King's Business - 1924-02


T H E K I N G ’S B U S I N E S S

THE SOUL-WINNER’S EQUIPMENT God’s P la n M ade P la in How Any One and Every One May B ecom e a Soul-W inner by U sing th e God-G iven G ospel o f John This Gospel was written for a definite, specific purpose: “But these are written, that ye might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing ye m ight have life through His nam e.” (John 2 0 :3 1 .)

(Portion o f Sam ple P age, V est Pocket Edition.) J O H N CHA PT ER 1— TH E DEITY O F JESUS CHR IST V s. 1-18. T h e In c a rn a te W ord T h e W o rd an d God _ I N th e beginning was th e Word, and th e Word was w ith God, and the Word was God. 2 T he sam e was in th e beginning' w ith God. T h e W ord an d W orld 3 All things were m ade by H im ; and w ithout H im was no t any thing m ade th a t was made. T h e W ord a n d Men 4 In H im was life; and th e life was th e light of men. T h e W o rd a n d Sin 5 And th e light shineth in darkness; and the dark­ ness comprehended i t not. A M an S en t from God, w hose N am e w as John 6 1 T here was a m an sent from God, whose name was John. 7 T he sam e cam e for a witness, to bear witness o f the L ig h t, th a t all m en through him m ight believe. 8 H e was not th a t L ig h t, b u t was sent to bear witness o f th a t L ig h t. CHAPTER T IT L E S and DIVISIONS m ake it easy , to comprehend. The H E L P S are designed to A SSIST CHRISTIAN WORK­ ER S in their ^personal endeavor to WIN SO U LS, by using this G ospel with them ; and also to m ake it possible for any one into whose hands this Gospel falls to find God’s plan of salvation stated in the term s of the Gospel itself. All NECESSARY INFORMATION for dealing with the UNSAVED is. given, and the p assag e s cited are all from the GO SPEL o f JOHN .

THE TESTIMONY Since th e first edition w as p u b ­ lished, over .2 00,000 h a v e been circulated, an d h u n d re d s of c o n ­ versions have b een rep o rted . IT WORKS Boys a n d girls have used these Gospels in re ac h in g th eir p lay ­ m ates. S. S. tea ch e rs and scholars have used them . T h e w ay of salvation is m ade plain, a n d God has h onored H IS WORD. T his is th e m ost sim ple, p ra c ­ tical, effective m ethod of evan­ gelism , a n d c an n o t fail, fo r d e­ p en d en ce is u p o n H is W ord, and th a t c an n o t fail.

HOW TO DEFEND th e FUNDAMENTALS of o u r FA ITH . U se this edition of the Gospel of John. Som e of th e do ctrin es given a re : INSPIRATION O F GOD ’S WORT Jo h n 6 :6 3 ; 8 :2 6 ; 12:50* DEITY O F JESUS CHRIST E te rn al God, Jo h n 1 :12 Om nipotent, 5:25 Om niscient, 2:24, 25 Om nipresent, 3:1.3 C re a to r,. 1:3 O ne w ith th e F ath er, 14:9 God m anifest, 1:18 God in hum an form , 1:14 God w orshipped, 9:35, 36 ATONEM ENT O F JESUS CHRIST Jo h n 1:29; 12:24; 6:51 RESURRECTION O F JESUS CHRIST Jo h n 20:1 9 , 2 0 ; 20:26-29 ASCENSION O F JESUS CHR IST John 16:7; 14:12 SECOND COM ING O F JESUS Jo h n 14:3; 21:22, 23 A lso, th e D octrines of th e E te r­ nal Life of Believers, th e P e rso n ­ ality of S atan, E te rn al P u n ish ­ m ent.

You can have th e jo y of

WINNING SOULS if you so desire. Do you desire th a t joy? T h en secu re a Gospel and go to w ork.

Rev. J. F rank Norris, Pastor of First Baptist Church, Ft. Worth, Texas, says: Just received the package of the Gospel of John. I have gone through it with my office force and it is the most wonderful thing that was ever prepared. If you had never done anything bu t make that outline you would not have lived in vain.” Rev. Rush E. Crissman, of the American S. S. Union, says: _ I tfi*8 portion of the Word of God a splendid entering wedge for greater study of the whole Bible later. I order these little hooks a thousand a t a time and have scattered them far and near.” Send for a Sample accompanying which will be sent you Suggestions fo r Personal Work. S. S. Superintendents and Teachers will find it a means of creating a real revival in school and church. Single copies, 5c; 100 copies, $4 .00 ; 1000 copies, $30.00. BIOLA BOOK ROOM 536-558 So. Hope Street, Los Angeles, Calif.

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