King's Business - 1924-02


T H E K I N G ’S B U S I N E S S

BEST BOOKS (Continued on Page 127)

“Best” Bible

The P reach er’s Old Testam ent, Edward Mack, D. D., P ro­ fessor of Old T estam ent In terp retatio n in Union Theological Seminary, Richmond, w ith an introduction by Rev. J. Ross Stevenson of Princeton Theological Seminary, who says: “Dr. Mack takes th e Old Testam ent as Jesus knew it and as th e church has always believed in it and shows th e whole­ some soul-satisfying nourishm ent which th e prophets of our day dare not overlook, if they are to be faith fu l to th eir commission and declare th e whole counsel of God.” (Revell) $1.25. The O rient In B ible Times, E lihu G rant, P rofessor of Biblical L iteratu re in H averford College. A companion volume to “The People of P alestine”— a fascinating book, presenting a comprehensive and historically accurate pan­ orama of th e O riental world, its people, civilization and history during Bible times. (L ippincott Co.) $2.50. God’s Prophecies fo r P lain People, Wm. L. P ettingill. A series of studies on prophecies including th e statem ents concerning Christ’s second coming and th e events in te r­ vening to th e judgm ent of th e Great W hite Throne. A valuable help to teachers and students. Price $1.50. The Modern Mind and th e V irgin B irth , G. W. McPher­ son, au tho r of “The Crisis in Church and College.” The book is a brief compendium of facts regarding th e virgin b irth of Christ, reviewing the prevailing objections to this doctrine and giving th e S criptural method of meeting them. A book for to-day. Buy it (Yonkers-Book co.). BOOKLETS AND PAMPHLETS Modernism and th e H istoric F aith , Rev. A. M. Ayerd, Pas­ to r F irs t P resbyterian Church of Vicksburg, Miss. Strong, fearless, virile. Shows up the dishonesty of many of the Modernists. This little booklet should have a wide cir­ culation. Evolution, Unscientific and U nscriptural. A. J. Pollock. F acts of science and Scripture which disprove th e theory of evolution, as well as th e statem en ts of many em inent scientists themselves. (C entral Bible T ru th Depot, London) 25 cents. The S tuden ts’ Lamp, Mrs. G. C. W atson, Pasadena, Cali­ fornia. An outline of the Bible for Teacher-T raining Classes. Dr. O. P. Gifford says of it: "This book is the resu lt of years of patien t study and will be of g reat use in understanding the Book th a t makes wise unto salvation.” 50 cents. W h at Shall it P ro fit? Rev. David F. Nygren, A. B., Evan­ gelist. A strong, evangelistic sermon on th e text “W hat shall it profit a man if he gain the whole world and lose his own soul?” Sound, intensely vivid in description and d ram style” (Published by th e au tho r) 15 cents. A re P ra y e r Meetings a F a ilu re ? J. T. Budd, w ith fore­ word by th e R ight Rev. th e Lord Bishop of Chelmsford. An instructive and inspiring booklet showing the value of church prayer meetings, w ith some suggestions for con­ ducting them. (R obert Scott, London) 50 cents. 'âir 'àSf 'ês> B O X 5 3 Breakabeen, N. Y. W h o L i v e s H E R E ? We have a le tte r from th is address, w ith no name signed. I t requires an answer. W ill th e w riter please send us his or her nam e? Thanks.


A n Exposition of the Scriptures

COVERING TH E ENTIRE BIBLE By Alexander M aclaren, D. D.

Dr. Alexander M aclaren occupies a place ap a rt a s the prince of expositors. He stan ds out suprem e a s a man who not only studied the Bible from a theological and literary point of view, but who preached it for over half a century with a view to providing for human necessities. His fam ous E xpositions were commenced a t the suggestion of Sir W illiam R obertson Nicoll. It is difficult to im agine any set of circum stances which will again produce a man with talents and life-knowledge so pe­ culiarly fitted for the accom plishing of such a monumental task — the detailed exposition of the entire Bible in the light of a single m agnanim ous personality. Thirty-four volum es now in seventeen, including index. Green buckram , boxed— $35.00. Jamieson, Fausset and Brown’s Critical and Explanatory Commentary on the Whole Bible “ J . F. & B .’s Comm entary” h as long been recognized a s a stan dard evangelical work on the entire Bible. Form erly issued in two volum es, but now combined into one by the employ­ ment of very thin but good quality of paper, so th at all the wealth of comment and research of these three great Bible scholars is to be had in handy desk form for quick and ready reference. Cloth $7.50 Christian W orker’s Commentary on the O ld Testam ent and the New By Jam es M. Gray “ A truly com petent comm entary on the Whole Bible in one volume, and for a price within the reach o f all. This is emi­ nently the comm entary of the people. No Sunday School teacher can afford to be without it, and in any Christian home it will enrich the fam ily devotions, answ er the children’s questions, and stim ulate the study of the sacred O racles.” Cloth $3.00


T h i s w e l l - known commen­ tary, written by Matthew Hen^y on his knees— not only prayed over, but prayed t h r o u g h — i s again obtainable after being out of print for sev ­ eral years. It is not only a schol­ arly Exposition of the Scriptures, but is filled with rich soul food a s w e l l . Original and quaint of expression, there is a directness in his utterances which rivets the

attention. The rem arkable insight and discernm ent of its author is apparent on every page. Unlike m ost modern comm entaries this work does not p ro ­ fess to be critical— and therein lies its chief charm . Criticism does not stim ulate devotion. H alf Leather $25.00; Cloth $17.53 A New Translation By J . N. D arby Accounted one o f the m ost accu rate in existence. No sta r t­ ling changes from the K ing Jam es Version will be found, ex­ cept th at all the m istranslations are corrected and properly rendered. O ld and N ew T e s tam en ts in on e Vo lum e— C lo th , lea th er back , s iz e 5V2x7V2x2% ............ ............$ 6 .00 Tu rk ey M orocco , g ilt ed g e s , s iz e s a s ab ove .....; ............. 10 .00 N ew T e s tam en t on ly— B e s t C loth , b ev e led board s, s iz e 5V sx7% ............... . ... 1 .60 B e s t C loth , con ta in s cop iou s n o te s re la tin g to T ex ts o f N ew T estam en t—--S ize 6 x 3V i, sm a ll typ e , c r iti­ ca l n o te s are om itted . L ea th er , s tiff ........... ........, ........................ ___ .. 1 .80 L ea th er c ircu it ......................... . ....1_________... 2 .60



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B I O L A B O O K R O O M Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal.

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