Elevate June 2024 | Air Serbia

could play the role of Colt Seavers. And I feel that term is used a lot with certain actors, but I truly don't know anyone who can be as capti- vating, funny, smart and quick-wit- ted as Ryan, while also capturing the physicality of that role. He's so alive, grounded and loose. And he becomes a hero, but an unwilling hero. That’s what makes him all the more lovable, because he's so vul- nerable and such a mess, yet he’s also this expert, brilliant stuntman. I think all of Ryan's exquisite qual- ities got blended to create this per- fect role for him.” Leitch has admitted that he was so entranced by the chemistry that you both had on set that he would sometimes forget to call “cut”. “Yes, there was a lot of banter, and I love that Dave didn't want to call “cut” on it, as we rarely stuck to the script. Ryan in particular was constantly on the hunt for some- thing funnier and more exciting. That’s what's wonderful about work- ing with him, as he's so alive and spontaneous.” And how was it to watch Ryan do those stunts? “It was definitely nerve-racking to watch Ryan do a lot of the stunts because he was so game, just totally up for it and capable. I think actors feel really safe doing stunts for David Leitch and there’s nothing more re- assuring than Dave going, “I prom- ise you’ll be okay”. You believe him, but on other action films I’ve done in the past you don’t always believe that you’ll be okay.” We definitely haven’t seen a film like this in some time… “I think romance in movies has been left in the dust, and that’s sad because I grew up watching those in- credible action romantic comedies. So, The Fall Guy is 100% a love let- ter and a throwback to those films that are so nostalgic for me. I believe romance is still alive and kicking in everyone’s desires and hearts, so if you can capture it on the big screen and make people laugh, then I’m in!”

Naši likovi pokušavaju da otkriju svoja oseć anja na neverovatno stvaran ali, nadam se, harizmatičan način Our characters are trying to figure out their feelings in an incredibly real yet hopefully charismatic way

so he also has firsthand knowledge of what the life of a fall guy is like. As the film’s director, he chose for the story to be conveyed by Ryan Gosling and Emily Blunt, and here Blunt explains to us that Leitch and the lead actor were the main reasons she agreed to take on the role. “When this project came to me, it came with the names of David Leitch and Ryan Gosling, so I knew that I would be signing on to the promise of something exciting, yet grounded. I just love David’s mov- ies; I love the flare and the madness of them. And I’m such a huge fan of Gosling!” How would you describe this story in a nutshell? “You have this stuntman named Colt Seavers, played by Ryan Gos- ling, who is just getting over an al- most career-ending accident that he had on a film set. So, the last thing he wants is to be pulled back onto another set to reinvigorate his career as a stuntman; but the appeal of it is that his former love, Jody, is the director of this movie. So, he goes in with the desire to win her back...” What do you like the most about your character, Jody?

“Well, I think what I love about her is that she is not this sort of se- vere director. She is someone cre- ative who used to work below the line as a camera operator and is pas- sionate about making movies. Now she's working above the line and des- perately wants to succeed. I guess I like playing people who are strug- gling to get themselves above water.” Was it fun to explore the world of making action films from the inside? “Yes, there was so much to ex- plore from all our own experiences in this industry. You have these very accelerated friendships with people on a film set, and you are sort of in a secret club with these jokes that we got to inject into this project— there's a reality and grounded feel- ing to it all. Here we show the jux- taposition of the spectacle and the reality of making movies, which is beautiful. And there is another lay- er of tension that comes with action films, like setting up these stunts for hours to then drop someone off.” You mentioned that one of the main appeals of The Fall Guy was the chance to work with Ryan Gosling. What can you say about him? “I just don't know who else

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