Elevate June 2024 | Air Serbia



U dobrom društvu Nika Kejva / In the good company of Nick Cave

Nikad emotivniji koncert legendar- nog Nika Kejva biće održan 18. juna u Beogradu. Na festivalu „Belgrade Ri- ver Fest“ slavni muzičar premijerno u Evropi izvodi svoj „Solo Show“ sa- mo u pratnji klavira i uz podršku mu- zičara Kolina Grinvuda, basiste grupe „Radiohead“. Publika „Belgrade Ri- ver Fest“ imaće priliku da doživi izvan- redno muzičko iskustvo u kome već intrigantne i zanimljive Kejvove pe- sme dobijaju novu dimenziju. Koncert će biti održan na platou Geozavoda u Beogradu na vodi u posebno osmi- šljenom ambijentu i uz vrhunsku pro- dukciju koja će u potpunosti podržati umetnikovu viziju o intimnoj atmosfe- ri nastupa.

A never more emotional concert of the legendary Nick Cave will be held in Bel- grade on 18 th June. The famous Australian musician is set to perform his Solo Show concert in Europe for the first time at the Belgrade River Fest, accompanied on- ly by a piano and supported only by Ra- diohead bassist Colin Greenwood. The Belgrade River Fest audience will have an opportunity to experience an outstand- ing musical spectacle in which Cave’s al- ready intriguing and interesting songs take on a new dimension. The concert will take place on the plateau in front of Bel- grade Waterfront’s Geozavod building, with a specially designed environment and top production that will support the artist’s vision of an intimate atmosphere.


Četiri dana eksplozivne zabave na Ušću, od 20. do 23. ju- na, obeležiće početak leta na način na koji smo navikli – uz dobro rashlađeno pivo i sjajne muzičke nastupe „Beer Fe- sta“. Biće tu 302 vrste piva, deset uzbudljivih festivalskih zona, legendarni domaći izvođači, među kojima „Dubioza kolektiv“, „Goblini“, „Beogradski sindikat“, „Yu grupa“... A od 28. do 30. juna, na istom mestu, Ušće će biti epicen- tar jednog od najvećih festivala urbane muzike na ovim prostorima – festivala „Belgrade Music Week“ koji će i u svom šestom izdanju ugostiti najveće regionalne zvez- de popularne muzike i predvodnike novog muzičkog tala- sa. Među izvođačima su Desingerica, Henny, Popov, Pa- vlov, Nikolija, Inas, Corona & Rimski, Devito, Teodora i mnogi drugi. From 20 th to 23 rd June, four days of explosive fun at Ušće will mark the start of summer in a way that we’re accus- tomed to: with nicely chilled beer and fantastic musical per- formances. This year’s beer fest will have 302 types of beer, ten exciting festival zones and legendary local performers and world stars, including Dubioza Kolektiv, Goblini, Belgrade syndicate, YU Grupa etc. Then, from 28 th to 30 th June, the same confluence of the two great rivers will mark the epicentre of one of the region’s biggest urban music festivals: Belgrade Music Week, which for its 6 th edition will welcome the region’s biggest pop music stars and leaders of the new music wave. The performers will include Desingerica, Henny, Popov, Pavlov, Nikolija, Inas, Co- rona & Rimski, Devito and Teodora, among many others.

Belgrade Beer Fest i Music Week na Ušću Belgrade Beer Fest & Music Week at Ušće

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