Elevate June 2024 | Air Serbia

Selah Sue 22. jun / 22 nd June

VEČE 22. JUNA REZERVISA- NO JE ZA PERFORMANS BEL- GIJSKE KANTAUTORKE Selah Sue, pevačice koja je osvojila svet- sku scenu prepoznatljivim glasom i autentičnim izrazom. Delikatnog i nežnog izgleda, sa porcelanskim tenom i plavim očima, oduvek je naginjala umetnicama poput Lo- rin Hil, Erike Badu i Mešel Nde- geočelo. Njen prvi album je doži- veo ogroman uspeh širom sveta, a posebno su se izdvojili hitovi po- put „This World“, „Raggamuffin“, „Crazy Vibes“ i duet sa Si Lo Gri- nom „Please“. Kako se osećate povodom povratka na scenu nakon pauze od nekoliko godina? – Veoma sam uzbuđena! Za ovo vreme sam se osvežila i do- bila nove perspektive, tako da se sada vraćam sa još većom strašću i inspiracijom za stvaranje muzike. U međuvremenu sam postala maj- ka dvoje dece, i to je zaista poseb- no iskustvo. Pronalaženje ravnote- že između roditeljstva i umetničke karijere zahteva puno organizacije i podrške, ali istovremeno mi pru- ža ogromnu inspiraciju. Trudim se da balansiram između uloge maj- ke i umetnice, dajući svoj maksi- mum u oba segmenta svog života. Možete li nam reći nešto više o novom albumu „Per- sona“ i kako se on odnosi na vašu ličnu evoluciju? – Inspiracija za album „Perso- na“ dolazi iz dubokih introspekcija i procesa samospoznaje kroz koji sam prolazila. Želela sam da kroz pesme istražim različite aspekte svoje lič- nosti i evoluciju koju sam dožive- la tokom godina. Album je rezultat mog ličnog rasta i transformacije, te predstavlja moju autentičnost i iskrenost kao umetnice. Lični rast i transformacija

Personal growth and transformation

THE EVENING OF 22 ND JUNE HAS BEEN RESERVED FOR THE PERFORMANCE OF BELGIAN SONGWRITER Selah Sue, who has conquered the world stage with her recognisable voice and authentic ex- pression. With a delicate and gen- tle appearance, porcelain complexion and blue eyes, she has always been inspired by artists like Lauryn Hill, Erykah Badu and Meshell Ndegeo- cello. Her debut album achieved huge success around the world, with its hit numbers including This World, Raggamuffin, Crazy Vibes and her CeeLo Green duet Please. How do you feel about re- turning to the stage after a break lasting several years? “I’m very excited! I have reinvig- orated myself and gained new per- spectives during this time, so I’m now returning with even more pas- sion and inspiration to create mu- sic. In the meantime, I’ve become a

mother of two children, which is a really special experience. Striking a balance between parenting and pur- suing an artistic career requires lots of organisation and support, but si- multaneously provides me with huge inspiration. I try to balance the role of mother and artist, giving my all in both segments of my life.” Could you tell us more about your new album, Per- sona, and how it relates to your personal evolution? “Inspiration for the album Per- sona comes from deep introspec- tion and the process of self-dis- covery that I’ve gone through. I wanted to explore, through song, different aspects of my personal- ity and the evolution I’ve experi- enced through the years. This album is a result of my personal growth and transformation, and it repre- sents my authenticity and sincer- ity as an artist.”

Music » Muzika | 55

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