Elevate June 2024 | Air Serbia


IZLOŽBA / EXHIBITION „Trajan odmor“ Marka Požlepa Mark Požlep’s Permanent Vacation Multimedijalni umetnik Mark Požlep još jednom se predstavlja u Galeriji „Hestia“ sa projektom vezanim za temu mora. Ovo- ga puta selimo se ne samo geografski već i emocionalno – na jadransku obalu. Jadranska magistrala, hiljadu kilometara le- gendarnog puta od Trsta do Ade Bojane, oživljena je u ovom projektu kroz skoro stotinu crteža ugljenom i kroz video-per- formans. Tačnije, crteže ugljenom ne čine samo klasični crte- ži već i tekstovi koji poput nemog pripovedača posetioce vo- de na put drumom čija je izgradnja počela 1945. godine, što označava početke ekonomskog razvoja primorskog dela biv- še Jugoslavije, a posledično i početke obalnog turizma. Otva- ranje je zakazano za 5. jun, što je idealan trenutak da se pose- tioci upoznaju sa činjenicama o Jadranskoj magistrali i njenim lepotama, te da se tokom predstojećeg letnjeg raspusta za- pute u smeru juga. „Za ovaj projekat sam se odlučio jer plo- vim po Jadranu još od svoje četvrte godine i koje god more da sam video na svojim putovanjima, za mene i dalje postoji sa- mo jedno, Jadransko more“, kaže umetnik.

Multimedia artist Mark Požlep is once again presenting him- self at Belgrade’s Hestia Art Residency & Exhibitions Bureau with a sea-themed project. This time around we’re not on- ly moving closer to the Adriatic coast geographically, but al- so emotionally. This project brings to life the Adriatic high- way, the thousand kilometres of legendary roadway snaking from Trieste to Ada Bojana, through almost a hundred char- coal drawings and a video performance. More precise- ly, the charcoal drawings aren’t merely classical sketches, but rather also testimonies which, like some silent narrator, lead visitors on a journey along this road that began being constructed in 1945 and marked the start of the econom- ic development of the coastal regions of the former Yugosla- via, and consequently also the beginnings of seaside tour- ism. The exhibition is scheduled to open on 5 th June, which is the ideal time for visitors to familiarise themselves with facts about the Adriatic Highway and its beauty before heading south during the upcoming summer holiday season. “I opted for this project because I’ve been sailing around the Adriat- ic since I was four years old, and of all the seas I’ve encoun- tered on my travels, there is still only one that exists for me, the Adriatic Sea,” says this artist.

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