Elevate June 2024 | Air Serbia

Air Serbia inflight magazine


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Reč dobrodošlice

Welcome message

June 2024

Jun 2024.

Dear passengers,

Dragi putnici,

MAGAZIN KOJI ČITATE ZAMISLILI SMO KAO SVOJEVR- SNI VODIČ kroz predivne evropske i svetske destinacije do kojih Er Srbija leti u redovnom, sezonskom i čarter-saobra- ćaju. Trudimo se da vam iz meseca u mesec budemo inspi- racija za putovanja, ujedno pružajući najbitnije informacije o uslugama naše kompanije. Junsko putovanje kroz magazin „Elevejt“ započinjemo u jed- nom od najuzbudljivijih mesta na svetu, u Londonu, do kojeg Er Srbija iz Beograda leti devet puta nedeljno. Nakon samo tri sata leta udobnim avionima naše kompanije stižete do Ujedinjenog Kraljevstva. Sa Aerodroma „Hitrou“ zaputite se pravo u živopisni So- ho, koji je poznat po bogatoj kulturnoj istoriji i dinamičnoj atmosferi. Šetajući kroz njegove uske ulice, otkrijte neo- bične galerije, ekscentrične barove, modne butike i re- storane svih svetskih kuhinja. Bilo da u London idete tu- ristički ili poslovno, nezaobilazne tačke su Bakingemska palata i Katedrala Svetog Pavla. U slučaju da tokom sle- tanja niste videli London iz ptičje perspektive, Londonsko oko vam daje priliku da to popravite. Međutim, sve to je tek deo londonske magije... Na pragu sezone godišnjih odmora verovatno već razmiš- ljate o idealnoj morskoj destinaciji. Nedaleko od Srbije sme- šteni su brojni biseri Jadranske obale. Posetite Dubrovnik i Split i saznajte zašto je baš u tim gradovima snimana „Igra prestola“. Iz Splita ćete brzo i lako stići do ostrva Brač, Hvar i Vis, koja nikoga ne ostavljaju ravnodušnim. Ukoliko plani- rate da odmor provedete u Rijeci ili Puli, ni Italija vam neće biti daleko. Kada sletite u Tivat, Crna Gora vam je na dlanu. Od Boke do Durmitora uživaćete u predivnom okruženju i autentičnom gostoprimstvu domaćina. Ukoliko ste među onima koji su oduvek maštali o venča- nju na moru, verujemo da ste u obzir uzeli i mediteran- ske destinacije. Grčka ostrva i mali italijanski gradovi nu- de rajski ambijent sa tirkiznim vodama, belim peščanim plažama i zlatnim zalascima sunca koji će vaš posebni trenutak učiniti još izuzetnijim. Dobar izbor su i svetske metropole poput Pariza, Rima, Madrida ili Lisabona. Iz- bor je veliki, možda čak i težak, ali koji god da odabere- te, nećete pogrešiti. Er Srbija, kao ponosna naslednica prve avio-kompanije na ovim prostorima Aeroput, 17. juna proslavlja 97 godina tra- dicije. Izuzetno smo ponosni na naše osmo mesto na listi najstarijih avio-kompanija na svetu koje još uvek posluju. Naši najvažniji partneri kroz sve te godine bili su putnici. To- kom letnje sezone letećemo direktno do više od 90 desti- nacija širom sveta. Birajte, planirajte, maštajte, a mi smo tu da podržimo vaše ideje. Neka s nama počinju vaše ne- zaboravne uspomene. Dobro došli na letove Er Srbije!

THE MAGAZINE YOU'RE PRESENTLY READING WAS ENVI- SAGED AS A KIND OF GUIDE to the beautiful European and world destinations offered by Air Serbia in its scheduled, sea- sonal and charter services. We strive to be your travel inspirati- on month after month, while also providing the most important information about our airline’s services. We start our June journey through Elevate inflight magazine in one of the world’s most exciting cities: London, to which Air Ser- bia flies nine times a week from Belgrade. You arrive in the UK after just three hours of flying comfortably aboard our aircraft. Head straight from Heathrow Airport to the vibrant Soho, whi- ch is known for its rich cultural history and dynamic atmosphe- re. Stroll its narrow streets to discover unusual galleries, eccen- tric bars, fashion boutiques and restaurants offering cuisine from around the world. Whather you’re visiting London for, its must- see spots include Buckingham Palace and St. Paul’s Cathedral. In case you missed out on the bird’s eye view of the city during the descent, the London Eye allows you to make up for that. Howe- ver, all of this is just part of the magic of London... With the summer holiday season approaching, you’re probably already thinking about the ideal seaside destination. And nume- rous gems of the Adriatic coast are located close to Serbia. Visit Dubrovnik and Split to discover why these cities were chosen as filming locations for the series Game of Thrones. From Split, you can quickly and easily reach the islands of Brač, Hvar and Vis, all of which leave no one feeling indifferent. If you plan to spend yo- ur summer break in Rijeka or Pula, it’s worth remembering that Italy is also nearby. When you land in Tivat, the whole of Mon- tenegro is at your fingertips. Travelling from the Bay of Kotor to Durmitor mountain will enable you to enjoy the beautiful surro- undings and authentic hospitality of the hosts. If you’re among those who’ve always dreamt of a wedding by the sea, we believe you’ve also considered the Mediterranean de- stinations that could host your nuptials. Greek islands and small Italian towns offer heavenly scenes with turquoise waters, whi- te sand beaches and golden sunsets that will make your spe- cial moment even more exceptional. Good choices also inclu- de world capitals like Paris, Rome, Madrid, or Lisbon. The choice is vast, perhaps even challengingly so, but you can’t go wrong regardless of the choice you make. Air Serbia, as the proud successor of the country’s first national airline, Aeroput, celebrated 97 years of tradition on 17 th June. We are extremely proud that our company ranks eighth on the list of the oldest airlines in the world that are still operating. Throu- ghout all these years, our passengers have been our most im- portant partners. Air Serbia flies directly to over 90 destinations worldwide during the summer season. Choose, plan, dream, and we will be here to support your ideas. Let your unforgetta- ble memories start with us. Welcome aboard with Air Serbia!

Jirži Marek Jiri Marek



Er Srbija » Air Serbia | 7



ER SRBIJA AIR SERBIA 60. Najuspešniji april od


osnivanja Er Srbije / Most successful April since Air Serbia’s establishment Plaćena letnja praksa u okviru Er Srbije / Paid summer internship at Air Serbia

 Za godinu dana više od 40.000 putnika na letovima do Čikaga / Over 40,000 passengers flew to Chicago in a year




Džozef Fajns: U divljini se suočavate sa svim svojim demonima / Joseph Fiennes: all your demons confront you in the wilderness

 Sa nama putuje Anđela Ignjatović Breskvica, pevačica / Travelling with us is Anđela Ignjatović Breskvica, singer


Putujte kao diva: Kako se savršeno stilizovati za džet set destinaciju / Travel like a diva: how to choose the perfect style for a jet-set destination


PUTUJTE PAMETNO SMART TRAVEL 18.  Vodimo vas u London / We’re taking you to London

Tragovima „Bitlsa“ po Londonu / In the footsteps of the Beatles in London Mnogo dobre muzike: Dive pevaju u Beogradu / Good music galore: divas sing in Belgrade Emili Blant: Pravljenje filmova je apsurdno i divno / Emily Blunt: making movies is absurd and wonderful



8 | Sadržaj » Contents

The inflight magazine of Air Serbia

Glavna urednica i direktorka izdavaštva / Editor-in-chief and publishing director Jelena Isaković Izvršna urednica / Executive Editor Jelena Pantović Urednički odbor Er Srbije / Air Serbia Editorial Committee Arsen Rudan Šef tehničke redakcije / Chief of the design and layout team Zoran Stojković Tehnički urednik / Design and layout editor Aleksa Vasović Dizajn i lejaut / Design and layout Milica Vasović, Bojana Stanojević Urednik fotografije / Photo Editor Mladen Šurjanac Fotografije / Photography Đorđe Kojadinović, Mitar Mitrović, Milan Ilić, Nenad Mihajlović, Oliver Bunić Foto-agencije / Photo agencies Profimedia.rs, Depositphotos Lektura / Copy editing Bojana Đurić, Jovana Subotić Prevod na engleski / Translation to English Mark Pullen Lektura za engleski / English Copy Editing Mark Pullen Oglašavanje / Advertising Media Impact Srbija Snežana Stojsavljević, izvršni menadžer prodaje oglasnog prostora / Executive Advertising Manager snezana.stojsavljevic@mediaimpact.rs, elevate@mediaimpact.rs Izdavač / Publisher Ringier Srbija Kosovska 10, 11000 Beograd elevate@ringier.rs

RITAM SRBIJE RHYTHM OF SERBIA 90. Lekovite vode i luksuzni spa: Dobro došli u zemlju banja / Healing waters and luxury wellness: welcome to the land of spas SPORT SPORTS 104. Koliko Džordana fali

RITAM GRADA RHYTHM OF THE CITY 72. Prirodnjački muzej u

Beogradu: U carstvu boja, mirisa i ukusa / Natural History Museum Belgrade: in the kingdom of colours, aromas and flavours


Jokiću do Džabara? / How many Jordans is Jokić lacking to Jabbar?

Recite „da“ savršenoj venčanici / Say “I do” to the perfect wedding dress

Generalni direktor Ringier Srbija / CEO Ringier Serbia Jelena Drakulić Petrović Štampa / Print Rotografika Subotica

Air Serbia inflight magazine

Distribucija / Distribution Besplatno na svim letovima Er Srbije Free of charge on all Air Serbia flights

Materijali objavljeni u ovom izdanju vlasništvo su izdavača ili Er Srbije i ne mogu se reprodukovati bez pisanog odobrenja izdavača. Stavovi izneti u tekstovima su stavovi autora i ne mogu se dovoditi u vezu sa Er Srbijom ili izdavačem. Izdavač i Er Srbija odriču se odgovornost za sadržaj oglasa. All material is copyrighted and all rights are reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in whole or in part without the written permission of the publisher. Opinions expressed are those of the authors and cannot be related to Air Serbia. Air Serbia does not accept responsibility for advertising content. Air Serbia Review - besplatno na svim letovima Er Srbije / Air Serbia Review - free of charge on all Air Serbia flights / CIP - Каталогизација у публикацији Народна библиотека Србије, Београд • 659 • ELEVATE : the inflight magazine of Air Serbia / glavni i odgovorni urednik Jelena Isaković. - 2014 (avg.)- . - Beograd : Ringier Axel Springer Srbija, 2014 - (Subotica : Rotografika). - 27 cm • Mesečno. - Tekst uporedo na srp. i engl. jeziku. - Je nastavak: Air Serbia Review • ISSN 2466-4073 • Elevate (Beograd) • COBISS.SR- ID 222113804 • Copyright 2013 © Air Serbia All rights reserved

FOLLOWING THE BEATLES AROUND LONDON Za Bitlsima po Londonu Hajde da letimo u London / Let’s fly to London Foto/ Photo: Profimedia.rs

Broj / Issue No. 364 Naslovna strana / Cover Profimedia.rs

Contents » Sadržaj | 9

U fokusu

In focus

PRVA GODIŠNJICA RUTE BEOGRAD–ČIKAGO FIRST ANNIVERSARY OF THE BELGRADE-CHICAGO SERVICE ZA GODINU DANA VIŠE OD 40.000 PUTNIKA NA LETOVIMA DO VETROVITOG GRADA / OVER 40,000 PASSENGERS FLEW TO THE WINDY CITY IN A YEAR Er Srbija je 17. maja obeležila godinu dana od uspostavljanja direktne avio- linije između Beograda i Čikaga / Air Serbia marked the first anniversary of the launch of direct flights between Belgrade and Chicago on 17 th May

OVER THE PREVIOUS 365 DAYS, the Serbian national airline has carried more than 40,000 passengers and al- most 750 tons of cargo between the capital of Serbia and the Windy City. During the current summer season, flights along this route will operate three times a week, on Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays. “The establishment of a direct service between Bel- grade and Chicago was a very important step in the deve- lopment and improvement of our company‘s services. Af- ter a hiatus of more than three decades, we were able to delight passengers and enable them to easily reach their loved ones living in the wider Balkan region. The large num- ber of passengers carried speaks volumes about the ne- cessity of the direct aviation route between Belgrade and Chicago. Furthermore, this route has contributed to better cultural and economic exchanges between Serbia and North America. We are confident that demand for these flights will only increase in the years to come, and we wi- ll do everything in our power to meet it adequately,” said Air Serbia VP Americas George Petković.

U PROTEKLIH 365 DANA srpska nacionalna avio-kom- panija je između glavnog grada Srbije i Vetrovitog gra- da prevezla više od 40.000 putnika i skoro 750 tona robe. Tokom aktuelne letnje sezone letovi na toj ruti bi- će obavljani tri puta nedeljno, ponedeljkom, sredom i subotom. – Uspostavljanje direktne avio-linije između Beogra- da i Čikaga predstavljalo je veoma važan korak u razvoju i unapređenju usluga naše kompanije. Nakon pauze duge više od tri decenije bili smo u prilici da obradujemo putni- ke i omogućimo im da lakše stignu do svojih najmilijih ko- ji žive u širem regionu Balkana. Veliki broj prevezenih put- nika govori u prilog tome da je direktna avio-linija između Beograda i Čikaga bila i te kako potrebna. Pored toga, ova linija doprinela je i boljoj kulturno-ekonomskoj razme- ni između Srbije i Severne Amerike. Uvereni smo da će se tražnja za ovim letovima u godinama pred nama samo povećavati, a mi ćemo uraditi sve što je u našoj moći da na nju adekvatno odgovorimo – izjavio je Džordž Petković, regionalni direktor za Severnu i Južnu Ameriku.

10 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia

Na letu

On board

Želela sam da postanem pilotkinja / My wish was to become a pilot ZAŠTO VOLITE AVIONE?


– KAO MALA IMALA SAM VELIKU ŽELJU da postanem pi- lotkinja, tako da je ta ljubav ostala i do danas. Zbog posla imam priliku da svake nedelje letim, i to po ne- koliko puta i svaki put se sve više oduševljavam. I koliko god trajao let, sve vreme gledam kroz prozor. Bez čega ne ulazite u avi- on? – U avion ne ulazim bez sluša- lica, kreme sa zaštitnim faktorom za lice, neke dobre knjige, naočara za sunce, a volim da, kud god da idem, uvek imam i neke grickalice. “AS A LITTLE GIRL, I HAD A GREAT DESIRE to become a pilot, and that love has stayed with me to this day. Thanks to my work, I have opportunities to fly several times every week, and I’m more delight- ed every time. I also spend the entire time looking out of the window, re- gardless of how long the flight lasts.” What don’t you board a plane without? “I don’t board a plane without headphones, protective facial sun- screen, some good books and sun- glasses, while I also like to always have some snacks with me wherev- er I’m going.

Anđela Ignjatović Breskvica, pevačica singer

Ko je Breskvica Rođena je u Beogradu 2001.

Osim što peva, svira klavir i gitaru. Pri- vatno sluša rok muziku. Svoj prvi singl „Utopija“ izdala je pre pet godina, nakon če- ga je usledio niz dueta, pa je popularnost za- pravo stekla u kombinaciji sa Vojažom. Ne- davno je imala veoma zapažen nastup na izboru srpske pesme za „Evro- song“ i jedna je od najpopular- nijih pop pevačica.

WHO IS BRESKVICA Born in Belgrade in 2001, apart from singing, she also plays the piano

and guitar. In private, she listens to rock mu- sic. Her first single, Utopia, was released five years ago and followed by a series of duets, so she actually gained popularity through collabo- rations with Serbian singer Voyage (Mihajlo Ver- uović). Her recent performance in the Serbi-

an Song for Eurovision selection contest was very noteworthy and she is among the country’s most popular pop singers.

Tekst / Words: Ljiljana Perović Fotografije / Photography: Mina Dišljenković

12 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia


POČELO JE ODBROJAVANJE DO PO- ČETKA OLIMPIJSKIH IGRA U PARIZU , koje će se održati od 26. ju- la do 11. avgusta. Ujedno, bližimo se danu kada će „Srpska kuća“, smešte- na u srcu francuske prestonice, ši- rom otvoriti vrata posetiocima. Ovog puta ćemo ih tek odškrinuti kako bi- smo unapred poželeli dobrodošlicu na mesto susreta prošlosti, sadašnjo- sti i budućnosti Srbije. PAVILJON JE ZAMIŠLJEN KAO OAZA SRPSKE KULTURE , umet- nosti i gostoprimstva, u okviru kog će posetioci moći da otkriju bogat- stvo srpske baštine i raznolikost nje- nog nasleđa. Pod jednim krovom biće objedinjeno najbolje čime se može- mo pohvaliti pred svetom: sportska istorija Srbije, rezultati i medalje naših olimpijaca, tradicija i gastronomija, kao i dostignuća u nauci, primena sa- vremenih tehnologija, EXPO 2027. KREATIVNI KONCEPT I REALIZACIJU POTPISUJU MULTIMEDIJALNI UMET- NIK DR DUŠAN JOVOVIĆ i struč- ni tim iz Srbije sa bogatim iskustvom. Zahvaljujući inovativnom tehničkom pristupu, pošlo im je za rukom da na jedinstven način spoje tradicionalne i savremene elemente srpske kulture i istoriju olimpijskog sporta, pa će po- setioci u potpunosti moći da urone u svet srpske baštine. ZANIMLJIVOST VREDNA PAŽNJE , ALI I HVALE, OGLEDA SE U ČINJENI- CI DA SE PAVILJON GRADI U SRBIJI . Kada posao bude uspešno priveden

kraju, „Srpska kuća“ će biti preneta u Pariz. Delovi će se demontirati i tran- sportovati u Pariz, gde će paviljon po- novo biti sklopljen u prostoru eminen- tnog starog pozorišta „La Villette“, uz dodatno prilagođavanje prostora ka- ko bi se savršeno uklopio u okolinu. To uključuje promene u osvetljenju, po- stavci instalacija i drugim elementima kako bi se stvorila harmonija između paviljona i okolnog prostora. CEO PROCES, OD POČETKA DO KRAJA, ODVIJA SE POD NADZO- ROM KREATIVNOG TIMA IZ BE- OGRADA . Precizno su predviđe- ni i razrađeni svi tehnički i građevinski elementi i obezbeđen je siguran tran- sport kako bi delovi stigli neoštećeni i spremni da se paviljon montira tačno kako je i projektovan. NAKON MONTAŽE TIM ĆE IZVESTI ZAVRŠNE PRIPREME I TESTIRANJA kako bi se osiguralo da sve funkcioni- še kako treba, samim tim i da „Srpska kuća“ pruži nezaboravno iskustvo. Kroz multimedijalne prezentacije po- setioci će moći da istraže različite te- me. Po prvi put će biti prikazan doku- mentarni materijal koji priprema Arhiv Jugoslavije, a koji čine dokumenti na- ših nastupa na Olimpijskim igrama. OTVARANJE „SRPSKE KUĆE“ U PA- RIZU BIĆE PRAĆENO RAZLIČITIM DOGAĐAJIMA , izložbama i perfor- mansima koji, u već sada u raspisa- nom konceptu, izazivaju pažnju i inte- resovanje posetilaca.

„SRPSKA KUĆA“ je osmišljena kao mesto gde se može osetiti miris, zvuk, pokret, pa i gastronomija Srbi- je. Posetioci će imati priliku da, dok prolaze centralnom dvoranom, pra- te interaktivne putokaze i sami done- su zaključak na osnovu kojih uspeha smo pisali istoriju učešća na Olimpij- skim igrama. Jedna od ideja je da kroz različite tehničke algoritme, pokret i boja Nadežde Petrović ožive zidove paviljona, a pred svetsku javnost još jednom ćemo dovesti Teslu, Milanko- vića i druge velikane. Jedan deo pavi- ljona prepušten je kuvarima koji će u realnom vremenu spremati specijali- tete srpske kuhinje. OVAJ PROCES ZAHTEVA SPRE- GU TIMSKOG RADA , STRUČNOSTI I PLANIRANJA , ali rezultat – prenos „Srpske kuće“ iz Srbije u Pariz – mo- gao bi biti neverovatno inspirativan i značajan za promociju srpske kulture i umetnosti u svetu.

14 | Olimpijada » Oliympics


ulously anticipated and developed, en- suring components will be transport- ed securely and will arrive undamaged and ready for pavilion assembly exact- ly as designed. FOLLOWING ASSEMBLY, THE TEAM WILL CONDUCT FINAL PREPARATIONS AND TESTING to ensure that everything functions seamlessly, thereby guar- anteeing that the “Serbian House” de- livers an unforgettable experience. Through multimedia presentations, visi- tors will have an opportunity to delve in- to various topics. Documentary mate- rial prepared by the Yugoslav Archives, comprising records of our previous Olympic performances, will also be showcased for the first time. THE INAUGURATION OF THE “SERBIAN HOUSE” IN PARIS WILL BE ACCOMPA- NIED BY A DIVERSE ARRAY OF CULTUR- AL EVENTS, exhibitions, and perfor- mances. Even at this preliminary stage, the outlined concept is already captur- ing the attention and interest of visitors. THE “SERBIAN HOUSE” has been con- ceived as a place where one can ex- perience the aromas, sounds, move- ments, and even the gastronomy of this region. Visitors will have an oppor- tunity to traverse the central hall, fol- lowing interactive signposts, and to draw their own conclusions regard- ing the milestones that have marked the history of our participation in the Olympic Games. One idea entails an- imating the walls of the pavilion with the movement and colour of Nadežda Petrović, through various technical al- gorithms, while once again presenting the likes of Tesla, Milanković and oth- er luminaries to the global audience. Part of the pavilion is to be entrusted to chefs who will prepare authentic Ser- bian delicacies in real-time. THIS PROCESS DEMANDS EXTEN- SIVE TEAMWORK, EXPERTISE AND METICULOUS PLANNING, but the out- come—in terms of the relocating of the “Serbian House” from Serbia to Paris—has the potential to be incredi- bly inspiring and significant for the pro- motion of Serbian culture and artistry on the global stage.

THE COUNTDOWN TO THE START OF THE PARIS OLYMPICS HAS COM- MENCED, with the Games scheduled to take place from 26 th July to 11 th August. At the same time, we are also approaching the day when the “Serbian House”, nes- tled at the heart of the French capital, will open its doors wide to visitors. On this occasion, we’ll just open them a crack in order to extend a pre-emptive wel- come to the nexus of Serbia’s past, pres- ent and future. THE PAVILION IS ENVISAGED AS A HA- VEN OF SERBIAN CULTURE, ARTIST- RY AND HOSPITALITY, where visitors can uncover the richness of Serbian herit- age and the diversity of its legacy. Under one roof, the finest aspects of our nation will be united to showcase to the world: Serbia’s sporting history, the achieve- ments and medals of our Olympians, tra- dition and gastronomy, alongside ad- vancements in science, the application of modern technologies, and prospects for EXPO 2027. THE CREATIVE CONCEPT AND IMPLE- MENTATION CARRY THE SIGNATURE OF MULTIMEDIA ARTIST DR DUŠAN JOVOVIĆ and a team vastly experienced

per experts from Serbia. Thanks to their innovative technical approach, they have successfully intertwined traditional and contemporary elements of Serbian cul- ture and the history of Olympic sport in a unique manner. Visitors will have an op- portunity to fully immerse themselves in the realm of Serbian heritage. A NOTEWORTHY AND COMMENDABLE ASPECT LIES IN THE FACT THAT THE PA- VILION IS BEING CONSTRUCTED IN OUR HOMELAND. Once the project reach- es its successful completion, the “Ser- bian House” will be transported to Paris. The components will be dismantled and transported to the French capital, where the pavilion will be reassembled within the esteemed space of the historic La Vil- lette theatre, with additional adaptations to seamlessly blend into the surround- ings. This entails adjustments to light- ing, installation placement and other el- ements to create harmony between the pavilion and its surroundings. IT GOES WITHOUT SAYING THAT THE ENTIRE PROCESS IS UNDER THE SU- PERVISION OF THE CREATIVE TEAM FROM BELGRADE. Every technical and constructional aspect has been metic-

Oliympics » Olimpijada | 15

twice a week



18 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia



me scan


What to do in London in June

Šta sve u junu možete u Londonu

U vibrantnoj prestonici Ujedinjenog Kraljevstva uvek možete da vidite toliko toga da je teško na - praviti izbor. Ali kad govorimo o junu u Londonu, to praktično znači da su bašte pabova otvorene i pu - ne, gradski parkovi procvetali, sezona pozorišta na otvorenom u punom jeku, a „al fresco“ obroci na programu nekih od najboljih londonskih restorana. Osim toga, očekujte da ć ete videti duge redove u jugozapadnom Londonu dok se ljubitelji tenisa po- strojavaju da bi dobili mesto na Vimbldonu. Jun u Londonu takođe znači da je vreme za festivale, pa sve to lepo označite u svom kalendaru, kupite kar - tu Er Srbije, koja za London leti svaki dan, i pripre- mite se da budete oduševljeni!

The UK’s vibrant capital always offers so much to see that it’s difficult to choose. However, when it comes to London in June, in practical terms it me - ans that the beer gardens are open and packed, the city’s parks are in full bloom, the open-air the - atre season is in full swing and alfresco dining is on offer at some of the city’s best restaurants. Apart from all that, you can also expect to see long queues in southwest London, as tennis fans queue to secure a seat at Wimbledon. June also means it’s festival time in London, so be sure to mark all the dates in your calendar, buy a ticket with Air Ser - bia, which flies to London every day, and prepare to be delighted!

Air Serbia » Er Srbija | 19

Meltdaun festival Saut koust, 14–23. jun Pridruživši se dugačkoj listi legendarnih imena koja uključuje Dejvida Bouvija, Joko Ono, Peti Smit, Grejs Džons i Dejvida Birna, Čaka Kan nastupa na fantastičnom godišnjem „Meltdaun“ festivalu u „Southbank Centre“. Ona obeležava ogromnih 50 godina karijere, 100 miliona prodatih ploča, deset Gremija, nezaboravne hitove, ali tu su i Inkognito (19. jun) i Morčiba (22. jun). Oni su samo kap u tom muzičkom moru, a dobar provod je zagarantovan. Ptice: briljantne i bizarne Južni Kensington, do 5. januara 2025. Velika izložba Prirodnjačkog muzeja za 2024. nova je proslava naših prijatelja ptica. Kao što nesumnjivo možete da shvatite iz naslova, „Ptice: briljantne i bizarne“ fokusira se na neobičniji deo spektra letačica, od ptica koje zaista čudno izgledaju do istraživanja veze između golubova i ti-reksa. Ili recimo, izazova da onjušite smrdljivo jaje morske ptice. Ovakve velike privremene izložbe Prirodnjačkog muzeja su obično vrhunske, interaktivne i veoma zabavne.

Vest End uživo Trafalgar skver, 22–23. jun Ljubitelji muzičkog pozorišta, pripremite se za ples na otvorenom i pevajte uz neke od najveć ih zvezda jer je Vest End ponovo lajv! Vreme je da jedan od najskupljih oblika kulture u Londonu postane najjeftiniji način zabave. Svake godine glumci nekih od najboljih londonskih mjuzikala sa Vest Enda izlaze tokom vikenda besplatnih predstava na Trafalgar skver, pa gledajte da to ne propustite. Lambet šou Hern hil, 8–9. jun Lambet šou se vratio i u park Brokvel ove godine opet doneo seoske aktivnosti. Tokom njegove istorije razvile su se određene tradicije, kao što je druženje sa alpakama ili gledanje učesnika u takmičenju pravljenja skulptura od povrć a. Obratite pažnju na striganje ovaca, izložbe ovčarskih pasa i sova, mini- farmu na licu mesta i još mnogo, mnogo toga. A da, živa muzika ć e se tokom vikenda čuti sa dve bine.

Na Vest Endu ima ukupno 39 pozorišta, a Druri Lejn, otvoreno 1663, najstarije je u Londonu There are a total of 39 theatres in the West End, and Drury Lane, opened in 1663, is the oldest in London

20 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia

West End LIVE Trafalgar Square, 22 nd - 23 rd June Fans of musical theatre

see the pun-derful entrants in the vegetable sculpture competition. Look out for sheep-shearing, sheepdog and owl displays, an on-site mini farm and plenty more. There will also be live music from two stages over the weekend. Meltdown Festival South Bank, 14 th - 23 rd June Joining a long list of legendary names that includes David Bowie, Yoko Ono, Patti Smith, Grace Jones and David Byrne, Chaka Khan is this year taking on curation duties for the Southbank Centre’s fabulous annual Meltdown Festival. Expect a celebration of all things Chaka, as it marks a whopping 50 years of her career as a musician. Over that time, she’s sold 100 million records, won ten Grammys and released absolute hits. Performers will include Incognito (19 th June) and Morcheeba (22 nd June), among many others, so lots of fun and good times are guaranteed.

should get ready for outdoor dancing and sing-a-longs with some of the biggest stars of the West End: West End LIVE is back! This initiative transforms some of the most expensive forms of entertainment in London into the cheapest fun available. Each year sees the casts of some of London’s top West End musicals turn out for a weekend of free alfresco performances in Trafalgar Square. Don’t miss out on this unique opportunity! The Lambeth Country Show Herne Hill, 8 th - 9 th June The Lambeth Country Show is returning and, this year’s show will bring countryside pursuits to Brockwell Park again. Certain traditions have developed over the course of the show’s history, like getting a glimpse of alpacas or joining the long queue to

Birds: Brilliant & Bizarre South Kensington, until 5 th January 2025

London’s Natural History Museum’s major exhibition for 2024 is a massive new celebration of our avian pals. As you can doubtless glean from the title, this exhibition focuses on the weirder end of the feathered spectrum, from actually strange-looking birds to exploring things like the links between pigeons and T-rex, or daring you to sniff a stinky seabird egg. The NHM’s big temporary exhibitions are typically cutting-edge, interactive and great fun.

Air Serbia » Er Srbija | 21

Sundance Film Festival Piccadilly Circus, 6 th - 9 th June The renowned Sundance Film Festival is returning to London to give UK film buffs the chance to view more thought-provoking, emotion-stirring films. Opening the 2024 edition will be Kneecap, the first-ever Irish language film to premiere at Sundance, which tells the story of a rising Belfast rap group and their mission to save their native language. Closing night will boast the UK premiere of Oscar-nominated director Sean Wang’s film Dìdi. Open Gardens London Square, 8 th - 9 th June London is a famously green city – with nearly half of its huge territory occupied by parks, heaths and other open spaces. However, a lot of that open space consists of private squares and gardens, most of which we never get to see. London Square Open Gardens Weekend is here to address that, by prising the keys out of the capital’s secretive gatekeepers to unlock more than a hundred secret green spaces.

Filmski festival Sandens

Letnja pijaca Saut benk, do 6. oktobra Na „Between The Bridges“ svake nedelje ovog leta možete posetiti eklektičnu letnju pijacu „Saut benk“ sa preko 60 trgovaca. Tu ćete pronać i široku paletu sitnica koje možete poneti kuć i, od umetnina, nakita, mode, dečjih proizvoda i još mnogo toga, a sve su kreirali nezavisni dizajneri glavnog grada. Ako želite da se okušate u pravljenju nečega, na licu mesta ć ete moći da učestvujete u besplatnim radionicama. Hrana i pić e, sportske projekcije i di-džej setovi ć e biti sjajne pauze u šopingu.

Pikadilli cirkus, 6–9. jun Čuveni filmski festival „Sandens“ vrać a se u London kako bi ljubiteljima filma pružio priliku da pogledaju ostvarenja koja teraju na razmišljanje i izazivaju emocije. Festival ć e otvoriti „Kneecap“, prvi film na irskom jeziku koji je premijerno prikazan na „Sandensu“, a priča o rastuć oj rep grupi iz Belfasta i njihovoj misiji da spasu svoj maternji jezik. Završno veče može da se pohvali britanskom premijerom filma „Didi (dì dì)“, reditelja Šona Vanga, nominovanog za Oskara. Otvoreni vrtovi London skver, 8–9. jun London je čuveni zeleni grad – skoro polovina njegovih brojnih kvadratnih kilometara su parkovi i drugi otvoreni prostori. Međutim, veliki deo tog prostranstva čine privatni trgovi i vrtovi, od kojih već inu nikada ne vidimo. Pa ipak, ovog vikenda u junu čuvari vrata otvoriće više od stotinu tajnih zelenih površina.

22 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia

The Dreams by Dukley Trendy clubhouse on the Adriatic Coast

can become your personal piece of heaven. All apartments come with an underground parking space and a storage room. As one of the pioneers in premium real estate development in Montenegro, the name Dukley has become synonymous with quality . We take pride in over 10 years of experience in managing well- serviced properties that generate stable income. With Dukley, you can leave your worries behind.

area is filled with dozens of excellent restaurants, fashionable boutiques, international educational institutions, and world-class sports and entertainment centers. The diverse and welcoming environment creates a cosmopolitan atmosphere. The Dreams by Dukley is a project by one of the most trusted developers and hospitality companies in Montenegro. Dukley creates luxury residences in the best locations that can be turned into profitable assets with up to a 10% annual return on investment , or that

The complex accommodates 43 exclusive apartments in three separate sections, ensuring maximum personal space for each resident and the atmosphere of a closed club community. The 24/7 concierge service, which caters to every possible need, and the rooftop infinity pool ensure that residents experience unparalleled luxury and convenience. As part of the most impressive coastal infrastructure, The Dreams by Dukley offers a wide range of diverse leisure activities. The surrounding

Tivat, Montenegro


Letnja izložba Pikadili, od 18. juna do 18. avgusta Obavezno izdvojite vreme za 256. izdanje Letnje izložbe umetnika. To je najstarija svetska izložba otvorenih prijava, što znači da svako može da preda svoj rad. Ove godine radove će pregledati

Summer Market South Bank, until 6 th October You can visit the eclectic South Bank Summer Market at the Between the Bridges open air venue every Sunday this summer. With over 60 market traders, you’ll find a wide variety of bits and bobs to take home – from art, jewellery, fashion, kids’ products and more, all created by independent designers from across the capital. If you want to try your hand at making something, there’ll also be free workshops. Food and drink, live screenings of sporting events and DJ sets will keep you occupied between shopping. Summer Exhibition Piccadilly, 18 th June - 18 th August The annual Summer Exhibition returns for its 256 th edition. This is the world’s oldest open submission exhibition (meaning anyone can enter their work to be considered for inclusion) Curating the works for this year’s edition is sculptor Ann Christopher. Taste of London Regent’s Park, 13 th - 15 th June Munch your way through dishes from the great and the good of London’s restaurant scene at this sprawling culinary festival. Set in the picturesque surroundings of Regent’s Park, you can choose from the Korean rabata (barbecue) of restaurant Roka, South American fusion or Big Mamma’s quintet of maximalist Italian joints. If you’re not in a food coma by the end, there’ll also be kitchen masterclasses, chef talks and tastings.

vajarka En Kristofer. Ukus Londona Ridžent park, 13–15. jun Na ovom velikom kulinarskom festivalu uživajte u jelima iz

fantastične restoranske scene glavnog grada. U živopisnom okruženju Ridžent parka u centralnom Londonu možete da jedete korejski rabat (roštilj) restorana „Roka“, južnoameričku fuziju, „Big Mamma’s“ kvintet maksimalističkih italijanskih zalogaja... Ako do kraja dana ne padnete od količine hrane, na raspolaganju su majstorski časovi u kuhinji, razgovori sa kuvarima i degustacije.

24 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia

Intervju Interview

U projektu poput ovog nema glume i ne postoji nijedna akademija koja vas može pripremiti na slično iskustvo There’s no acting in this kind of project and no academy exists that can prepare you for such an experience

DŽOZEF FAJNS, GLUMAC U divljini se suočavate sa svim svojim demonima Delio sam epski trenutak sa živim herojem, sa svojim rođakom Ranulfom proživeo jedan deo svetske istorije. Teško je sve to pretočiti u reči, previše je emocija u svakom kadru serijala koji ćete videti U nedelju 9. juna na kanalu „National Geographic“ biće emitovan dvodel- ni dokumentarni serijal „Fajnsov po- vratak u divljinu“ u kom će iskustvo i talenat spojiti dva istaknuta člana porodice Fajns. Prema Ginisovoj knjizi rekorda, Ranulf Fajns je najpoznatiji živi istraživač na svetu i prvi čovek koji je prepešačio Severni i Južni pol. Takođe je i najstariji Britanac koji se popeo na Mont Everest, ostvarivši ovaj podvig 2009. u 65. godini. Ovom In- dijani Džounsu od krvi i mesa u ponovnom proživ- ljavanju avanture iz 1971, kada se otisnuo u osvaja- nje kanadske divljine, pridružuje se njegov rođak, glumačka zvezda Džozef Fajns, nominovan za na- grade „Emi“ i „BAFTA“, a nama je najpoznatiji po ulogama u holivudskom blokbasteru „Zaljubljeni Šekspir“ i TV hitu „Sluškinjina priča“. U eksklu- zivnom intervjuu za „Elevejt“ Fajns nam otkriva šta je bilo presudno da pođe na, kako je to ocenio, ovo važno životno putovanje sa svojim rođakom i šta je otkrio o sebi u divljini Severne Amerike. – Ovo nije moja prva avantura sa ser Ranu- lfom. Pre pet godina proživeo sam njegovu prvu veliku misiju, onu u kojoj je 1969. osvajao egipat- sku pustinju, spuštao se niz Nil i otkrivao tajne pi- ramida. Bilo je to putovanje koje se ne zaboravlja i koje mi je donelo mnoge izazove. Jedan od naj- većih svakako je bio da upoznam čoveka, mog bli- skog rođaka, o kom mi je otac tokom celog detinj- stva pričao sa velikim divljenjem. Ponosan sam na to što su bajke koje sam slušao tokom odrastanja bile malo drugačije od onih koje su roditelji čitali

drugoj deci – poručuje nam Džozef Fajns na početku intervjua, dodajući da je svog slavnog strica upoznao tek pre 20 godina. Kakav je osećaj bio podeliti njegovo život- no iskustvo? – On je čovek koji živi sve svoje avanture. To je nje- gov način života. Zbog toga dugo nije obraćao pažnju na neke stvari koje se nama ostalima čine normalnim i svakodnevnim. Najveći deo svog života proveo je u divljini, a čak i kada nije bio na terenu, to vreme pro- vodio je u osmišljavanju novih misija. Za mene je bi- la velika čast, ali i inspiracija što mi je dopustio da po- stanem deo njegovog sveta, pogotovo ako se u obzir uzme to da do pre dvadesetak godina njega ništa dru- go osim istraživanja nije zanimalo. Verovali ili ne, on čak nije ni znao ko su mu rođaci. Osim najbliže poro- dice, nije imao drugih interesovanja niti namera da bi-

Tekst / Words: Nikola Dražović Fotografije / Photography: Profimedia.rs

26 | Intrevju » Interview

Džozef Fajns je engleski glumac poznat po svojoj svestranosti i ulogama likova iz britanske istorije. Takođe je brat glumca Rejfa Fajnsa, koji je dobio srpsko državljanstvo

Joseph Fiennes is an English actor who’s renowned for his versatility and for portraying roles from British history. He is also the brother of actor Ralph Fiennes, who has been granted Serbian citizenship

JOSEPH FIENNES, ACTOR All your demons confront you in the wilderness I shared an epic moment with a living hero and relived part of world history with my cousin, Ranulph. It’s tough to put everything into words, every frame in the series contains too many emotions, as you will see

lo koga upozna. To što sada pred kamerama delim ono što je proživeo tokom svog bogatog života doživljavam kao veliki blagoslov. U serijalu nije reč samo o avanturi i snala- ženju u prirodi? – Da, takvih projekata je mnogo i, kada bismo se fokusirali samo na to, ne verujem da bismo ostavi- li neki poseban pečat. Važan deo ovog serijala je za- pravo ta intimna ispovest, odnosno trenutak povezi- vanja ser Ranulfa i mene, koji u stvari daje posebnu notu ovom dokumentarcu. Kada ste sami u divljini, sa čovekom koji vam je tokom većeg dela života bio predstavljan kao živa legenda, ali i koji je za većinu sveta bio gotovo nedodirljiv, stvara se osećaj magi- je koji je teško opisati. Vidite ga tu pred sobom ka- ko je na isti način kao i vi izložen svim opasnostima i rizicima, a istovremeno sa njim proživljavate jedan deo svetske istorije... Šta je veći izazov? Biti glumac ili proživeti jednu ovakvu avanturu? – U projektu poput ovog nema glume i ne postoji nijedna akademija koja vas može pripremiti na slično iskustvo. Suština ovakve avanture je što se u divljini, kao čovek od krvi i mesa, suočavate sa svim svojim unutrašnjim demonima. Samoća je veoma čudna i nez- godna stvar, jer vam postavlja pitanja pred kojima ne možete da se sakrijete. Ne možete da im pobegnete. A nemate ni razlog da odglumite nekog drugog sebe jer ste jedina publika. Sa te strane, ovo iskustvo bilo je važno životno putovanje za mene. Takođe, imao sam priliku da doživim i Ranulfa kao običnog čove- ka suočenog sa istim izazovima koje sam imao i ja, a ne kroz prizmu junaka iz priča mog oca. Ovo je emo- tivna priča o povezivanju dva muškarca u divljini, dva rođaka, ali i dva čoveka od kojih je jedan suočen sa verovatno najvećim strahom u svom životu. Ser Ra- nulf je prvi put otvoreno pričao o Parkinsonovoj bo- lesti sa kojom se bori tokom poslednjih godina i pro- blemima koje mu ona zadaje. Postoji li nešto što vas je iznenadilo kod va- šeg rođaka, a što dosad niste znali? – Mnogo toga, ali najviše me je iznenadila njego- va strast prema čokoladi. (smeh) Ranulf je veliki ljubi- telj čokolade i malo ko zna da sa njim u svaku avanturu kreću i kilogrami čokolade. Sećam se da sam kao mali, kada mi je otac pričao o njemu, potražio neku njego- vu sliku i našao sam onu čuvenu sa Severnog pola sa kapuljačom na glavi i pesnicama stisnutim u visini li- ca. Celog života sam mislio da on na toj slici greje ru- ke, a sada kada malo bolje pogledate tu sliku, shvatiće- te da on u rukama drži čokoladu. To je najveće otkriće koje mi je donelo moje druženje sa Ranulfom. Neve- rovatno je kako sitnica može da izmeni celu stvarnost u kojoj ste živeli decenijama. Zamislite, čovek na svo- joj najpoznatijoj fotografiji jede čokoladu, a ceo svet je verovao da duva u ruke kako bi ih ugrejao.

Ranulf je veliki ljubitelj čokolade i malo ko zna da sa njim u svaku avanturu kreću i kilogrami tog slatkiša Ranulph is a big chocolate lover and few people know that he takes kilos of this sweet treat on every adventure

T he two-part documentary series Fiennes Re- turn to the Wild will be aired on the Nation- al Geographic channel on Sunday 9 th June and will combine the experiences and tal- ents of two prominent members of the Fi- ennes family. According to the Guinness Book of World Records, Ranulph Fiennes is the world’s greatest living explor- er, as well as being the first man to circumnavigate the globe from pole to pole by surface means. He is also the oldest Brit to have climbed Everest, a feat he achieved in 2009 at the age of 65. Joining this real-world Indiana

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Jones in reliving his 1971 expedition to conquer the Canadian wilderness is his cousin, Emmy- and BAFTA-nomi- nated star actor Joseph Fiennes, who is best known to us for his roles in Hollywood blockbuster Shakespeare in Love and hit TV show The Hand- maid’s Tale. Speaking in this exclusive interview for Elevate, Fiennes reveals what proved decisive in him opting to embark on what he himself assess- es as being an important life journey with his cousin, but also what he dis- covered about himself in the North American wilderness.

- This isn’t my first adventure with Sir Ranulph. Five years ago, I relived his first great expedition, the one in 1969 that saw him conquer the Egyptian desert, journey down the Nile and discover the secrets of the pyramids. It was an unforgettable journey that brought many chal- lenges my way. One of the greatest was certainly getting acquainted with a man, my close relative, about whom my father had spoken with great admiration through- out my childhood. I’m proud that the fairytales I listened to growing up were a bit different to those that parents read to other children – says Joseph Fiennes at the be- ginning of this interview, adding that he only met his famous uncle for the first time 20 years ago. What did it feel like to share his life experi- ence? - He is a man who lives all of his adventures. That’s his way of life. That’s why he dismissed and disregarded some things that seem normal and routine to the rest of us. He has spent most of his life in the wilderness, and when he hasn’t been in the field, he’s used that time to come up with new expeditions. It was a great honour for me, but also an inspiration, that he allowed me to be- come part of his world, particularly considering that, un- til about 20 years ago, exploration was all that interest- ed him. Believe it or not, but he didn’t even know who his relatives were. Apart from his immediate family, he had no interest in others and no intention to meet any- one. The fact that I’m now in front of a camera sharing what he’s lived through during his rich life is something I see as a great blessing. The series isn’t just about adventures and han- dling the wilderness? - Yes, there are a lot of those kinds of projects and I don’t believe we would leave a special impression if we focused solely on that. An important aspect of this se- ries is actually that intimate confession, or that element of connection between me and Sir Ranulph, which actu- ally gives this documentary a special touch. When you are alone in the wilderness, with a man who has been presented to you throughout most of your life as a living legend, but who was all but untouchable to most of the world, a sense of magic is created that’s difficult to de- scribe. You see him right there in front of you, exposed to

all the same dangers and risks as you, while at the same time you are reliving part of world history with him... What is the bigger challenge: being an actor or enduring an adventure like this? - There’s no acting in this kind of project and no academy exists that can prepare you for such an expe- rience. The essence of this kind of adventure is that in the wilderness, as a human laid bare, you are confronted by all your inner demons. Solitude is a very strange and awkward thing, because it poses questions from which you cannot hide. You can’t escape them. And you don’t even have a reason to pretend to be some other version of yourself, because you are the only audience. From that perspective, this experience was an important life journey for me. I also had the opportunity to experience Ranulph as an ordinary man confronted by the same challenges that I was facing, and not through the prism of the hero of my father’s stories. This is an emotion- al story about two men connecting in the wilderness, two cousins, but also two men, one of whom is proba- bly facing the greatest fear in his life. Sir Ranulph spoke openly, for the first time, about the Parkinson’s disease that he’s been struggling with over recent years and the problems it causes him. Was there anything that surprised you about your cousin that you didn’t know previously? - There were many things, but what surprised me the most was his passion for chocolate (laughs). Ranulph is a big chocolate lover and few people know that he takes kilos of chocolate with him on every adventure. I re- member as a child, when my father told me about him, looking for some picture of him and finding the famous one from the North Pole in which we see him wearing a hood and with his fists clenched in front of his face. I’d always thought that he was warming up his hands in that picture, but when you look a little closer at that pic- ture now, you’ll realise that he’s actually holding choc- olate. That was the biggest revelation I got from hang- ing out with Ranulph. It’s unbelievable how such a little thing can change the entire reality you’ve been living in for decades. Imagine, in his most famous photo, the man is eating chocolate, while the whole world believed that he was blowing on his hands to warm them up.

28 | Intrevju » Interview

Trending U


Srbija je zemlja u kojoj kultura nikad ne spava. Događaja iz svih oblasti umetnosti je previše da bi bili nabrojani, mi smo izdvojili samo neke, a vi uživajte otkrivajući Srbiju i njenu bogatu kulturu / Serbia is a country where culture never sleeps. There are too many events in all fields of art to list them all, so here we’ve singled out just a few, and it’s up to you to enjoy discovering Serbia and its rich culture Šta je novo u junu What’s new in June

30 | U trendingu » Trending


IZLOŽBA / EXHIBITION „Trajan odmor“ Marka Požlepa Mark Požlep’s Permanent Vacation Multimedijalni umetnik Mark Požlep još jednom se predstavlja u Galeriji „Hestia“ sa projektom vezanim za temu mora. Ovo- ga puta selimo se ne samo geografski već i emocionalno – na jadransku obalu. Jadranska magistrala, hiljadu kilometara le- gendarnog puta od Trsta do Ade Bojane, oživljena je u ovom projektu kroz skoro stotinu crteža ugljenom i kroz video-per- formans. Tačnije, crteže ugljenom ne čine samo klasični crte- ži već i tekstovi koji poput nemog pripovedača posetioce vo- de na put drumom čija je izgradnja počela 1945. godine, što označava početke ekonomskog razvoja primorskog dela biv- še Jugoslavije, a posledično i početke obalnog turizma. Otva- ranje je zakazano za 5. jun, što je idealan trenutak da se pose- tioci upoznaju sa činjenicama o Jadranskoj magistrali i njenim lepotama, te da se tokom predstojećeg letnjeg raspusta za- pute u smeru juga. „Za ovaj projekat sam se odlučio jer plo- vim po Jadranu još od svoje četvrte godine i koje god more da sam video na svojim putovanjima, za mene i dalje postoji sa- mo jedno, Jadransko more“, kaže umetnik.

Multimedia artist Mark Požlep is once again presenting him- self at Belgrade’s Hestia Art Residency & Exhibitions Bureau with a sea-themed project. This time around we’re not on- ly moving closer to the Adriatic coast geographically, but al- so emotionally. This project brings to life the Adriatic high- way, the thousand kilometres of legendary roadway snaking from Trieste to Ada Bojana, through almost a hundred char- coal drawings and a video performance. More precise- ly, the charcoal drawings aren’t merely classical sketches, but rather also testimonies which, like some silent narrator, lead visitors on a journey along this road that began being constructed in 1945 and marked the start of the econom- ic development of the coastal regions of the former Yugosla- via, and consequently also the beginnings of seaside tour- ism. The exhibition is scheduled to open on 5 th June, which is the ideal time for visitors to familiarise themselves with facts about the Adriatic Highway and its beauty before heading south during the upcoming summer holiday season. “I opted for this project because I’ve been sailing around the Adriat- ic since I was four years old, and of all the seas I’ve encoun- tered on my travels, there is still only one that exists for me, the Adriatic Sea,” says this artist.

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