Elevate June 2024 | Air Serbia

Rodos Rhodes

Serbia’s national airline flies to Rhodes four times a week: every Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday

Srpska nacionalna avio-kompanija leti na Rodos četiri puta nedeljno – ponedeljkom, sredom, četvrtkom i subotom

Kolos sa Dodekaneza Jedno od najbolje očuvanih srednjo- vekovnih naselja na svetu, Stari grad Rodosa, proglašen je Uneskovom svet- skom baštinom. Zaštić en unutar impo- zantnih zidina – granica između proš- losti i sadašnjosti – predstavlja suštinu ostrva. Svaki kamen priča priču. Drev- ne statue, mermerni grbovi, fontane, džamije i hamami, Sahat-kula sa po- gledom na Egej koji oduzima dah... Bo- gato nasleđe koje su ostavile prošle ci- vilizacije. Najpoznatiji put u Starom gradu Ro- dosa je Ulica vitezova, koja obnovljena izgleda baš kao što je bila u srednjem veku, a na najvišoj tački puta nalazi se grandiozni zamak poznat kao Palata velikih majstora, sa svojim ogromnim kulama, koji je sada divan muzej. Iako od statue nisu ostali tragovi, kaže se da je Kolos sa Rodosa (jedno od se- dam svetskih čuda antičkog sveta) ne- kada stajao umesto statua jelena koje se sada nalaze u luci.


One of the best-preserved medieval settlements in the world, the Old Town of Rhodes has been declared a UNES- CO World Heritage Site. Protected in- side its imposing walls – that mark a boundary between past and present – is the island’s coat of arms. Every stone tells a story. Ancient statues, marble crests, fountains, mosques and ham- mams; the Clock Tower with its breath- taking view of the Aegean… a rich herit- age left behind by bygone civilisations. The most famous road in the Old Town of Rhodes is the Street of the Knights, which has been restored to look just as it did in the Middle Ages. At the high- est point in the road is a significant at- traction: the grandiose castle known as the Palace of the Grand Masters, with its enormous towers, and which is now a wonderful museum. Although no traces of the statue re- main, it is said that the Colossus of Rho- des (one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World) once stood in place of the statues of deer now found at the harbour.

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