King's Business - 1924-02


T H E K I N G ’S B U S I N E S S

THE CONFLICT OF THE AGES (Continued from Page 72)

Constructive Books from

th a t his purpose was accomplished when he brough t th e Saviour under th e power of death. All th e prom ises and prophecies about the throne and th e sceptre seemed to be nullified. God’s Word appeared to he broken. His Son had been rejected and crucified. H is sepulchre was closed and sealed. The Roman guard surrounded it. The situ a­ tion was hopeless from th e hum an viewpoint. Then came the g reatest of all the divine interpositions. God raised Him from th e dead (Acts 1 3 :30 ). Now a t the rig h t hand of the F ath er, He is henceforth expecting till his enemies be made His footstool. We share th a t expecta­ tion. L ike Jehosabeath (2 _Chron. 22), our h earts are oc­ cupied w ith th e person of th e King. L ike Jehoiada, we are going fo rth among the people whispering th e heavenly secret th a t th e King is not dead, th a t He is coming again and in due tim e will sit upon th e th ro n e of H is fath e r David according to the prom ise and the covenant. Our faith rests upon the word of prophecy made sure. The Dragon who has stood before the woman to devour her child th roughout th e ages shall finally be consigned to the lake, of fire (Rev. 20 :10 ). «Spa ^,1^. THE CHILDREN’S GARDEN Stories to be read,— 1. The Children’s F riend, Mark 10:13-16. 2. The Good Shepherd, John 10:1-18 and Luke 15:3-7. 3. A Run-a-way Boy, Luke 15:11-32. 4 . A Boy who Helped Jesus, John 6:1-14. 5. The Helpful Man, Luke 10:25-37. 6. A Small Gift which was Large, Mark 12:41-44. 7. Ten Girls, Matt. 25:1-13. 8. The W edding F east, Matt, 22:1-13. 9. A Farew ell Supper, John 13:1-17 and Luke 22:14-27. D uring F eb ruary read these stories. A fter reading them or hearing them read, boys and girls, seven through nine, choose two of them which you like best and w rite five sen­ tences about each sto ry in your own words. Girls and hoys, ten through twelve, choose four of th e stories which you like best and w rite in your own words using about one hundred words in each story. Tell why you like the ones you choose. You may all illu strate your stories by original draw ings, pictures or both. No New Memory Verses. F in ish all hack work. 4» a » a » BE STILL AND KNOW B arb ara Sanders (nee Schleidt, B. I., ’21) Through all the broken harmonies of life, (Continued from Page 85) LESSONS FOR FEBRUARY God’s love abides, th rough years, forever new. In all the world’s vain passing pomp and strife Our God, alone, rem aineth, changeless, true. W hat though I change and cheek of you th grow pale And things I loved, bloom, w ither and decay, He changeth not for aye, Oh! blessed thought Today, tomorrow, yesterday th e same His priceless love, bestowed b u t never bought; Both peace and rest unto His own remain. Then, peace, he still and re st secure in Him; Let His unchanging love thy haven be. Though through the storm we see bu t dim, He knows each cloud th a t spans life’s troubled sea. I have His love to com fort in th is vale, His holy presence as I muse and pray.

B io la ’s Ow n P re s se s

Knowing the Scriptures

By D r. A . T . P ierso n T his b o o k of rules a n d m ethods of Bible Study, this help to th e a p p rec ia tio n an d in te rp re ta tio n of th e S crip ­ tu res, calls a tte n tio n to som e fifty of th e leading w ays in w hich th e close study of this divine b o o k ha*s been found to disclose its m eaning. A n y one w ho w an ts to know th e S c rip tu re s b e tte r will n ev er b e disappointed from using this book as a guide. C loth, $ 2 .0 0 Touches of God By D r. A. C. Dixon The Lord from Heaven By Sir Robert Anderson

Very helpful to those who wish to go forw ard into the deep things o f God. The riches o f the grace of God are se t forth under five headings: (1 ) H is Fire-touch; (2 ) H is H and-touch; (3) H is Breath- touch; (4 ) H is Dew-touch; (5) H is Dove-touch. This sm all book will richly repay your reading and heeding. P aper, 15 cents The World and its God

The author’s foreword say s, “ These p ages seek to unfold the doctrine of the Sonship, and to call attention to som e of the indirect testim ony of Scripture to the Deity of Christ. The book is not con­ troversial. It is a Bible study, and if the perusal o f it proves a s helpful to any a s the w rit­ ing o f it h as been to the a u ­ th o r,'its purpose will be sa tis­ fied.” P aper, 25 cents

By P h ilip M auro W e so often h e a r it said, “God is in H is heavens and all is well w ith th e w orld.“ T h e p eople a cc ep t it a

Reconstruction— The Facts Against Evolution B y A . C. Dixon The author says,-—” T h e first three verses of Genesis give u s construction, d estru c­ tion and reconstruction.” - It is with the latter subject of the re-form ing of the earth and m aking it a habitable place for mankind, that this booklet deals. By the time you have finished reading it, you wonder how you ever could have thought th at evo­ lution m ight have had some p art in this reconstruction. P aper, 15 cents

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