Elevate June 2024 | Air Serbia


ZA AVANTURISTE, HEDONISTE I GURMANE Bliži se datum odlaska na dugoočekivani odmor, ali još niste pronašli destinaciju po svojoj meri, u kojoj očekujete ni ma- nje ni više nego – prvoklasne doživljaje i vrhunski odmor? Sa- svim vas razumemo, ima nas više... :-) Krenite ove godine put Kvarnera i tamo, na izvorištu hrvatskog turizma, doživite jed- nu od najlepših turističkih priča. Tu regiju na severoistoku Jadranskog mora priroda je obilno nagradila i upravo tamo skladno povezala kristalno čisto mo- re sa spektakularnim gorjem, što rezultira i veoma zdravom klimom i vazduhom. Kvarner je i mesto susreta bogate kultu- re, istorije i tradicije, te izvor najrazličitijih doživljaja koje mo- žete zamisliti. Kupanje u smaragdnim uvalama u kojima su se nekad kupali kraljevi i carevi, šetnja po tzv. Mesečevom pla- tou, promatranje igre beloglavih supova nad morem, uživanje u najboljim škampima na svetu – na Kvarneru su realnost. To je destinacija koja će ispuniti očekivanja i najizbirljivijih avantu- rista, istinskih hedonista i zahtevnih gurmana. Kulisu za rekreaciju božanstvenom prirodom odaberite sa- mi – od Krka – zlatnog ostrva, Raba – srećnog ostrva, Lošinja – ostrva vitalnosti, i Cresa – ostrva bez stresa, pa sve do ari- stokratske Opatijske, živahne Crikveničko-vinodolske rivijere

Aerodrom Rijeka na ostrvu Krk direktno je letovima Er Srbije povezan sa Beogradom Rijeka Airport on the island of Krk is directly connected to Belgrade by Air Serbia flights


FOR ADVENTURERS, HEDONISTS AND GOURMETS The departure date for your long-awaited summer break is fast approaching, but you still haven’t found the right destina- tion “tailored to you”, where you expect nothing more or less than top-class experiences and a superior holiday? We un- derstand you completely, there are many of us in the same boat :-) Head to Kvarner this summer and there, in the cra- dle of Croatian tourism, you’re sure to experience one of your most beautiful tourism stories. This region of the northeast Adriatic has received countless riches from nature, and it is right here that crystal-clear seas and spectacular mountains have merged harmoniously, re- sulting in a very healthy climate and air quality. Kvarner is al- so a place where rich culture, history and tradition intertwine, but also a source of the most diverse experiences imaginable. Swimming in emerald bays that used to be the favourite bath- ing spots for kings and emperors, hiking along the so-called Moon Plateau, observing the dance of the majestic griffon vulture above the sea, enjoying the best shrimp in the world – these are all realities in Kvarner. This is a destination that will satisfy the high expectations of even the most demanding adventurers, true hedonists and demanding gourmets. Choose your own backdrop for holidaying in divine nature: from Krk – the golden island, Rab – the happy island, Lošinj – the island of vitality, and Cres - the island free of stress, all the way to the aristocratic Opatija, the dynamic Crikvenica-Vi- nodol Riviera and Rijeka, Croatia’s largest port. Be sure to in- clude in your schedule a stroll along Opatija’s Lungomare sea- front promenade, Rijeka’s walkway along the bank of the River Rječina, meandering the paths of the Mediterranean Laby- rinth of Love in Crikvenica and exploring the Frankopan Roads on Krk. Release endorphins on the Rab hiking trails of Epar- io, Capo Fronte and Frux. Revitalise your body and spirit with the Promenade of Vitality on Lošinj, then lose yourself, but not your way, on the hiking trails of Cres, which is reminiscent of a huge botanical garden. Explore Kvarner from top to bottom – from the air, from the ground, from the sea, all the way to its magical underwater world.

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i Rijeke, najveće hrvatske luke. Na svoju rutu stavite i šetnju opatijskim Lungomareom, riječkom Šetni- com uz Rječinu, vrludanje puteljci- ma Mediteranskog lavirinta ljubavi u Crikvenici i istraživanje Putevi- ma Frankopana na Krku. Oslobo- dite endorfine na stazama Epario, Kapo Fronte i Fruks na Rabu. Na Lo- šinju revitalizujte telo i duh na Šet- nici vitalnosti, a onda se izgubite na pešačkim stazama Cresa, ko- ji je poput velikog botaničkog vrta. Istražite Kvarner od vrha do dna – iz vazduha, sa zemlje, s mora, pa sve do čarobnog podmorja.

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