Elevate June 2024 | Air Serbia

Kviz / Quiz

1. Koliko puta je do sada Novak Đoković podigao trofej Vimldo- na? a) 5 puta b) 6 puta c) 7 puta

1. How many times has Novak Đoković raised the Wimbledon tro- phy to date? a) 5 times b) 6 times c) 7 times

2. Koju poslasticu tradicionalno jedu posetioci Vimbldona? a) Čizkejk b) Jorkširski puding c) Jagode sa šlagom

2. Which delicacy do Wimbledon attendees traditionally eat? a) Cheesecake b) Yorkshire pudding c) Strawberries and cream

3. Kako se zove teniski klub na čijim terenima se održava Vim- bldon? a) Ol Ingland b) London filds c) Parlament hil

3. What is the name of the tennis club that hosts the Wimbledon Championship? a) All England b) London Fields c) Parliament Hill

4. Najbrži servis zabeležen na Vimbldonu iznosio je: a) 190 km/h b) 205 km/h c) 238 km/h

4. The fastest recorded serve at Wimbledon was moving at: a) 190 km/h b) 205 km/h c) 238 km/h

5. Koje godine je iznad glavnog terena postavljen pokretni krov kako se mečevi ne bi prekidali zbog kiše? a) 1999. godine b) 2000. godine c) 2009. godine 6. Profesionalnim igračima je 1968. prvi put dozvoljeno da se ta- kmiče na turniru. Koliko je iznosila nagrada za osvajača Vimbl- dona u muškoj konkurenciji? a) 2.000 funti b) 15 funti c) 250 funti 7. Kako se zove teniserka koja je osvojila najviše trofeja u singlu na Vimbldonu? a) Pem Šrajver b) Martina Navratilova c) Nataša Zvereva 8. Koliko travnatih terena ima teniski klub u kome se održava Vimbldon? a) 8 b) 10 c) 1 9 9. Vimbldon je zaposlio pticu koja se zove Rufus i čiji je posao da rasteruje golubove sa terena. Koja vrsta ptice je u pitanju? a) Svraka b) Jastreb c) Gavran 10. Najglasnija teniserka svih vremena koja je igrala na Vimbl- donu, a njen uzdah prilikom udaranja loptice je izmeren i iznosi 101,2 decibela, jeste: a) Viktorija Azarenjka b) Marija Šarapova c) Serena Vilijams

5. In which year was a retractable roof installed over Wimbledon Centre Court to prevent rain from stopping play? a) 1999 b) 2000 c) 2009

6. Professional players were first allowed to compete in the cham- pionship in 1968. How much was the prize money for the winner of

the Wimbledon men’s title? a) £2,000 b) £15 c) £250

7. Which female tennis player has won the most ladies’ singles titles at Wimbledon? a) Pam Shriver b) Martina Navratilova c) Natasha Zvereva 8. How many lawn courts are at the tennis club that hosts Wimble- don? a) 8 b) 10 c) 18 9. Wimbledon has employed a bird called Rufus, who is tasked with keeping pigeons away from the courts. What kind of bird is he? a) Magpie b) Hawk c) Raven 10. The loudest woman tennis player to ever play at Wimbledon, whose grunt when striking the ball was measured at 101.2 deci- bels, is: a) Victoria Azarenka b) Maria Sharapova c) Serena Williams

4–7 tačnih odgovora:

8–10 tačnih odgovora:

4-7 CORRECT ANSWERS: You follow tennis tournaments regularly and are an excellent aficionado. This result is more than sufficient and clearly shows that you’re a fan of this sport. How else would you know the answers to questions that have nothing to do with the game it- self? Wimbledon is your favour- ite Grand Slam and you dream of one day attending the tour- nament.

8-10 CORRECT ANSWERS: Amazing knowledge! We can state unreservedly that you are a doctor of Wimbledon and tennis. You are impressed by the history of this championship, its protocols, rules, tradition and everything related to the tournament. If you lived in London, you’d probably be a club member and would regularly vis- it its grass courts. You are sure to one day try those strawberries and cream, if you haven't already.

Pratite redovno teniske tur- nire i odličan ste poznava- lac. Rezultat je više nego do- voljan i jasno je da ste ljubitelj ovog sporta. Kako biste, ina- če, znali odgovore na pitanja koja nemaju veze sa samom igrom? Vimbldon je vaš omi- ljeni gren slem i san vam je da jednog dana sednete na neku od tribina.

Zadivljujuće poznavanje činjeni- ca! Vi ste doktor za Vimbldon i za tenis, slobodno možemo reći. Im- presioniraju vas istorija, protokoli, pravila, tradicija i sve što ima ve- ze sa ovim turnirom. Da živite u Londonu, verovatno biste bili član kluba i redovno posećivali teni- ske terene na travi. Probaćete vi te jagode sa šlagom, ako već ni- ste. Sigurno.

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