Crown Paints Exterior Colour Book


Especially popular during the period of Gothic Revival. Stained glass with floral and geometric patterns was typically fitted in the upper panels of windows, in entrance panel windows and in front door panels.


There weremore homes built during the Victorian era than at any other period in history. These new homes were built to cater for people fromacross the classes, as either detached properties or long rows of terraced houses. In poverty stricken areas, houses weremodest in scale and were often back to back or two up two down in style. People of stature; themiddle classes and above were housed inmore lavish properties, which also saw accommodation for the house servants. These types of homes showcased the purest formof contemporary architecture, most often Gothic Revival in decoration.

These became popular when affordable sheet glass was invented in 1838. Thereafter, windows grew wider and glazing bars thinner. Sash windows remained expensive and it was not until the 1870s that they were widespread.


Iron railings became readily available. Often decorated with elaborate finials (to impress any visitors) they were often painted dark traditional shades of green or brown and then later, black.


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