provide very different sets of psychographic data. Think about who might interact with something on Facebook while they’re reading news, perusing their friend’s updates, or interacting with a couple of brands they like. If it’s a mom, maybe it’s a cosmetic company she likes, or a food or exercise brand she uses. But the rest really is all about mindlessly thumbing through:
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It's no different than walking through town and waving to people on the porch.
Realize this when developing your marketing ideas. You’ve got to give that person a REASON to come up to the white picket fence and talk for a minute. If they do that, then maybe, as in Perry’s example, they realize that there’s some nice-looking pottery on the porch. Then that person realizes the owner of the house not only makes the pottery but also sells it. And they’re NOT yelling from the porch, “Come over and buy our pottery!” Make sense? The Principle The people on Google are in a totally different state of mind . If someone is scrolling through their newsfeed on Facebook or Instagram, they might stop and look at a local restaurant and say, “Now that’s really cool. Maybe we’ll go there for drinks and appetizers tonight.” But the person searching for, “Chinese food near me” is getting ready to go out and sit down or call and get a reservation at a restaurant versus someone going through the newsfeeds only. What’s in it for me? What’s in it for me (WIIFM) is the key phrase. In other words, “It’s all about the patient.” The more we test our online marketing, the more we realize that things need to be constantly updated. For instance, in the past, giving someone a free downloadable report on Facebook, such as “10 Things You Need to Know About Your Implant Dentist,” would get downloaded like crazy. It still works well on your website and Google because they are ACTIVELY searching for this particular information.
What Dentists Need to Know About New Patient Marketing
By Dr. Jeff Anzalone, Board Certified Periodontist, Certified GG12 Coach
More and more dentists are researching new and different ways to boost their new patient numbers. One of the most frequently asked questions I get is about using the web for help. Specifically, regarding the use of Google AdWords versus Facebook ads. We have been using both Google and Facebook to boost our internet presence with regards to dental implants. Here’s what we’ve found … Marketing Expert Perry Marshall is one of the best Google and Facebook marketers. He gives a great analogy of the “mindset” of someone searching in Google versus using Facebook. Here’s an example that pertains to us …
This house is sitting in a spot where several roads intersect. These roads take people to church, the local tavern, and a popular marketplace. This is what he considers Facebook to be. Got it? This is a big, friendly place where neighbors can pass by and wave to grandma and grandpa rocking on the porch drinking iced tea. Ahhhhh, the good ol' days.
Consider someone searching Google for:
He explains that Facebook advertising is no different than that person sitting in their rocking chair, yelling at the people who walk by in town, “Hey, do you want to buy something?” This isn’t the type of conversation that you should have on Facebook. Mindset Now, let’s compare consumers on Facebook to ones on Google. These two groups
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That person is in a very different state of mind than someone who is using Facebook. Perry offers an analogy comparing Facebook to the big house in the corner of town square.
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