Elevate June 2024 | Air Serbia


Istoriju „Mercedesa“ dugu skoro 150 godina možete najbolje razumeti u njihovom muzeju You can best understand the almost-150- year history of Mercedes at its museum

Refreshment at the heart of the city It might seem unexpected, but in the productive city of Stuttgart it is possible to reinvigorate oneself in the very centre of the city, by bathing in the mineral waters of the outdoor pool and sauna of the iconic Miner- albad Berg thermal baths, where the regular visitors refer to themselves as Bergians. Apart from water that’s sourced from five springs, also con- tributing to the wellness benefits of this spa is the greenery of the park in which it is located and the aes- thetic of the buildings that were re- cently renovated and reinterpreted according to the design project of a renowned architectural studio. The spa was founded in 1856, though the current buildings mostly date back to the 1950s and the spirit of that era has been retained in the renova- tion project’s visual aspects. The walls and ceilings of the rooms are deco- rated with ceramic tiles and glass in- stallations, some of which were cre- ated in the 1950s, while others are based on the designs of contempo- rary artists.

Le Corbusier’s architecture If it weren’t for the Germans, who would deftly integrate creative and artisanal excellence and econom- ic efficiency with social responsibil- ity? Back in 1927, the Deutscher Werkbund association of business- men, architects, craftspeople and de- signers invited 17 European archi- tects to design modern residential buildings, the aim being to present the use of modern architecture to cre- ate high-quality and affordable hous- ing. This led to the emergence of the Weissenhof Estate. Two of the build- ings that were designed by Le Cor- busier, who teamed up with his cous- in Pierre Jeanneret, were declared UNESCO World Heritage Sites in 2016, under the scope of the Listed ‘Architectural Work of Le Corbusier, an Outstanding Contribution to the Modern Movement’. Mercedes-Benz Museum What is this three-pointed star? A machine; a status symbol; a pop culture icon and reference; a means or an end? No matter how we inter- pret the Mercedes logo, Mercedes is Mercedes. You can better understand the almost-150-year history of this carmaker at the museum that has more than 160 models on display, and is housed in a building that is itself a marvel of engineering and architectural vision and innovation. And perhaps the best role played by a Mercedes-Benz vehicle in pop cul- ture? The 190 SL convertible driven by Grace Kelly in High Society.

tekata i dizajnera „Deutscher Wer- kbund“ pozvala je 1927. godine 17 evropskih arhitekata da izrade pro- jekte stambenih zgrada, sa ciljem da pokaže da se modernom arhi- tekturom može doći do kvalitetne, a povoljne stanogradnje i stanova- nja. Tako je nastalo naselje Vajzen- hof. Dve zgrade koje je projektovao Le Korbizije, u timu sa rođakom Pijer Žanere, 2016. uvršćene su u UNESCO Svetsku baštinu, u sklo- pu arhitektonskog dela Le Korbi- zijea i njegovog izuzetnog dopri- nosa modernizmu. „Mercedes“ muzej Šta je sve ova trokraka zvez- da? Mašina, statusni simbol, iko- na i referenca pop kulture, sredstvo ili cilj? Kako god da ga tumačimo, mercedes je mercedes. Istoriju ovog vozila dugu skoro 150 godina mo- žete razumeti u muzeju u kome je izloženo preko 160 modela, a čija je zgrada i sama delo inženjerske i arhitektonske vizije i inovativno- sti. Možda najbolja uloga mercede- sa u pop kulturi? SL kabrio koji vo- zi Grejs Keli u „Visokom društvu“.

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