Elevate June 2024 | Air Serbia



Cruising the Rhine It’s always a special experience to take a cruise through cities that are traversed by navigable rivers. Here the voyage lasts around two hours and takes in almost the en- tire city. If you decide to set sail in the late afternoon or evening hours, you will easily spot the riverside lo- cations gearing up for an evening of entertainment from the ship’s deck. If you’re a fan of lounge music, opt for a river cruise with a DJ, prefera- bly at twilight. Joseph Beuys Everyone is an artist – credit for this statement belongs to Josef Beuys, considered by many as the most influential German visual art- ist. From the 1960s until his 1986 death, Beuys was ubiquitous in Düs- seldorf: as a professor at the fine art academy; as an artist who took to the streets and shocked, activated and en- gaged; as a guest of bars. Exceptional- ly multifaceted, Beuys lived the lives of a medical student, a World War II Luftwaffe machine gunner (he sur- vived a crash), an artist, an activist and a social theorist. He even made it to Belgrade, visiting the famous SKC in 1974. You will come across Beuys’ Düsseldorf installations, or remind- ers of this artist, whether you tour the city on foot or join an organised Beuys & Bike cycle tour. MedienHafen This modern business district has emerged on the site of an abandoned Rhine harbour and is occupied by pro- fessionals engaged in the industries for which Düsseldorf represents the centre of Germany: media, commu- nications, fashion, architecture, de- sign and the art business. The Me- dia Harbour concept was conceived in an effort to partially preserve the cultural assets of the harbour’s indus- trial heritage, while entrusting the new architecture to renowned Ger- man and foreign architects, such as Steven Holl or Frank Gehry. This dis- trict is also popular among foodies, with its many restaurants offering various world cuisines, as well as for post-work socialising and nightlife.

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Plovidba Rajnom Plovidba rekom uvek je pose- ban doživljaj. Za vožnju vam je po- trebno oko dva sata i sagledaćete skoro čitav grad. Ukoliko se odlu- čite za plovidbu predveče ili uve- če, sa palube ćete lako uočiti ko- je se lokacije na obali zagrevaju za večernji provod. Ukoliko volite la- undž muziku, odaberite rečnu tu- ru na brodu sa di-džejem, najbolje u smiraj dana. Jozef Bojs „Svako je umetnik“ – ovu izja- vu dugujemo Jozefu Bojsu, ko- ga mnogi smatraju najuticajnijim nemačkim vizuelnim umetnikom. Od 1960-ih do svoje smrti 1986, Bojs je sveprisutan u Diseldorfu – kao profesor na likovnoj akade- miji, kao umetnik akcije koja se odigrava na ulici i šokira, aktivi- ra, angažuje, kao gost u barovima. Izvanredno svestran, Bojs je pro- živeo živote studenta medicine, mitraljesca nemačkog vazduho- plovstva u II svetskom ratu (pre- živeo pad aviona), umetnika, ak- tiviste, teoretičara društva. Stigao

je i do Beograda, u fa- mozni SKC 1974. U Diseldorfu može-

te sresti Bojsove instalacije ili re- minescencije na umetnika bilo da se zaputite pešice ili na organizovanu Bojs turu biciklom. MedienHafen

Na mestu nekadašnje luke na Rajni nikla je savremena poslovna četvrt, gde rade i kreću se posleni- ci delatnosti za koje je Diseldorf centar Nemačke: mediji, komuni- kacije, moda, arhitektura, dizajn i art biznis. Koncept Medijske luke osmišljen je da u određenoj me- ri sačuva kulturna dobra lučkog industrijskog nasleđa, a da novu arhitekturu poveri priznatim ne- mačkim i inostranim arhitektima, poput Stivena Hola ili Frenka Ge- rija. Četvrt je popularna i među ljubiteljima gastronomije, sa re- storanima različitih kuhinja sve- ta, kao i za opuštanje posle posla i noćnog života.

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