Elevate June 2024 | Air Serbia


Mišo Dragović, captain Three questions for...

Tri pitanja za...

Miša Dragovića, kapetana

Koja bi destinacija bila idealna po vašem mi- šljenju da se dočeka prvi dan leta? – Moja omiljena destinacija za početak leta je Ja- dranska obala. Možda sam subjektivan pošto sam ro- dom iz Dalmacije, ali Jadran ima prelepo more, prelepa

Which destination would you choose as the ideal place to welcome the first day of summer? “My favourite destination for the start of summer is the Adriatic coast. I’m perhaps subjective because I’m originally from Dalmatia, but the Adriatic has a beautiful

ostrva, plaže, gradiće pune istorije i izvrsnu kuhinju. I što je najbolje, avi- onom stižete do jadranskih gradova za svega sat vremena. Leteli ste na „erbasu“, a sada ste kapetan ATR-a. Koji vam je avion draži i zašto? – I jedan i drugi avion su mi dra- gi. „Erbas“ je operativno lakši i kom- forniji za rad pilota jer koristi na- predniju tehnologiju. ATR je pak avion koji je dizajniran za regionalne destinacije i eksploataciju na ae- rodromima sa kraćim pistama, što pruža pilotima jednu vrstu izazova. Zaista mi je drago što će naša kom- panija uskoro uvesti u flotu svoj de- veti i deseti ATR72-600. Da li kao pilot imate vreme- na da obiđete mesta do kojih letite i imate li omiljene de- stinacije? – Za razliku od naših pilota ko- ji lete prekookeanske letove i ko- ji obavezno imaju najmanje 24 sata odmora na destinaciji, piloti na ATR floti se uglavnom vraćaju u matič-

sea, beautiful islands, beaches, small towns packed with rich history and ex- cellent cuisine. And the best thing is that it takes just an hour to reach the cities of the Adriatic with an airplane". You previously flew Airbus air- craft, while you’re now an ATR captain. Which of these planes do you prefer and why? “I like both planes. The Airbus is easier to operate and more comfor- table for pilots, because it uses more advanced technology. However, the ATR is a plane that’s designed for re- gional destinations and operations at airports with shorter runways, which provides a kind of challenge for pilots. I’m really glad that our company wi- ll soon add its ninth and tenth ATR72- 600 to the fleet.” As a pilot, do you have time to tour the places you fly to and do you have any favourite de- stinations? “In contrast to those of our pi- lots who operate transatlantic flights and are obliged to rest in their desti-

nu bazu istog dana. Međutim, to vam na drugoj strani daje više vremena da budete kod kuće sa svojom po- rodicom i prijateljima.

nation for at least 24 hours, ATR fleet pilots generally ha- ve a same day return to their home base. However, this also gives you more time to be at home with your fami- ly and friends.”

Moja omiljena destinacija za početak leta je Jadranska obala, stižete za svega sat vremena My favourite destination for the start of summer is the Adriatic coast, where you arrive after just an hour’s flight

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