King's Business - 1924-02

T H E K I N G ’S B U S I N E S S


YOUNG PEOPLE'S BIBLE COURSE Mr. K eith L. Brooks, to whom the Lord seems to have given a gift of compiling Bible helps th a t really create ap­ petite for Bible tru th , has ju st filled another need in getting out a popular Bible course for young people, to which Mrs. Brooks, an experienced young people’s worker, has also made some valuable contributions. W hat to pu t into the hands of young people in the schools th a t would impress upon them the value of th e Bible and a t the same tim e in ­ terest them in some definite method of study, has been a problem. Mr. Brooks’ success w ith th e Beginners’ Corres­ pondence Course, which he prepared for the Bible Insti­ tu te of Los Angeles, convinced him th a t he had stru ck a method of study th at, if used w ith more elem entary m ater­ ial, would fascinate hundreds of young people and lead them' into more advanced study afterw ard. The course is put up in an attractiv e booklet, Selling for 20 cents, and will furnish the young people many a pleas­ a n t hour as they search out th e Bible nuggets suggested in the book and w rite in the answers in th e blank spaces pro­ vided. The work will be of special value to Sunday school classes and young people’s societies where home study is to be encouraged, and a t the same time it furnishes to teach­ ers a valuable collection of supplemental m aterial. The studies contain nothing of divisive n atu re and will be practical for all evenelical churches. W rite to Mr. Brooks, Secretary of Correspondence School, Bible In stitu te of Los Angeles, and procure a copy, and we are confident it will be selected fo r. w ide usage among the young people. Dr. Geo. W. McPherson’s NEW BOOK "The Modern Mind A N D The Virgin Birth” T his n o ted au th o r, w ho c reated a nation-w ide sensation by his books: “T h e C risis in C h u rc h a n d C ollege,“ and, “T he M odern C onflict O v er th e Bible,“ th e im pact of w hich w as felt in m any educational cen ters in A m erica a n d abroad, has again done a service of g re a t value to C h ristian s of every nam e. D r. A . C. D ixon, w ho review ed th e Ms. of his new book, said: “ T his is y o u r g re atest w o rk .“ Rev. D r. Floyd T om pkins of T he C h u rc h of th e H oly T rin ­ ity, Phila, Pa. says of it: “ I have studied w ith m uch in terest Mr. M cP herson’s new b o o k a n d I believe it is one of th e b est books of th e kind we have. It is sim ple en ough in lan g u ag e for the o rd in ary re ad e r and a c c u ra te enough in its a rg um en ts to please th e stu d e n t.” T his book is bu ilt in an a ttrac tiv e form . T h e seven o u t­ standing objections to th e V irgin B irth an d D eity of C hrist, as found in rationalistic lite ratu re, th e A u th o r has featu red as the heads of seven ch ap ters, and w ith a n a rra y of historical and Biblical facts th at a re overw helm ing, m et these objections in a fair an d convincing m anner. 300 pages have been condensed into 1 16, com prising a com pendium of facts w hich every p a sto r a n d laym an should possess. No lib rary is com plete w ith o u t this book. C loth, handsom ely bound, P rice $1.00 net, c arriag e extra. Special O ffer: W e offer “T h e C risis in C h u rc h an d C ollege,“ 3rd Ed., C loth, 262 pages, 30,500, $1.45 net, “T h e M odern C onflict over th e Bible,” 4 th Ed., C loth, 222 pages, 26,000, $1.45 net, and, “T h e M odern M ind,” C loth, 1 16 pages, all th re e fo r $3.50. Special p rices in bulk. A ddress all o rd e rs to: B I O L A B O O K R O O M 536-558 S. H o p e S treet Los A ngeles, C alifornia

“Best” Bible


Cruden’s Complete Concordance

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Young’s Analytical Concordance

New and R evised edition. Exhibiting 311,000 references, m arking 30,000 New T e sta ­ ment readings. It gives the original Hebrew and Greek of any word in the English Bible with the literal m eaning of each, together with parallel p assag es. There is given in this edi­ tion a com plete list o f Scrip ­ ture nam es, showing their modern pronounciation, with accu rate transliteration of the originals. Cloth, $7.50 India P aper, Flexible Leather, $24.00

Nelson’s New and Complete Concordance to the American Standard Bible T his new C on co rd an ce is th e first com plete C o n co rd ­ an ce ever issued to th e A m e ric an S tan d ard V ersion of th e Bible— th e m ost a c c u ra te version of th e H oly S crip ­ tu res in th e E nglish language. Five y e ars have been occupied in its com pletion, d u r­ ing w hich tim e th e editors and p ublishers have had co n ­ stan tly in m ind th e problem s of the Bible stu d en t. C om ­ p ariso n s have b een m ade w ith o th e r concordances and num ero u s im provem ents have been in tro d u ced to m ake a w o rk so accu rate, so full, an d so convenient th a t it will be an indispensable w orking tool in handling a rig h t th e w ord of tru th . C loth, $5 .0 0

If money does not accom pany order, goods will be sent C. O. D., unless otherwise specified. If books are to come by m ail add 10% for postage.

B I O L A B O O K R O O M Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal.

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