Elevate June 2024 | Air Serbia


ulously anticipated and developed, en- suring components will be transport- ed securely and will arrive undamaged and ready for pavilion assembly exact- ly as designed. FOLLOWING ASSEMBLY, THE TEAM WILL CONDUCT FINAL PREPARATIONS AND TESTING to ensure that everything functions seamlessly, thereby guar- anteeing that the “Serbian House” de- livers an unforgettable experience. Through multimedia presentations, visi- tors will have an opportunity to delve in- to various topics. Documentary mate- rial prepared by the Yugoslav Archives, comprising records of our previous Olympic performances, will also be showcased for the first time. THE INAUGURATION OF THE “SERBIAN HOUSE” IN PARIS WILL BE ACCOMPA- NIED BY A DIVERSE ARRAY OF CULTUR- AL EVENTS, exhibitions, and perfor- mances. Even at this preliminary stage, the outlined concept is already captur- ing the attention and interest of visitors. THE “SERBIAN HOUSE” has been con- ceived as a place where one can ex- perience the aromas, sounds, move- ments, and even the gastronomy of this region. Visitors will have an oppor- tunity to traverse the central hall, fol- lowing interactive signposts, and to draw their own conclusions regard- ing the milestones that have marked the history of our participation in the Olympic Games. One idea entails an- imating the walls of the pavilion with the movement and colour of Nadežda Petrović, through various technical al- gorithms, while once again presenting the likes of Tesla, Milanković and oth- er luminaries to the global audience. Part of the pavilion is to be entrusted to chefs who will prepare authentic Ser- bian delicacies in real-time. THIS PROCESS DEMANDS EXTEN- SIVE TEAMWORK, EXPERTISE AND METICULOUS PLANNING, but the out- come—in terms of the relocating of the “Serbian House” from Serbia to Paris—has the potential to be incredi- bly inspiring and significant for the pro- motion of Serbian culture and artistry on the global stage.

THE COUNTDOWN TO THE START OF THE PARIS OLYMPICS HAS COM- MENCED, with the Games scheduled to take place from 26 th July to 11 th August. At the same time, we are also approaching the day when the “Serbian House”, nes- tled at the heart of the French capital, will open its doors wide to visitors. On this occasion, we’ll just open them a crack in order to extend a pre-emptive wel- come to the nexus of Serbia’s past, pres- ent and future. THE PAVILION IS ENVISAGED AS A HA- VEN OF SERBIAN CULTURE, ARTIST- RY AND HOSPITALITY, where visitors can uncover the richness of Serbian herit- age and the diversity of its legacy. Under one roof, the finest aspects of our nation will be united to showcase to the world: Serbia’s sporting history, the achieve- ments and medals of our Olympians, tra- dition and gastronomy, alongside ad- vancements in science, the application of modern technologies, and prospects for EXPO 2027. THE CREATIVE CONCEPT AND IMPLE- MENTATION CARRY THE SIGNATURE OF MULTIMEDIA ARTIST DR DUŠAN JOVOVIĆ and a team vastly experienced

per experts from Serbia. Thanks to their innovative technical approach, they have successfully intertwined traditional and contemporary elements of Serbian cul- ture and the history of Olympic sport in a unique manner. Visitors will have an op- portunity to fully immerse themselves in the realm of Serbian heritage. A NOTEWORTHY AND COMMENDABLE ASPECT LIES IN THE FACT THAT THE PA- VILION IS BEING CONSTRUCTED IN OUR HOMELAND. Once the project reach- es its successful completion, the “Ser- bian House” will be transported to Paris. The components will be dismantled and transported to the French capital, where the pavilion will be reassembled within the esteemed space of the historic La Vil- lette theatre, with additional adaptations to seamlessly blend into the surround- ings. This entails adjustments to light- ing, installation placement and other el- ements to create harmony between the pavilion and its surroundings. IT GOES WITHOUT SAYING THAT THE ENTIRE PROCESS IS UNDER THE SU- PERVISION OF THE CREATIVE TEAM FROM BELGRADE. Every technical and constructional aspect has been metic-

Oliympics » Olimpijada | 15

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