R iva Pine u Tivtu transformisala se u centar za- bave započevši već u aprilu muzičku sezonu koja će trajati tokom celog leta. U prvoj nede- lji juna grad će oživeti Međunarodnim karne- valom, a ulice će biti ispunjene grupama iz ra- zličitih krajeva sveta. Posebno uzbuđenje očekuje nas 15. juna, kada će Tivtom odjekivati zvuci duvačkih orkestara iz četiri države. Novi dodatak festivalskoj ponudi ove godine je „Biser Jadrana“, koji će 29. juna okupiti izvođače iz zemlje i regiona. Tivat će tog dana postati pozornica laganih nota zabavne, medi- teranske i pop muzike, sa stručnim žirijem koji će odabra- ti 24 najbolje kompozicije među više od 100 prijavljenih. Festival mediteranskog teatra Purgatorije, sinonim kulturne baštine celog Mediterana, tokom dva i po meseca ponudiće bogat program takmičarskih i pozorišnih pred- stava, mjuzikla, performansa i koncerata visokog kvaliteta. Pred kraj juna, tačnije 29, ispod romantičnog svetionika u „Luštici Bay“ održaće se vinska edicija „SuperWine-a“, a na istoj lokaciji 15. jula odjekivaće Džibonijeve verse i note. Ali i junski kalendar u Porto Montenegru donosi mnoš- tvo događaja – od premijerne izložbe „Sanlorenzo“ jahti, Dečije opere „Snežana i sedam patuljaka“ na otvorenom, „Made in New York“ džez festivala... Mnogo je razloga da doletite u Tivat!
T ivat’s Pine promenade has been transformed into a hub of entertainment, marking the start of the summer-long live music season as early as April. The city comes to life with the International Car- nival in the first week of June, filling its streets with groups from various parts of the world. We are also awaited by a particularly exciting time on 15 th June, when Tivat will reverberate with the sounds of brass bands from four countries. This year’s new addition to the lo- cal festival scene is the Adriatic Pearl, which will bring together singers and dancers from across the country and around the re- gion on 29 th June. Tivat will become the stage for easy-listen- ing tunes from the domains of entertainment, Mediterranean and pop music on that day, with an expert jury selecting the 24 best compositions among the over 100 registered entries. The Purgatory Festival of Mediterranean Theatre, which is synonymous with the cultural heritage of the Mediterra- nean as a whole, offers a rich programme of competitive and theatrical plays, musicals, performances and high-quality con- certs over a period of two and a half months. As we approach the end of June, or on the 29 th to be pre- cise, SuperWine, the region’s most refined wine event, will take place in front of Luštica Bay’s romantic lighthouse, while the same location will resound with the verses and melodies of Gibonni on 15 th July. Porto Montenegro’s June schedule brings many events: from the premiere of the exhibition of Sanlorenzo yachts and the open-air performance of children’s opera Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, via the Made in New York jazz festival... There are plenty of reasons to fly to Tivat!
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