
· Substance Abuse/Use Education - Psycho-educational program designed to educate you on the negative effects of the various drugs abused, impact on the brain and the human body, as well as academic, social and familial areas. · Anger Management - SAMHSA Designed for use by participants in group cognitive behavioral therapy sessions on anger management for people with substance abuse problems or mental illness. Summarizes core concepts for each session;

· T hinking Errors and Correctives - designed to describe many common thinking errors present in the criminal/offender/drug abuser/user population. The assignments associated with the thinking errors focuses on developing your reasoning process. You are instructed to complete assignments that focus on how your actions and behaviors have victimized others.

· Relapse Prevention - Relapse Prevention teaches participants to identify early warning signs of relapse and encourages more appropriate alternatives. Relapse Prevention is intended to assist you in gaining insight into your drug use and providing you with the necessary tools to help prevent the return to drug/alcohol use/ abuse. In the group setting, you will learn to recognize warning signs of relapse and to intervene long before drug use resumes. You will identify the specific strengths and weaknesses of your addictive behavior and learn to make better decisions with regard to alcohol and drugs.

includes worksheets and homework assignments.

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