Elevate June 2024 | Air Serbia


VRNJAČKA BANJA It might be small and quaint, but Vrnjačka Banja is nonetheless among Serbia’s most popular places. People have been coming here to heal since Roman times, and there are no signs that they will stop anytime soon. This queen of spa tourism, as the town is informally dubbed, has been renowned for its healing springs since ancient times. It was on this site that the Romans built the Fons Romanus medical spa and hot water spring. Vrnjačka Banja is located in Central Serbia’s Raška district, in the valley of the West Morava River, just 200 km from Bel- grade and 25 km from Kraljevo. The spa’s first doctor in its modern history was the famous Josif Pančić. The hot waters in Vrnjačka Banja represent a unique source of mineral water anywhere in world, as the water temper- ature is exactly the same as the average temperature of the human body: 36.5°C. NIŠKA SPA Niš is a city that’s known throughout Serbia for its energetic atmosphere and absolutely unbeatable food, but located just nine kilometres to the east of the city is one of the country’s most popular spa centres. The spa is located in the foothills of the Dry Mountain, which pro- vides this idyllic scene with an additional element. Pro- tected from north winds by the Svrljig mountains, it is bathed in sunlight from the east and west throughout the year. Testifying to the claim that Niška Banja’s miner- al-rich water has exceptional healing qualities is the fact that water from the spa was supplied to the baths and swimming pools of ancient Mediana, the luxurious Ro- man imperial residence dating back to the time of Con- stantine the Great. During the Ottoman period, Niš- ka Banja was the preferred resort of Sultan Suleiman. A moderate-continental climate and more than 70 hec- tares of forests have a placating effect and are also ex- tremely beneficial for treatment and recovery. KOVILJAČA SPA The country’s oldest spa is defined by the magnifi- cence of its natural surroundings, framed by the River Drina and Gučevo Mountain. Koviljača Spa was once a popular spot for all significant figures in the social and cul- tural life of Serbia to gather. It was a particular favourite among the members of the Obrenović and Karađorđević dynasties, which is why it deservedly carries the epithet of the royal spa. And to this very day, the instant you set foot in the spa park, you will momentarily think that you can still hear the sounds of Viennese waltzes emanating from the surrounding villas, while couples sporting lux- urious outfits arrive to attend a ball. The spa’s famous park was designed in the style of English and French gar- dens, according to the precise wishes of King Aleksandar I Obrenović. And he actually largely deserves the credit for the fact that Koviljača is considered one of the most beautiful spas in Europe, representing the perfect spot for post-illness recovery and recuperation, but also for relaxation and a genuine regal holiday.

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