Elevate June 2024 | Air Serbia

Za fudbal verovatno ne postoji bolja kuća od Nemačke, pa uživanje može da počne 14. juna – na deset modernih stadiona u deset gradova

When it comes to football, there’s probably no better home than Germany, so let the enjoyment begin on 14 th June – at ten modern stadiums in ten cities


Exhibition of Caspar David Friedrich paintings For the first time in eight dec- ades, the public will have an oppor- tunity to observe many works of Caspar David Friedrich, a promi- nent representative of romanti- cism, at a single major exhibition. The State Museum’s Old Nation- al Gallery (Alte Nationalgalerie) is commemorating the 250 th anni- versary of the birth of this artist, whose works suffered – through no fault of the artist – the dark fate of not being exhibited at all in the second half of the 20 th cen- tury, due to the Nazis’ former af- finity for his works. Around 60 paintings and 50 drawings, representing works of exceptional painting and sketching prowess, create a special atmosphere – one that’s romantic in the original sense of the word, meditative and philosophical. His two most famous paintings, Monk by the Sea and Ab- bey in the Oakwood, romantically ad- dress the eternal themes of change and finality, and you’ll be able to see it all until 4 th August. Wednesday luncheon at the Philharmonic The foyer in front of the main hall of the Berliner Philharmonie is hosting free lunchtime concerts starting every Wednesday at 1pm until the end of June. From tour- ists to businesspeople, all music lovers opting to spend their lunch- break listening to this music will hear auteur music performed by the superb musicians of the Phil- harmonic and other members of the Berlin musical elite: chamber ensembles, pianists or percus- sionists, ranging from romantic melodies to tango tunes. Lunch is available on site for ten euros and standing places are available for concertgoers. This harmoni- ous lunchbreak, which lasts be- tween 40 and 50 minutes, for- tifies both body and soul for the continued exploration of the in- defatigable Berlin.

me scan

Izložba slika Kaspara Davida Fridriha Po prvi put u poslednjih osam decenija publika će imati priliku da na jednoj velikoj izložbi vi- di dela Kaspara Davida Fridriha, istaknutog predstavnika roman- tizma. Stara nacionalna galerija Državnog muzeja (Alte National- galerie) obeležava 250 godina od rođenja umetnika, čije je delo, ni krivo ni dužno, u drugoj polovi- ni 20. veka doživelo zlu sudbi- nu neizlaganja zbog nekadašnjeg afiniteta nacista prema njemu. Oko 60 slika i 50 crteža, dela izrazite slikarske i crtačke vešti- ne, kreiraju posebnu atmosferu – romantičnu u izvornom smislu te reči, meditativnu, filozofsku. Najpoznatiji par slika, „Monah pored mora“ i „Opatija u hrasto- voj šumi“, na romantičan način prilaze večitim temama prome- ne i kraja, a sve će to moći da se vidi do 4. avgusta. Ručak u filharmoniji sredom U foajeu ispred glavne sale Ber- linske filharmonije svake srede do kraja juna od 13 časova održavaju se besplatni koncerti. Od turista

do poslovnih ljudi, ljubitelji muzike koji odluče da pauzu za ručak pro- vedu uz muziku, slušaju autorsku muziku u izvođenju vrhunskih mu- zičara članova filharmonije i drugih berlinskih muzičkih elita – kamer- ne ansamble, klavir ili perkusioni- ste, u spektru od romantičara do tanga. Ručak je dostupan na licu mesta za desetak evra, a mesta su stajaća. Ova harmonična pauza za ručak traje 40–50 minuta, a krepi i dušu i telo za nastavak istraživa- nja neiscrpnog Berlina.

Tekst / Words: Ksenija Kastratović Fotografije / Photography: Profimedia.rs

Germany » Nemačka | 97

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