King's Business - 1924-02


T H E K I N G ’S B U S I N E S S

Confucianism, Buddhism, and Mohammedanism,— and, the undeniable tru th of th e literal fulfillment of prophecy! You praying ones have been working in the regions be­ yond, and th e Lord has done g reat things whereof wë are glad! WORK IN THE SHOPS Marion H. Reynolds, Supt.-—Meetings Held in Shops, Factories, Car- Barns and Fire-Engine H ouses in L o s Angeles It is not often that we have th e opportunity th a t was ours the other day a t one of our Shop meetings. F o r sev­ eral years we hâve been going to one of th e freigh t sheds hère in th è city, and while th ere we have cóme in contact w ith many of th e tru ck ers and team sters doing th e tru ck ­ ing for the g reat d ep artm en t stores. There is one man in p articu lar a t this place who has been oh our h earts, and scarcely ever do we go away from the place w ithout pressing upon him th e need of salvation. H is wife was a fine Christian, b u t a few years ago she was taken from him by death, and, as he says, th ere is no one left bu t him self and his little dog. Stepping into his office th e o th er day afte r we had held our meeting (having noticed he wasn’t th e re ) we found him very much “ in the dumps,”— blue, lonesome and discour­ aged. A fter we spoke to him he said: “Oh, Reynolds, nó one loves me, and I get so lonesome; no one b u t the dóg and me left.” We told him of ONE who could com­ fo rt and help, and asked: “Can’t you come over and take dinner w ith us some evening?” He tu rn ed his back to us, his shoulders shaking— he was crying. A rrangem ents were made, and a message sent him by telephone, th a t we wanted him to come to our hpme, and would stop by for him th e next evening. T h at n igh t you should have seen him as he once more enjoyed a taste of home life! Several times as he enjoyed the evening w ith us, tears of joy ran down his cheeks, as he was rem inded • f w hat he used to have., T h a t n igh t as we took him home, we showed him th a t God has prepared a place fo r us, where we can enjoy one an o th er’s presence. He was also shown th a t there was bu t one step th a t was necessary to gain adm ittance to th a t “ place prepared,” and th a t was accepting Jesus Christ as his personal Saviour. We left him a t the door of his room, saying, “Oh, I have enjoyed th is evening. I do th a n k you. Give me tim e to th in k this m a tte r over— it’s m-y only hope.” Dear reader: This is only one of several men th is past month who have said th e same thing. W ill you join us in prayer th a t they may decide for Him before it is too late? Others have taken Christ as th e ir Saviour, and we have had a fine tim e in several of the shops and car bam s. Keep praying for us; we need it. BIOLA CLUB OF PASADENA Elwood P. Lyon, Supt.— Our center for Bible C lasses, Evangelistic serv ite* and personal work, in the heart of the City o f P asadena. Classes and services are held each week aS follows: Seven in English; four in Spanish; th ree in A rm enian; one stree t service and one prison service. Sinners are saved and backsliders reclaimed in these various services for which we praise th e Lord. One of our w orkers called on an old lady and found her in distress spiritually. Seventh day Adventists, had been talk ing w ith her and told her th a t she m ust keep the Law to be saved. She said th a t she had tried and knew th a t f i e could not keep it. She wanted to be saved and know th a t she was saved. She was pointed to Jesús Christ as

th e only b u t sufficient One to save her. She finally ac­ cepted Him by faith, and in a few m inutes exclaimed-— “How wonderful! He has saved me and I know I am saved. How different from my trying to save myself by keeping th e law .” ~ A young man about twenty, tired of sin, and wandering about the world friendless, desired to be saved. W ith a worker, he went upon his knees and fully surrendered to Christ. Soon he had a testim ony to give of peace and rest in Jesus Christ as his Lord and Saviour. Dr. T. T, Martin, evangelist, from the South, gave a series of addresses th a t were greatly appreciated by those who were fo rtun ate enough to hear him. As a resu lt sev­ eral th a t had questioned th eir salvation found assurance and peace in Christ. «y> WORK AMONG THE JEWS Jam es A. V aus, Supt,— Bible classes and P ersonal Work, Street Meet­ in gs and Sem i-monthly M ass Meetings for Jew s o f L o s Angeles. A Jew ish business man, whose store is located in one of the most thickly settled Jew ish qu arters of our city, had been repeatedly visited and invited to attend one of our Jewish meetings. Though th is man had been reared afte r the strictest m anner of th e Jews, American business demands and social customs had gradually separated him from his orthodox position. Though theoretically orthodox practically he was far removed from th e stric t observances of things Jewish. His generous-hearted and kindly n atu re made him to leran t towards Christian teaching. He accepted and read a t v ar­ ious times a num ber of tracts, and la ter a t his own request a copy of a Yiddish New Testam ent was furnished him. A Christian friend visited th is man a t his home, and many were the interested conversations th a t followed. Upon the u rgen t request of th is friend he finally consented to attend one of ou r Jewish Meetings, which God used m ightily to convict and convince him of sin and need. During th e progress of th e meeting, th is m an’s face was a perfect m irro r of the impressions formed in his m ind by w hat he saw and heard. At th e beginning of the message his face was cold and forbidding, reflecting his displeasure and disapproval, b u t as the subject developed, and th e speaker’s in terest in and concern for th e welfare of God’s ancient people became apparent, th e prejudice seemed to fade out of his face, and th e stern lines relaxed. Quotations from the Bible or th e Jew ish P rayer Book in Yiddish or Hebrew, caused an amused as well as pleased smile to pass over his features. F inally settling back in his seat he followed w ith keenest in te rest th e trend of the address, giving every indication of how deep was th e im ­ pression made on him, as th e Spirit of God carried home the message to his heart. An earnest ta lk w ith the speaker a t th e close of the meet­ ing, and th e discussion of a number of Old T estam ent pas­ sages from the Hebrew Bible, served to fu rth e r deepen his dawning conviction th a t Jesus Christ was and is Isra el’s long-promised Redeemer. A Nicodemus-like visit to the w rite r’s home one night, was used of God to clear up Qther doubtful and perplexing points. L ater, in ano ther interview , he told us of w hat a terrib le strugg le he was passing through,— conviction of th e cer­ tain ty of th e claims "of Jesus Christ, and fear of th e con­ sequences of acknowledging faith in Him, p u t him in such a sta te of m ind th a t he could find no re st nor peace. In agony of soul he cried out to God for help, a t th e same tim e adm itting th a t he had now come to believe in Christ as his

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