Elevate June 2024 | Air Serbia


Sharon Kovacs 21. jun / 21 st June

KNOWN PROFESSIONAL- LY SIMPLY AS KOVACS or the la- dy singer with the shaved head, Sha- ron Kovacs will perform at Belgrade’s Kalemegdan Fortress on 21 st June. A genuine legend of soul, she pri- marily attracted audiences with her uniqueness and her earnest attitude. Having drawn inspiration from the music of greats like Betty Davis, Et- ta James and Tina Turner, her tal- ent quickly attracted the attention of audiences worldwide. Following the success of her first EP, My Love, and her debut album, Shades of Black, which proved to be a big hit in 36 countries, Kovacs became a recog- nisable name in the world of music. You have already visited Bel- grade and performed at the BitefArtCafe club on two oc- casions. While the location this time around is the fa- mous Kalemegdan Fortress. How do you feel about re- turning to Belgrade? “I really love your city. I think it’s very beautiful. I’ve been to Belgrade, to the BitefArtCafe club, two times al- ready, but I’ve never been to this loca- tion and I’m very excited about that. The iconic Kalemegdan. It is stun- ningly beautiful. It looks like some kind of castle. Wonderful. I’m excit- ed. It’s like a city park, but it looks like an old castle or something sim- ilar. It’s really beautiful. I’m looking forward to it.” What can we expect at Kale- megdan? “I’m really thrilled that I will per- form for you all once again. I always give my all, and this time I’ll also be introducing some new band mem- bers and that makes me very excit- ed. Every performance is unique, so I can’t predict precisely what it will be like this time, though I can say that I’m impatiently awaiting the Kale- megdan concert. I can’t wait for us to see each other again, to have a good time and to offer all my love to the Belgrade audience. See you soon!” I can’t wait for us to see each other again

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POZNATA SAMO KAO KO- VACS ili pevačica obrijane glave, Sharon će nastupiti 21. juna na Ka- lemegdanskoj tvrđavi. Prava soul legenda koja je publiku privukla pre svega svojom jedinstvenošću i iskrenim stavom, inspiraciju je cr- pela iz muzike velikih legendi poput Beti Dejvis, Ete Džejms i Tine Tar- ner, a njen talenat je brzo privukao pažnju publike širom sveta. Nakon uspeha prvog EP-a „My Love“ i de- bi albuma „Shades of Black“, koji je bio veliki hit u 36 zemalja, Sha- ron Kovacs je postala prepoznat- ljivo ime u svetu muzike. Posetili ste Beograd već dva puta nastupajući u „Bi- tefArtCafe“ klubu. Ovoga puta je lokacija čuvena Ka- lemegdanska tvrđava. Ka- ko se osećate povodom po- vratka u Beograd? – Stvarno volim vaš grad. Mislim da je vrlo lep. Bila sam u Beogradu,

u „BitefArtCafe“ klubu već dva pu- ta, ali nikada nisam bila na ovoj lo- kaciji, pa sam jako uzbuđena zbog toga. Kultni Kalemegdan. Prelep je. Izgleda kao neka vrsta dvorca. Div- no. Uzbuđena sam. To je kao grad- ski park, ali izgleda kao stari dvorac ili nešto slično tome. Zaista je pre- lepo. Radujem se. Šta možemo da očekuje- mo na Kalemegdanu? – Jako se radujem što ću vas sve ponovo videti. Uvek dajem sve od sebe, a ovaj put ću pred- staviti i neke nove članove ben- da i zbog toga sam jako uzbuđena. Svaki nastup je jedinstven, tako da ne mogu tačno predvideti ka- kav će biti ovaj put, ali mogu re- ći da sa nestrpljenjem iščekujem koncert na Kalemegdanu. Jedva čekam da se ponovo vidimo, do- bro provedemo i da beogradskoj publici pružim svu svoju ljubav. Vidimo se uskoro.

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