Elevate June 2024 | Air Serbia

Sve lepote evropskih banja ALL THE BEAUTY OF EUROPE’S SPAS

Hungary, Czechia and Poland can all boast of a long tradition of spa tourism and healing gifts that have been enjoyed by the likes of Goethe, Strauss and Peter the Great. HUNGARY: LAND OF WATERS Hungary has more than 1,500 thermal springs nationwide, but we love the spa that’s located just 30 kilometres from Hor- goš. Makó is a beautiful Hungarian town that’s home to the Hagymatikum Spa cen- tre, which is suitable for everyone who has a weary soul and an even wearier body. It has numerous outdoor and indoor pools, some of which have healing waters, while others are “just” crazy fun. The water is warm every- where, at approximately 30°C, ensuring that you really don’t want to vacate the pool once you dive in. Bubbles and jets are released al- ternately, as though you’re bathing in a large jacuzzi, while the pools have chairs located in them, and even tables with chessboards, tropical rains... There’s also a rapid river, slides, saunas of all kinds, but also bathing in a pool that has water the colour of black tea, due to the large amount of iodine in the pool, and with a temperature of 37°C! CZECHIA: BEER TREATMENTS Czechia is specific in that it has spa towns and each one is different. Karlovy Vary is probably the country’s most famous spa town, but there’s always something new. That’s why you shouldn’t be surprised if you’re offered a beer treatment, because that’s the latest modern twist on tradition. Bathing in beer is extremely relaxing. Your skin will also be extremely grateful, and you won’t end up drunk. POLAND: LAKES AND SALT CAVES The land of a thousand lakes, Poland has more than 200 spas and 40 health resorts on offer, and tourists can choose between everything from luxury resorts to smaller centres with a unique atmosphere. They are particularly proud of being home to the larg- est natural salt cave, representing what is perhaps one of the most unique spas in the world: the Wieliczka Salt Mine Health Resort, located 135 metres underground. There are natural salt caves in more than 40 cities na- tionwide across Poland and they have a rich tradition as places of healing, including those in the spa offer.

Češka: Tretmani pivom

Mađarska, Češka i Poljska mo- gu da se pohvale svojim spa turiz- mom koji ima dugu tradiciju, a u čijim su lekovitim darovima uživali i

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Češka je specifična jer ima banjske gradove, a svaki se razlikuje. Kar- love Vari su verovatno najpoznati- ji grad, ali uvek ima nešto novo. Za- to nemojte da se iznenadite ako vam ponude tretman pivom, jer je to onaj moderni pečat koji se daje tradiciji. Kupanje u pivu je izuzetno opuštajuće, koža će vam i te kako biti zahvalna, a nećete se napiti. Poljska, zemlja hiljadu jezera, nu- di preko 200 banja i 40 lečilišta, a turisti mogu da biraju sve od luksu- znih odmarališta do manjih centa- ra sa jedinstvenom atmosferom. Naročito su ponosni na najveć u pri- rodnu slanu peć inu, možda jedno od najjedinstvenijih lečilišta na sve- tu – Centar rudnika soli Vilička, ko- Poljska: Jezera i slane pećine ji se nalazi 135 metara ispod ze- mlje. Slane peć ine se nalaze u više od 40 gradova širom Poljske i ima- ju bogatu tradiciju kao mesto za le- čenje, uključujuć i i one iz spa asor- timana.

Gete, Štraus i Petar Veliki. Mađarska: Zemlja vode

Mađarska ima više od 1.500 ter- malnih izvora širom zemlje, ali mi volimo banju na samo tridesetak ki- lometara od Horgoša. Mako, prele- pi mađarski gradić, a u njemu Hađ- matikum, po meri svačije umorne duše i još umornijeg tela. Ima broj- ne bazene na otvorenom i zatvore- nom, od kojih su neki lekoviti, a neki „samo“ ludo zabavni. Voda je svu- da topla, oko 30 stepeni, pa čim u nju zaronite, zapravo više ne želite ni da izađete. Naizmenično se pu- štaju mehurići i mlazevi kao u ne- kom velikom đakuziju, u bazenima ima stolica, pa čak i stolova sa ša- hovskim tablama, tropskih kiša... Tu je i brza reka, tobogani, saune svih vrsta, plus kupanje u bazenu ko- ji ima boju crnog čaja koja dolazi od velike količine joda i temperaturu od 37 stepeni!

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