King's Business - 1924-02


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

Tke Chosen People, the Land, and the Book JEW ISH NEWS NOTES Compiled by Jam es A. Vans, Supt. of Jew ish W ork Bible In stitu te of Eos Angeles

We found some charm ing houses being built, a few com­ pleted, in th is settlem en t on the hillside above the blue sea of Chinnereth, and attracted by sounds, found a room well filled w ith Jews, young and old, a t a synagogue service, while th e women w ith th e ir prayer books and th è ir chil­ dren were seated outside in th e shade. Our companion of yesterday had no praying shawl and came out to g reet us, and leaving th e others to pray, went away. Another a t­ tractive young Jew, making his way to th e same spot, was glad to take our Gospel literatu re. I praise God for th e opening He gave me for w itness a t th e table a t th e Jew ish re sta u ra n t w ith th e fam ily of th e pious proprietor. An earnest statem en t was given of Mes­ siah’s claims, and the value of th e whole Bible, Old and New Testam ent alike. A copy in th e Hebrew was accepted by the son-in-law, th e unm arried d aughter having already tak en a Hebrew Psalm book, and a Yiddish volume en­ titled “The Prom ised Messiah.” The journey from T iberias to Safed, which used to take practically a day on horseback, we did in about an hour, speeding over th e fine carriage road most of the way. Safed, or Seph, is believed to be “th e city set on a hill which cannot be hid,” which our Lord used as an illu stra­ tion of a tru e disciple in Matthew 5:14. I t has a ruined castle, fortified by Josephus, and was an im po rtan t fortress in C rusader times, and suffered from a terrib le earthquake in 1837. H ere we visited Miss F o rd of th e H auran Mis­ sion, and met a Syrian gentlem an who was very b itter against th e Government and the Jews; she was glad we could speak to him , and we gave him , both by lip and literatu re , a message pointing to th e only real solution of th e problems of P alestine and th e world unrest, viz., the blessed hope of our Lord’s speedy retu rn , and th e u rgen t call to be watchful and ready. In th e Jewish hotel a t supper tim e we had some useful conversation w ith two in telligen t young Hebrews wbo looked th e p ictu re of health, and who shared w ith us our four-bedded room. The next day we were surprised a t the joy w ith which they received our Gospel messages; one was ready to pay for any literatu re , and said he had long wished to come in touch w ith m issionary teaching. The boys, too, of the house, were perm itted to read anything we offered them , and watched our personal devotions most in ten tly ; I was deeply moved, even to em barassment, as th ree of them w ith th e ir beautiful longing eyes fixed upon me, listened eagerly to every word I spoke in Yiddish about the Godhead, and th e plan and work of our Lord Jesus Christ in saving th e souls of sinful men. Oh, how we value prayer th a t such testim ony may bear abund an t fru it in such a fanatic city of Orthodox Jew ry as Safed, once almost th e most sacred theological cehter of the Jew ish world, where it was believed th e Messiah would appear. A very strik ­ ing personality, a judge who had known B rother Jacobs, was also kindly disposed to our message. We had in th e afternoon of September 12th a long, rough, rocky and dusty ride on ra th e r poor horses to a form er Jew ish center, now only a Maronite village entitled K afr B irim (th e village of buds or blossoms>. On the journey one sees away on th e left on th e hillside, below the highest mountain th is side Jordan, viz: Jerm ag, (3,934 feet) Meron, where on th e night of Omer Day, afte r Pass- over, th è Jews gath er from all p arts of the world for a g reat fanatic fire festival, in commemoration of Simeon ben Jochai, th e w riter of the most enlightened book of th e Talmud known as th e Zohar, which contains really rem ark ­ able Messianic tru th , and teaching concerning th e T rinity. We saw Kish about half way on our righ t, said to be the birthplace of the paren ts of St. Paul. On F riday, a very blessed season of testimony to th e saving power of God’s grace was experienced when we bap­ tized the eldest son of Mr. Eglitsky, who has suffered so much persecution from the Rabbis of Jerusalem for his faith in Christ. This boy was taken from his fath e r, put in a Jew ish house and made to work for a Jewish firm, to prevent him being influenced by his fa th e r’s conversion to Christianity. But he was only driven to seek the Saviour for him self by th is experience, and I have been giving him Bible studies and baptismal classes for some tim e.”

The T u rk s and P alestine. It was officially stated in th e House of Commons the o ther day, th a t by the very recen t tre a ty of Lausanne, “Turkish righ ts over P alestine have come finally to an end.” . Christians who love th e Land, the Book and th e People, will th a n k God for th is piece of good news w ith regard to th e Holy Land.— Jew ish M issionary Herald. Jews in Soviet Russia. A well-informed correspondent of “The Jew ish Vorw ärts” w rites, (so th e “ Jew ish W orld” sa y s): “The general ppsi- tion of th e Jews in Russia is daily becoming more serious.” W hat w ith the wave of anti-Sem itism th a t is now pass­ ing over C entral and N ortheastern Europe (in Germany in p articu lar) th e cup of exiled Israel is still full of sorrow and bitterness. May it please our Heavenly F a th e r to nullify th e designs of Israel’s enemies in Russia, Germany and elsewhere.— P alestine’s Many Languages. One in teresting item of inform ation arises ou t of those articles in the Daily Telegraph,— th a t whilst th e re is “ a bare th ree-qu arters of a m illion” souls in Palestine (a land th a t in ancient times supported about four tim es th a t num­ ber of hum an beings) th e re are not less th a n forty-two languages spoken by th e peoples in th a t land, no t to men­ tion th e “many rival faith s” th a t are professed, more or less, by the various religious groups in th a t same country. — Jew ish M issionary H erald. A Missionary Jou rney in Galilee. Rev. S. B. Rohold, lately retu rn ed to Palestine, encloses a copy of a le tte r from Rev. A. W. Payne, of the B ritish Society for th e P ropagation of th e Gospel Among th e Jews. Extracts from th a t le tte r follow: “A fter having comm itted our way to th e Lord, B rother P aul Doany and I sta rted out on the eve of th e Jew ish Rosh H ashana (New T ear) Monday, September 10th, for a m issionary journey in N orthern Galilee. There was a delay a t th e garage of one and a h alf hours, so we gave some Jew ish men literatu re , and eventually we travelled by th e Baifa-T iberias omnibus a t a very, reasonable price and rapid rate. A young Jew who sa t between us was only journeying as far as the rapidly growing Jew ish colony a t N ahalal, on th e P lain of Jezreel. He had been in touch w ith th e Mount Carmel Bible Mission Reading Room, and took Scriptures when he alighted, and ano ther Hebrew man took his place who also knew us and w anted to ta lk only in Hebrew on religious subjects. He read, while riding, a Hebrew m is­ sionary pam phlet on th e history o f Israel which we gave him. L ite ra tu re was given out by B rother Paul, and we found our way th ro u g h th e streets lighted by electric lights into th e d ark er courts and alleys till we came to th e Ashkenazim Synagogue, where we heard th e closing p a rt of th e service, w ith its repeated “Amens,” and then th e greetings of Yom Tov, “ a good day,” as th e congregation broke up. A young man w ith prayer book in hand, whom we followed, spoke to us, and gladly received our tracts. E arly in th e morning of the New Year’s Day, we walked down to th e Lake of T iberias for a bath. A friendly Jewish lad, who led us to a suitable spot, was in terested to ta lk on Christian topics. I spoke of th e sacred in te rest of th is piece of w ater because of th e New T estam ent references to Andrew, P eter, John, N athaniel, and the Lord Jesus Christ Himself. A fter b reak fast we walked out towards th e new colony, named afte r th e H igh Commissioner, Sir H erbert Samuel, giving out lite ra tu re to young men gay in th e ir New Year’s attire. W e found two sitting playing checkers in a newly laid ou t path, and they gladly accepted pamphlets, while th e Moslem re sta u ra n t keeper took a copy in Arabic of “ Jesus is Coming,” by Rev. W. E. Blackstone.

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