King's Business - 1924-02



K I N G ’ S



The b itten Israelite m ight look in any so rt of light. If he looked a t th e serpent of brass in the blaze of th e noon­ day sun, or in th e m ild ligh t of th e moon, or in the ligh t of the sta rs as it was silhouetted against the sky on th e hori­ zon, or in the tw ilight of th e evening, or in th e rays of a dusky lan tern held up by a friend, he was immediately healed. So we may look to Christ in any so rt of lig h t or darkness, and our salvation is immediate. It takes only a moment to look, for ligh t travels a t th e ra te of 180,000 miles a second. • “There is life for a look a t th e crucified One, There is life a t th is moment for thee.” This vision of Christ on th e cross makes eternal life a present possession. “He th a t believeth on the Son HATH,” not, W ILL HAVE,— “ everlasting life.” He receives here and now a knowledge of God th a t will la st forever. “But he th a t obeyeth no t th e Son shall not see life,” (shall never KNOW GOD,)” b u t the w rath of God abideth on him .” There is a w rath of God. I t is the w rath of th e Lamb, more terrib le th an the w rath of a lion; th e w rath of meekness against arrogance, the w rath of gentleness against b ru ta l­ ity, the w rath of v irtue against vice, th e w rath of righteous­ ness again st iniquity, th e w rath of holiness ag ain st impur­ ity. This w rath abides upon all who refuse to live by knowing God in Christ. The word “abide” implies a con­ tinuance of w hat already exists. “He th a t believeth n o t is condemned already.” Unbelief is a sin so ignoble and hein­ ous th a t the unbeliever is condemned now. The cou rt of justice cannot refuse to convict one who refuses to tru st the tru stw o rthy and circulates false repo rts about one whose in teg rity cannot he questioned. The man who cir­ culates repo rts about a solvent bank, till people believe his unbelief, is guilty of a very contemptible sin. The man who circulates unbelief as to th e ch aracter of a pure woman, un til people believe his unbelief, is guilty of as mean a sin as ever crawled out of the bottom less pit. There is only one sin which is worse, and th a t is th e circulation of unbe­ lief, .till people believe it, about H im who is tru th itself, whose character is as white as the snow. Already th e un ­ believer is condemned. He is guilty of intellectual sin, for he refuses to accept convincing proof. He is guilty of moral sin, for he d istru sts th e tru stw o rthy One, and is, therefore, guilty of doing injustice. He is guilty of sp irit­ ual sin, for he refuses to know God. So long as he refuses the offer of pardon, th e w rath of God must abide upon him. A young man, who was sentenced to prison for twenty years under P residen t G rant’s adm inistration, refused to accept a pardon which had been secured through the efforts of his fath e r and mother because he did not w ant to be brought under obligations to the political adm inis­ tra tio n then in power. The case was brought before the Supreme Court which decided th a t all th a t P resident G rant could do was ju st to let th e sentence of the court abide un til the prisoner had served his term . If you are an un­ believer, “you are condemned already,” and I offer you a pardon w ritten in the blood of Christ w ith the seal of heaven upon it. If you will accept th is pardon, you are today a free man in Christ and may walk a t liberty, con­ scious th a t “ th e re is no condemnation to them th a t are in Christ Jesus.” But ifi you refuse the pardon, all God can do is to le t th e sentence ,of w rath abide. I beseech you not to refuse God’s offer of eternal life through th e crucified and risen Christ. Acceptance means th a t you are horn from above in the knowledge of God which has come to you. Kefusal means th a t you reject the knowledge which alone can give etern al life.

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The Practical Commentary (or 1924 On th e In terna tiona l Sunday S ch oo l L e s son s

B I O L A B O O K R O O M Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal.

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