Elevate June 2024 | Air Serbia



Evropsko prvenstvo u vodenim sportovima European Aquatics Championships

Evropsko prvenstvo u vodenim spor- tovima održaće se po prvi put u isto- riji u Beogradu od 10. do 23. juna, a takmičari koji dolaze iz više od 40 ze- malja nadmetaće se u četiri discipli- ne – plivanje, umetničko plivanje, sko- kovi u vodu i plivanje na otvorenim vodama. Evropski šampionat u srp- skoj prestonici će ujedno biti i posled- nja prilika za plivače da se kvalifikuju za predstojeće Olimpijske igre u Pa- rizu, s obzirom na to da se kvalifika- cioni period za plivanje završava 23. juna, poslednjeg dana takmičenja u Beogradu.

The European Aquatics Champion- ships will take place in Belgrade for the first time ever from 10 th to 23 rd June, with competitors coming from more than 40 countries to compete in four disciplines: swimming, artistic swim- ming, diving and open water swim- ming. The European Championships in the Serbian capital will also provide the last opportunity for swimmers to qual- ify for the upcoming Paris Olympics, with the qualifying period for swim- ming ending on 23 rd June – the last day of the competition in Belgrade.


BINA: Odjeci modernizma BINA: Echoes of Modernism

Ovogodišnje, 19. izdanje Beogradske internacionalne nede- lje arhitekture – BINA 2024, održava se od 30. maja do 29. ju- na u organizaciji Društva arhitekata Beograda i Kulturnog cen- tra Beograda. Centralna tema ovogodišnje manifestacije je „Odjeci modernizma“, a bavi se pitanjima odnosa savreme- ne arhitekture i modernizma, poukama i razmenama projek- tantskih iskustava u sferi urbanizma, arhitekture, dizajna i na primerima realizovanih objekata (Sava centar, BIGZ), koji pri- premaju otvaranja u 2024. godini, a deo su kulturnog nasleđa modernističkog pokreta grada Beograda. Značajan deo pro- grama su BINA šetnje: u planu je obilazak gradskih vila u Profe- sorskoj koloniji, Beogradskog sajma, Hotela „Jugoslavija“, Pa- late Srbija...

This year’s 19 th edition of BINA - Belgrade International Architecture Week will take place from 30 th May to 29 th June, under the organi- sation of the Association of Belgrade Architects and the Belgrade Cultural Centre. The central theme of this year’s event, “Echoes of Modernism”, addresses the relationship between contemporary architecture and modernism, lessons learnt and exchanges of pro- ject experiences in the spheres of urban planning, architecture, de- sign and examples of building renovations that have been imple- mented (Sava Centre, BIGZ) and are preparing to open in 2024, and which form part of the cultural heritage of Belgrade’s mod- ernist movement. Representing a significant section of the pro- gramme are BINA walks, with plans to tour urban villas in the Pro- fessor‘s Colony neighbourhood, the Belgrade Fair, Hotel Jugoslavija and the Palace of Serbia...

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