Elevate June 2024 | Air Serbia


OD POČETAKA 1877, tri decenije su na Vimbldonu dominirali Britanci, sve dok 1907. nije trijumfovao Au- stralijanac Norman Bruks. Kod dama tradiciju je 1905. promenila Amerikanka Mej Saton. Open era počela je 1968, kada su se najbolje rangiranim amaterima priklju- čili profesionalci. Time je počeo pravi teniski zemljotres, a jedino što nije promenjeno je činjenica da je Vimbldon i danas najznačajniji teniski turnir, jedini od četiri grend slema koji se održava na travi. Vladar je još uvek Rožer Federer, ali bi na tronu ove godine mogao da mu se pri- druži naš Novak Đoković ako bi, recimo, u julu pro- bao vimbldonsku travu. Koliko je to titula? Od- govorite na prvo pitanje, pa idemo dalje... FROM ITS INCEPTION IN 1877 and for the next three decades, Wimble- don was dominated by Brits. That was until 1907, when Australian Norman Brooks proved triumphant. When it comes to the ladies, the tradition changed in 1905, with the victory of American May Sutton. Tennis’s “open era” began in 1968, when the top- ranked amateurs were joined by profes- sionals for the first time. This prompt- ed a veritable eruption of tennis, and the only fact that hasn’t changed until today is that Wimbledon remains the sport’s most important tournament, as well as being the only one of the four Grand Slams to be played on grass. Rog- er Federer remains the ultimate Wimbledon champion to date, but he could be joined on the throne by our own No- vak Đoković this year – if he tries his luck on the lawns of Wimbledon in July. How many titles is that? Answer the first question and let’s move on...

MALI TENISKI TEST / MINI TENNIS TEST Šta znate o Vimbldonu / What do you know about Wimbledon? Jedan od najvažnijih turnira,

jedini veliki koji se igra na travi, gledaćemo od 1. do 14. jula, a dok čekamo taj teniski spektakl, vi proverite koliko znate o istoriji ovog londonskog takmičenja / One of the sport’s most important

tournaments and the only Grand Slam to be played on grass, we will watch it from 1 st to 14 th July. And while we await this spectacle of tennis, you can test how much you know about the history of this championship in London

Tekst / Words: Aleksandar Pijevac Fotografije / Photography: Depositphotos, Profimedia.rs

0–3 tačna odgovora: Ovaj rezultat je očigledno po- sledica vaše nezainteresovano- sti za tenis. Ne biste odgledali ni- ti jedan teniski meč u životu da ne igra Nole. Čak i njegove me- čeve gledate da ne biste dolazi- li u sukob sa ukućanima. Budite najglasniji dok navijate, najsrča- nije proslavljajte njegove poe- ne i sve će vam biti oprošteno, a familija neće ništa primetiti, ga- rantovano.

0-3 CORRECT ANSWERS: This result is obviously due to your complete lack of inter- est in tennis. You wouldn’t have watched a single tennis match in your life if Nole wasn’t playing. And you only watch his match- es to avoid conflict in the home. Be the loudest while cheering, celebrate his points wholeheart- edly and all will be forgiven, and the family won’t even notice, guaranteed.

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