King's Business - 1924-02

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


Did Christ fight these ecclesiastical politicians ? Yes, He did, and paid the price with His own blood. Did the apostles fight them? Yes, they did, and laid down their lives for the faith. Is it worth while for believers in the infallible Word of God today to fight those who deny it ? Look into the faces of your children! Look into the faces of the hungry-hearted men and women who will never get any Bread from Heaven from the Modernists! Look into the faces of the martyrs who shed their blood that we might have the Word of God! Look into the face of our Lord who loves us' and for His sake and for His glory let us do our part, prac­ tically and persistently. The enemy is awake and on the job. Let us meet him, fully armed, with .God’s armor' and God’s Word! ' BLIND BLASPHEMERS We are accused sometimes of being too harsh. We do not want to be unkind towards anybody. Our de­ sire is to help, everybody we can. We do, however, want to have the courage of our convictions when it comes to the blasphemers who lay their unholy hands upon our Lord Je'sus Christ. “ Blaspheme—to speak in an impious or irreverent manner of God or sacred things’’ (Standard Diction­ ary). In The Presbyterian of September 20, 1923, we find the following (speaking of the Modernists): “ Rev. Dr! Henry Sloane Coffin, of New York,, says (L u th ­ era n Chu rch ;H erald ): *1. T h e B ib le is n o t w ith o u t e rro r. I t is th e W o rd of God o n ly in so f a r a s i t a cco rd s w ith th e W o rd m ade, flesh in C h rist.’ ‘2. I do n o t k n o w h ow o u r L o rd w a s bo rn , a n d I c e rta in ly r e ­ fu se to te a c h th e v irg in b ir th a s e s s e n tia l d o c trin e .’ . ‘3. C h rist d ied fo r o u r sin s, b u t no sin g le in te r p re ta tio n of f h a p r A o q t o a d P H i i n t p 1 ‘4. D e a th did n o t c o n q u er C h rist, b u t th e S c rip tu re s do n o t te a c h a p h y sic a l re s u rre c tio n .’ ' ‘5. J e s u s d id n o t c o n sid e r f a ith in H is m ira c le s e s se n tia l. “Rev. Dr. L. Mason Clarke, of Brooklyn, enum erates, the five points: (1) The inerrancy of the Scripture; (2) The virgin b irth of our Lord; (3) A p articu lar theory of the atonem ent; (4) The physical resurrection of Christ from the grave; (5) The reality and genuineness of the miracles attrib u ted to Jesus. He then says (The Christian Regis­ te r) : ‘You see t h a t th e lis t is h e a d e d w ith a fa ls e p ro p o sitio n w h ich , if once g ra n te d , c a rrie s a ll th e o th e rs w ith it. B u t th e S c rip tu re s a re n o t in e r r a n t a n d n e v e r w ere. T h e A ssem b ly in th is fo o lish p ro n o u n c em e n t a r ra y s its e lf a g a in s t th e r e s u lts o r B ib lical sc h o la rsh ip th a t a re a s a s s u re d a s is th e la w of g ra v ita tio n . No e c c le s ia stic a l body on e a r th can e v e r su cceed in im p o sin g th is p re p o ste ro u s claim on th e m in d of th is ag e. T h e id ea of a n in fa llib le B ib le is a h u m a n in v e n tio n . I t cam e in w ith th e R e fo rm a tio n , n o t w ith -C h ris tia n ity . I t is n o t f u n ­ d a m e n ta l to th e G ospel, a n d n e v e r w as. I t is n o t e s s e n tia l or n e c e s sa ry to p re a c h in g th e G ospel in th e P re s b y te ria n C hurch. M ore th a n th is, th e G en eral A ssem b ly h a d i^o c o n s titu tio n a l r ig h t o r a u th o r ity to m a k e a n y su c h d e liv e ra n c e . In e n tire fra n k n e s s , I m u st sa y to yo u th a t I do n o t a c c e p t o r b eliev e a n y one of th e s e five p o in ts.’ ” (T h en he, also , d en ies, th e V irg in B irth . E d .) “ Rev. Dr. Henry Van Dyke says (Presbyterian Ad­ vance) : ‘The curious thing about these five dogmas is th a t one is non-essential, and th ree are certainly anti-Scriptural. The doctrine of the Virgin B irth, in which I believe w ithout question, .is no t essential, ****The doctrine of the iner­ rancy of the Scriptures on all subjects is no t ta u g h t in the Bible, but inferentially contradicted. ***The dogma th a t the wonderful works of Christ were w rought by His own omnipotence is not Scriptural. ***Finally, the dogma th a t Christ’s resurrection was entirely unchanged from the body buried in th e tomb is un scrip tu ral.” ’ “ Rev. Dr. G. B. Stewart, President of Auburn Semi­ nary, says'(The Chapel Bell, of Auburn Seminary): ‘The tendency in some recent Assemblies to set up ex- tra-Confessional tests, notably th e Assemblies of 1910, 1916 and the last, should have no endorsement from those

Auburn men who have imbibed th e Auburn sp irit.’ ( “The Auburn sp irit” suggests th a t sp irit which comes from th e place of burning— th a t old deceiver, th e devil). These men blaspheme the Bible and they blaspheme Jesus Christ. We hold both as sacred These men are representative of the men everywhere who, in the garb of ministers of the Gospel, are denying the Written and the Living Word of God; are robbing the church of its Bible and its Lord; robbing the country of its only safeguard against the criminal class and the Bolshe­ vists ; robbing the world of its only Saviour and Lord; and robbing God the Father, God the_Son and God the Holy Spirit, of their glory. These men are planning to destroy the structure of the Presbyterian church and will be ready to gloat over its ruin. They wear the livery of Heaven but, serve their Master, Satan. There is no more contemp­ tible game under Heaven that any man can play than this unholy game. They take the gifts of God’s people with which to clothe and feed their bodies, while with their mouths they utter oily speeches as did Absalom at the gate. All they have and are they owe to the Bible, the church, and the country which was built upon the Bible.. The attitude of these men is sanctimonious, sacrileg­ ious and unholy. It provokes righteous indignation. But there is a silly, sentimental attitude upon the part of spme real Christians who are afraid to speak out their convictions lest they should hurt the feelings of these religious pirates. Bless your heart, brother believer, any man who can publicly proclaim your Lord to be a bastard, is unfit to fill a-pulpit. He belongs in the penitentiary'. Pray for him, certainly, hut don’t let him prey upon you. Have sorrow for him, yes by all means, but shed your tears for the poor, benighted flock which he is leading to hell. .. .AIA. H i TO RESCUE OR RUIN A Japanese daily paper, “ The Yorodzu,” has said: “ It the power of America to rescue the world, or to lead it to ruin.” This is a strong and strange statement from a source that hut a few years ago was looked upon as our deadly enemy. If the statement is true, it is a solemn truth, and one which should arouse America to con­ front the task. But America has her own problems, and they are far more serious than the world nations recognize. America has become infected with the same insidious disease that pervades the other nations,— ANARCHY —a distaste for and dirsegard for all authority—a disease which is developing with great rapidity and bids fair to become universal throughout our land. America has a task to perform which is tremendous in hulk nnd bewildering in variety. She must come hack to the foundation principles upon which she was builded. She must bow to the Book whose practical precepts are alone sufficient to secure success. She must yield her stubborn will to the Supreme will of the Divine Ruler or she will not be able to rescue herself from the ruin that confronts her. She must turn aside from the sentimental attitude she has assumed and remember that pride goeth before a fall, and that a slipping from her moorings predicts a fall that will he great.

Millions are Waiting for the Ministry of Christian Workers (Page 77)

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