DC Mathematica 2018

coins’ movement were introduced. If a coin lands on an occupied position, we can either let it replace the

existing coin or allow the two to share the same unit. In both cases, the argument above still holds – that

said, we still couldn’t jump a coin to reach level 5. Consider the weight of the grid when you try proving the

two scenarios and you will see what I mean.

Figure 8 visualises the grid with assigned

weights according to a different rule, that is

to allow only diagonal jumps. A horizontal

jump decreases the weight by the amount

equal to the coin jumped over, and a jump

downwards causes the weight to decrease by

double the amount. In this model, we are

lucky to be able to reach level 6 at max – the

best solutions consist of pretty much only

upward jumps.

There are more versions of the game you can explore and analyse yourself, such as ones that allow longer

jumps or more complex movements (that you can decide and try yourself). You can even adapt a different

grid format to the game and you will still find Conway’s proof helpful.

But what if we think out of the box? The article I wrote last year for Dulwich College’s Mathematica

Magazine had a bit of multi-dimensional sequences involved and I think I will inevitably go into the n -

dimension cliché again.

In a space with  dimensions where all existing coins are placed in the lower ‘half’ below a hyperplane with a dimension of  − 1 , we

allow coins to do the same movements – jumps are made in one of

the  directions parallel to the axes. In this case, the highest level

(‘above’ the hyperplane) that can be reached is given by a simple

3 − 2 using John Conway’s weighing argument. Unfortunately,

the proof to this theorem is extraordinarily long and difficult, I am

not going to embarrass myself going through any of that – I’ve put

some links at the end to help you discover a bit more about

multidimensional proofs.

To briefly conclude this article, I hope you’ve enjoyed reading and experiencing the complexity of

mathematical game models – they are so closely related to our everyday life, from ‘Connect 4’ to single-

player puzzle games. Mathematics is such a powerful tool, unlike physicists we ‘generalize’ cases – and

John Conway’s proof is a very inspiring start for those of you who wish to begin viewing the world from a

very different perspective.

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