While what she described was a common sight in the Christenson household, this particular day was different. “When I saw Brooks brewing that day in mid-May, I didn’t realize it would be one of the last days I would see him well,” she said. “He became sick with Covid shortly thereafter, and pneumonia followed closely behind.” She continued, “After he passed, it was really difficult for us all. He was, and still is, such a key part of our family and who we are. There was a deep loneliness without him.” Brooks and MarieClaire were very close, and most recently he had been supporting her over the phone as she went through the trials and tribulations of law school. He could commiserate, as he graduated with his law degree from USD, along with his father and fellow alumni, Bob , and brother, Jon . “We talked all of the time, and now that phone line was silent,” said MarieClaire. “Law school is not easy, so Brooks was often a sounding board for me, as he understood the stress and demand.”
"The highlight was realizing Brooks left something behind that could bring people of all backgrounds together & create community." - Jon Christenson on the beer release and live poetry readings event.
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