akers” (John 14:27; Matt. 10: 13: Luke 10:5, 6; Col. 1 :20 ; Phil. 4 :9 ; Rom. 5 :1 ; 15:33; 16 :20 ). 8. “P ersecuted” (2 Tim. 3 :12 ; Acts 14:22; Jas. 1 :2 ; Rom. 8:17, 18; 1 Tim. 2 :12 ; Rom. 8:18, 28; Acts 5 :41 ; 2 Cor. 12 :10 ).

COMMENTS ON C. E. TOPICS Rev. V. V. Morgan FEBRUARY 10 In H is Steps (2 ). How and W h at Jesu s Taught. Matt. 5: 1-12; 13:3. There is a d earth of real Bible teaching today. Every C. E. Meeting should be a class room where th e Endeavor- ers are ta u g h t th e g reat tru th s of th e Bible. Must have a message before we can teach. There is only one message for the whole world— th e whole Bible. Our Lord, during His earth ly m inistry, was continually teaching,— T aught multitudes, (Matt. 5 :1 ; Matt. 13:1; Luke 6:17) T aught a small number, (Matt. 16:16; Luke 24:13; Luke 9 :3 7 ). T aught one a t a time, (John 3; John 4). T aught in th e temple and synagogue, (Mark 1:21; John 2 :13 ; Luke 4 :1 6 ). T au g h t in homes, (Mark 2 :2 ; Luke 7 :3 6 ^ 1 4 :1 ). T aught in the open air, (Matt. 5 :1 ; 13:1; John 6 :2 5 ). His teaching was in the forrp of discourses or sermons (John 6:25-71; Matt. 5 to 7 ); w arnings (Luke 12; Matt. 24:27-44; Matt. 26 :31 -36 ); exhortations (Luke 9:1-13; Luke 17:1-10; John 12 :44 -50 ); reproofs (Matt. 23; Mark 15 :1 -20 ); promises (John 14; John 6 :3 9 -5 8 ); prophecies (Matt. 24; John 5:25-29). He ta u g h t fearlessly and boldly (Mark 9:42-50; Matt. 11:22-27) ; sternly (Matt. 23) ; lovingly and tenderly (Matt. 11 :28 -30 ); John 8:1-11; John 1 4 ); au tho ritatively (Matt. 7 :29 ; Mark 1 :22 ; Luke 4 :3 2 ). Jesus tau g h t by parables. W hat wonderful pictures our Lord painted! The Prodigal Son; The Good Sam aritan; Ten V irgins; The Lost Sheep; The Seed and the Sower. FEBRUARY 17 W hat is Sin? How Does it Affect Character? 1 John 3 :4 ; Rom. 3:9- 20. W hat it is— (Deut. 9 :7 ; Josh. 1 :18 ; Prov. 24:9; Rom. 14:23; Jam es 4 :17 ; Jam es 2:10; 1 John 3 :4 ; 1 John 5:17; Gal. 3:10.) Sin is an act— lack of conform ity to or violation of the will and law of God. Sin is a state— absence of righteous­ ness, a coming short, a failure to parellel God’s straigh t- edge-the Commandments (Rom. 3:10-23; Jas. 2 :10 ; Gal. 3 :10 ; Jas. 4 :1 7 ). Sin is a n atu re (Rom. 8:5-8; 1 Cor. 2 :14 ; Eph. 2 :3 ; Gal. 3:22; John 2:25 cf. Mark 7:21, 22; Jer. 17: 9; John 3:3, 5). Sin: blackens, blights, blasts, besmirches, befouls; breeds stinking sores in the ch aracter and foul ulcers in th e soul; dishonors, disgraces, dulls, de­ grades, debases, debauches, depraves, dooms and damns. A false, shallow, inadequate idea of sin is one of th e reasons

Note the two-fold happiness pronounced here. These characteristics can be produced in no o ther way th an by the Holy Spirit, who indwells every believer in th e Lord Jesus Christ. (See Gal. 5:22, 23). A BIRD’S-EYE VIEW OF THE OLD TESTAMENT Showing the Principal Places, Persons and Events 1 Compiled for easy memorizing. Biola Book Room Every Christian Endeavorer and Sunday School Los Angeles, California Scholar should have it. Price— Ten Cents

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