NWAA Summer '24 Plane Talk

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Navigating cybersecurity challenges - Nybble Launches Cyber ONE

Unlocking innovation ROI, by unlocking your sales performance

Tips and strategies to enhance online safety: 1. Use anti-virus and anti-malware: As long as you are connected to the web, it’s impossible to have complete and total protection from malware. However, you can significantly reduce your vulnerability by ensuring you have anti-virus and anti-malware software installed on your computer. 2. Keep software up to date: Software companies typically provide updates for three reasons: to add new features, fix known bugs and upgrade security. Always update to the latest version of your software to protect yourself from new or existing security vulnerabilities. 3. Enable 2-factor authentication: Many platforms now allow you to enable 2-factor authentication to keep your accounts secure. It’s another layer of protection that helps verify that it’s you who is accessing your account and not someone unauthorised. Enable this security feature whenever you can, especially if you use Microsoft 365. 4. Avoid opening suspicious emails: If an email looks suspicious, don’t open it as it might be a phishing scam. Someone might be impersonating another individual or company to gain access to your information. Sometimes the emails may also include attachments or links that can infect your devices. 5. Check links before you click: Links can easily be disguised as something they’re not, so it’s best to double-check before you click on the link. On most browsers, you can see the target URL by hovering over the link. Do this to check links before you click on them. Whilst there are procedures within your organisation that you can put in place to help reduce the threat of these attacks, they will remain a major threat to your organisation, as the technology available to cybercriminals continues to develop, meaning that the likeliness of your business being struck is increasing all the time.

Trust Nybble as your cyber security partner As members of the aerospace alliance, Nybble understands the importance of ensuring their clients are safe and secure so they can continue their business operations with minimal or no disruption. We stay up to date with all the latest cyber security technology to ensure our clients remain safe against the threat of an online attack and can do the same for YOUR BUSINESS. Our CYBER ONE offering keeps your business cyber protected all year around and informs us of breaches and gives you a guaranteed incident response. This is a unique service which help you stay protected round the clock and in the event of a breach, assures you will be up back and running within hours. This is a one of kind protection and training for your business focussing on continued education of end users, breach prevention, security and business continuity. For readers of this article, we will offer you a FREE DARK WEB scan which will give you a view of company’s exposure to the dark web with regard to exposed passwords and breaches. As Red Rose 2024 Digital Award Winners, fighting off stiff competition for the coveted Digital Award in Lancashire, your business is in very safe hands.

We live in a world where cybersecurity isn’t just about technology – it’s about protecting the trust of our guests and the privacy of our students. For managers in the hospitality sector and senior leaders in education, recognising its importance isn’t just crucial; it’s vital for maintaining the integrity of their establishments. This article aims to simplify cybersecurity, offering practical insights tailored to the specific needs of those in hospitality and education.

As a leader of a high-tech aerospace business, you strive for growth. You have brilliant products and you have invested heavily in the latest technologies to satisfy customer demand and expand your business into new areas ... But your innovations are not making the return on investment you expected, and it’s proving difficult to open conversations with new and existing customers about what you can offer due to an apparent lack of interest. How do you earn back and make a profit on your highly invested innovative technologies? How do you turn around your company’s sales performance to achieve this growth? It’s time to rethink your approach to sales. Key to any product or service commercial success is knowing who you should be selling it to, and why . Whilst this is an obvious statement, it’s surprising how many companies miss the target. You may have a number of products that are technically excellent, yet it’s incredibly difficult to find customers who will consider procuring and want to learn more. Why is this? •How much do you focus on product specification and features? •How much do you talk about the actual problem that your product or solution can fix? •Why should they buy it? •What differentiates your product from the competition?

How effective is your sales leadership?

sales training to hundreds of salespeople. We believe that sales training (in isolation) doesn’t work. You may think that sounds counter intuitive. Yet, research shows that the key elements to a successful salesperson are: •Mindset and commitment (unlocking motivation) •Supportive behaviours and habits (adapting how we act) •Tactical skills and knowledge (things we can teach) Here’s the good news. Many blockers your salespeople face when selling can be swift to change, whilst wider behaviours and habits need considerably more effort to adapt. The investment in understanding and transforming your salesforce is potentially one of the best investments you can make, especially to realise the potential returns from your innovation investment. The critical question here is - where to start? Through detailed science backed analysis Toggleswitch Consulting can unlock what it is preventing your salespeople reaching their full sales potential. We can discover:

Whilst you strive to open new markets and customers you need to effect change, and change requires effective leadership. Changing a sales culture can be the factor that makes or breaks your technology investment return. As a leader it is your role to support and drive the required changes. You will come up against barriers, fear, excuses, and weak commitment. Your role throughout this change process is to: Coach – to empower and enable growth for your customer facing people.

Why cyber security matters

Cyber threats are everywhere.

Last year alone, 60% of hotels experienced a data breach, according to a report by the Ponemon Institute. And if that wasn’t enough, over half the schools in the USA faced cyber incidents, as reported by the CISA. These stats are not just numbers; they’re wake up calls. They show us that Cyber security is not just a technology issue – it’s a crucial part of running a successful hotel or educational institution. Types of threats we face 1. Phishing scams: Phishing scams are like digital traps set by cybercriminals, aiming to deceive unsuspecting individuals into revealing sensitive information. For hotels, these scams may target guest databases, posing a significant risk to guest privacy. Similarly, higher educational establishments may fall for a phishing attempt that targets faculty or student information. 2. Ransomware attacks: These attacks involve malicious software that encrypts data, effectively holding it hostage until a ransom is paid. For hotels, an attack like this could block reservation systems, leading to disrupted operations and compromised guest experiences. In the education sector, such attacks could involve ransomware on student databases, jeopardising the integrity of student records.

Motivate – to press the right buttons to unleash your team.

Accountability holder – to keep focus, ensure progress is made and tackle behaviours that get in the way. Toggle Switch Consulting work with leaders of high-tech businesses frustrated with the lack of commercial progress their innovations are realising. Take a step back to review what’s happening, refocus your strategy, streamline your operation and enable your people to be the best they can be, will be your best investment. To discover more, contact: Tim Ogle at tim@toggleswitchconsulting.com

•What is holding them back? •How much better they could be (= increased sales)? •What changes they need to make? •How long will it take to realise?

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Opening new conversations and market opportunities.

To talk to us about your CYBER exposure, contact us at enquiries@nybble.co.uk or call 0330 0020886. Don’t hesitate, we don’t byte, WE Nybble.

It’s only when you have a clear market with a strong understanding of the problems you’re fixing that you’re ready to target and sell. Your business may have a strong legacy of repeat, loyal customers and it’s likely that your sales have come from nurturing these customers well. However, new innovations will probably need new customers, in new sectors. And this will need a different or fresh set of sales capabilities - beyond what your sales team are comfortable with. Toggleswitch Consulting has delivered

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