Elevate June 2024 | Air Serbia

survival through faith, determina- tion and tenacity. What can the audience ex- pect from your Belgrade concert? “A performance in an expanded composition. The band is wonder- ful and a few of them are musicians from my new project 'FANTAS- TAFUNK', which I will hopefully bring to Serbia in its full composi- tion soon. We play songs from the new album, which is a mix of gos- pel, soul, funk and blues – a new sound!” What served as your inspi- ration? “For me, the album POWER is much more than just music. Re- corded during a tough period of my life, it has come to symbolise inspi- ration and strength despite all the challenges. In late 2020, I faced a breast cancer diagnosis, which was indescribably bad news. However, it was just a few days later, during a conversation with my friend and band’s bassist, Buthel, that I real- ised there was no room for despair. It was that same day that we start- ed working on the album POWER and I felt on my own skin how much magic and how positive an influence music has on our lives.” You recorded the album be- tween Los Angeles and Am- sterdam? “Recording the album unfolded between my chemotherapy treat- ments, while travelling from Am- sterdam to Los Angeles, and by booking studios wherever we could find them during the time of covid in 2021. We transformed every diffi- cult thought and every moment of worry into an album of songs, plan- ning recording sessions and writ- ing lyrics. That period, despite being challenging, unfolded much more easily and positively than I’d origi- nally thought it would. That inspired me to form the soul-funk big band FANTASTAFUNK, in order to con- vey the essence of the album in the best way. Recorded in Los Angeles, Florida, Dallas and Detroit, POW- ER really was my strength to get through the toughest moments.”

Ana Popović će predstaviti svoj najnoviji album „Power“ koji je snažna i lična priča o preživljavanju Ana Popović will present her latest album, Power, which is a powerful and personal story of survival

“POWER” was my strength

Snimali ste na relaciji Los Anđeles – Amsterdam? – Snimanje albuma odvijalo se između mojih hemioterapija, pu- tovanja iz Amsterdama u Los An- đeles i rezervisanja studija gde god bismo uspeli da ih pronađemo, u vreme kovida 2021. godine. Svaka teška misao, svaki trenutak brige pretvarali smo u fokus na pesme, planiranje snimanja i pisanje tek- stova. Taj period, iako izazovan, prolazio je mnogo lakše i pozitiv- nije nego što sam prvobitno misli- la. To me je inspirisalo da oformim veliki soul-fank sastav FANTASTA- FUNK, koji bi mogao da prenese esenciju albuma na najbolji način. Sniman u Los Anđelesu, na Floridi, u Dalasu i Detroitu, „Power“ je za- ista bio moja moć da prođem kroz najteže trenutke.

SHE HAS FUSED FUNK AND THE SLIDE TECHNIQUE WITH A SOLID BLUES GROOVE AND HER SOULFUL VOICE . Her auteur work and passion for music have shaped her identity as a champion of contemporary blues. Over the decades, Ana has shown her unwa- vering commitment to her artistic journey, travelling the world, win- ning awards and accolades, and in- spiring people around the world with her authenticity and talent. Her per- formances not only satisfy musical appetites, but rather also open the door to introspection and connect- ing emotionally with the themes that intertwine through her repertoire. Ana Popović will grace the stage at BitefArtCafe for the first time on 16 th June, where she will present her latest album, Power, released in May 2023. Rather than being a mere collection of songs, this album is a powerful and personal story of

Tekst / Words: Jelena Pantović Fotografije / Photography: Michael Roud, Ruben Tomas, Zazzo, Profimedia

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