Elevate June 2024 | Air Serbia

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Welcome message

June 2024

Jun 2024.

Dear passengers,

Dragi putnici,

MAGAZIN KOJI ČITATE ZAMISLILI SMO KAO SVOJEVR- SNI VODIČ kroz predivne evropske i svetske destinacije do kojih Er Srbija leti u redovnom, sezonskom i čarter-saobra- ćaju. Trudimo se da vam iz meseca u mesec budemo inspi- racija za putovanja, ujedno pružajući najbitnije informacije o uslugama naše kompanije. Junsko putovanje kroz magazin „Elevejt“ započinjemo u jed- nom od najuzbudljivijih mesta na svetu, u Londonu, do kojeg Er Srbija iz Beograda leti devet puta nedeljno. Nakon samo tri sata leta udobnim avionima naše kompanije stižete do Ujedinjenog Kraljevstva. Sa Aerodroma „Hitrou“ zaputite se pravo u živopisni So- ho, koji je poznat po bogatoj kulturnoj istoriji i dinamičnoj atmosferi. Šetajući kroz njegove uske ulice, otkrijte neo- bične galerije, ekscentrične barove, modne butike i re- storane svih svetskih kuhinja. Bilo da u London idete tu- ristički ili poslovno, nezaobilazne tačke su Bakingemska palata i Katedrala Svetog Pavla. U slučaju da tokom sle- tanja niste videli London iz ptičje perspektive, Londonsko oko vam daje priliku da to popravite. Međutim, sve to je tek deo londonske magije... Na pragu sezone godišnjih odmora verovatno već razmiš- ljate o idealnoj morskoj destinaciji. Nedaleko od Srbije sme- šteni su brojni biseri Jadranske obale. Posetite Dubrovnik i Split i saznajte zašto je baš u tim gradovima snimana „Igra prestola“. Iz Splita ćete brzo i lako stići do ostrva Brač, Hvar i Vis, koja nikoga ne ostavljaju ravnodušnim. Ukoliko plani- rate da odmor provedete u Rijeci ili Puli, ni Italija vam neće biti daleko. Kada sletite u Tivat, Crna Gora vam je na dlanu. Od Boke do Durmitora uživaćete u predivnom okruženju i autentičnom gostoprimstvu domaćina. Ukoliko ste među onima koji su oduvek maštali o venča- nju na moru, verujemo da ste u obzir uzeli i mediteran- ske destinacije. Grčka ostrva i mali italijanski gradovi nu- de rajski ambijent sa tirkiznim vodama, belim peščanim plažama i zlatnim zalascima sunca koji će vaš posebni trenutak učiniti još izuzetnijim. Dobar izbor su i svetske metropole poput Pariza, Rima, Madrida ili Lisabona. Iz- bor je veliki, možda čak i težak, ali koji god da odabere- te, nećete pogrešiti. Er Srbija, kao ponosna naslednica prve avio-kompanije na ovim prostorima Aeroput, 17. juna proslavlja 97 godina tra- dicije. Izuzetno smo ponosni na naše osmo mesto na listi najstarijih avio-kompanija na svetu koje još uvek posluju. Naši najvažniji partneri kroz sve te godine bili su putnici. To- kom letnje sezone letećemo direktno do više od 90 desti- nacija širom sveta. Birajte, planirajte, maštajte, a mi smo tu da podržimo vaše ideje. Neka s nama počinju vaše ne- zaboravne uspomene. Dobro došli na letove Er Srbije!

THE MAGAZINE YOU'RE PRESENTLY READING WAS ENVI- SAGED AS A KIND OF GUIDE to the beautiful European and world destinations offered by Air Serbia in its scheduled, sea- sonal and charter services. We strive to be your travel inspirati- on month after month, while also providing the most important information about our airline’s services. We start our June journey through Elevate inflight magazine in one of the world’s most exciting cities: London, to which Air Ser- bia flies nine times a week from Belgrade. You arrive in the UK after just three hours of flying comfortably aboard our aircraft. Head straight from Heathrow Airport to the vibrant Soho, whi- ch is known for its rich cultural history and dynamic atmosphe- re. Stroll its narrow streets to discover unusual galleries, eccen- tric bars, fashion boutiques and restaurants offering cuisine from around the world. Whather you’re visiting London for, its must- see spots include Buckingham Palace and St. Paul’s Cathedral. In case you missed out on the bird’s eye view of the city during the descent, the London Eye allows you to make up for that. Howe- ver, all of this is just part of the magic of London... With the summer holiday season approaching, you’re probably already thinking about the ideal seaside destination. And nume- rous gems of the Adriatic coast are located close to Serbia. Visit Dubrovnik and Split to discover why these cities were chosen as filming locations for the series Game of Thrones. From Split, you can quickly and easily reach the islands of Brač, Hvar and Vis, all of which leave no one feeling indifferent. If you plan to spend yo- ur summer break in Rijeka or Pula, it’s worth remembering that Italy is also nearby. When you land in Tivat, the whole of Mon- tenegro is at your fingertips. Travelling from the Bay of Kotor to Durmitor mountain will enable you to enjoy the beautiful surro- undings and authentic hospitality of the hosts. If you’re among those who’ve always dreamt of a wedding by the sea, we believe you’ve also considered the Mediterranean de- stinations that could host your nuptials. Greek islands and small Italian towns offer heavenly scenes with turquoise waters, whi- te sand beaches and golden sunsets that will make your spe- cial moment even more exceptional. Good choices also inclu- de world capitals like Paris, Rome, Madrid, or Lisbon. The choice is vast, perhaps even challengingly so, but you can’t go wrong regardless of the choice you make. Air Serbia, as the proud successor of the country’s first national airline, Aeroput, celebrated 97 years of tradition on 17 th June. We are extremely proud that our company ranks eighth on the list of the oldest airlines in the world that are still operating. Throu- ghout all these years, our passengers have been our most im- portant partners. Air Serbia flies directly to over 90 destinations worldwide during the summer season. Choose, plan, dream, and we will be here to support your ideas. Let your unforgetta- ble memories start with us. Welcome aboard with Air Serbia!

Jirži Marek Jiri Marek



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