T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
Children’s Garden
time since his accident. In the dim light of the hospital ward, he saw his mother’s worried face, as she bent over his cot. “Why, what’s the matter—where am I?” he asked in a bewildered voice. .“You are all right now, Richard,” said Mrs. Blake gently stroking Richard’s white hand. “You had an accident and are in a hospital.” “O, mother, where is my money and what about the party?” wailed poor Richard. Mrs. Blake softly patted his check as she answered, “Never mind about the party, Richard. You are safe. The money is safe too. I found it tucked down deep in your trouser’s pocket. You can buy your skates and perhaps be well enough to go skating in a short time. Go to sleep now and rest.” Rich ard closed his eyes and soon fell into a deep sleep. He dreamed that he bought his skates and went skimming over the gleaming lake. What a wonderful time he was having, when suddenly he thought he heard a weak voice behind him saying, “6 , Richard, how I would like to go out to the lake today. I could if I only had a pair of crutches.” As
D ear Boys and G irls: How m any of you a re try in g to w in one of th e tw e n ty prizes (one of w hich is a five do llar b ill) offered in th e O ctober n um ber of th e K in g ’s B u si ness? If you do n o t know ab o u t th e w ork, w rite to me a t once and I w ill send you a copy of th e ru le s so th a t you can y e t w in a rew ard . You w ill notice th a t th e re is no w o rk g iv en fo r you to do d u rin g th e la s t tw o w eeks in Decem ber. I am g iv in g you a long C h ristm as vacation, am I not? I have w ritte n a C h ristm as sto ry fo r you on th is page. I hope you w ill enjoy it and th a t you w ill le a rn to sin g m y C h ristm as m essage w hich th e w a rb le r a t th e top of th e page is sin g in g to you. Sophie Shaw Meader, Box 1547, Pacific Ave., L ong Beach, Cal. ROBERT’S CHRISTMAS PRESENT “ 0 mother, mother, here Is a letter from Uncle Will to m e!” cried Richard Blake, as he ran into the hduse, slam ming the door behind him. He has sent me five dollars
for Christmas and says that I can spend it just as I please.” “That is certainly very kind of Uncle Will," said his mother. “Perhaps now you can buy a pair of crutches for your friend, Dick Green. You were wishing yesterday that you could get him a pair for a Christmas present.” “O, this is different!” ex claimed Richard. “I meant if I had plenty of money. This is just enough to get me those ball-hearing skates that I saw down at the hardware store yesterday. I am going to use all of this money for myself.” A sudden flush spread over Richard’s face and a feeling of shame stole over him as he spoke for he remembered the words which his father had read that morning, “Freely ye have received, freely give."
Richard turned his head he fancied he saw Dick’s wan face. But the vision melted away and he felt himself fall ing. O, the ice was cracking! He was in the icy water! “Mother!” he cried, “save m e!” With a start, he awoke to find the old family physician putting ice packs to his throb bing temples. “Mother," he said, as the doctor left the ward, “I just dreamed that I fell into the lake and was drowning; and, O, mother, I know what it means to be a cripple on Christmas. I want you to take my five dollars and have father buy Dick a pair of crutches. He can get them at the store around the corner from our house. Hurry, mother! Please hurry!” Dick’s surprise and pleasure may well be imagined as Rich ard’s father presented him with the Christmas gift. “Now I can go out to the lake and see the boys!” he cried, joyfully. “And, O, Mr.
The Christmas time is come again— The best time of the year; Joyfully the bells ring out Their message of good cheer. The birthday of the Christ-Child Has come to us again; And in the sky, the angels Sing, “ Peace, good will to men.”
And let the earth sing praises To God who loved us so ; That He gave us His only Son To save us here below.
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—Ivy Crose.
“I don’t care,” he said to himself as he walked away. “I never do have any money and now I am going to have a good time with this five dollars. I’ll buy the skates right away and then mother won’t he forever talking about crutches for Dick.” Richard began to whistle, and stuffing his hands down deep into his pockets he clutched the five dollar bill in a vise-like grip, but his conscience was not quite at ease, for the words of the morning text kept ringing in his ears, “Freely ye have received, freely give." It was just two days before Christmas. On that day the hoys and girls were to have a skating party on the lake near the city and Richard expected to he one of the merry group. With his head held high, he started quickly across the busy thoroughfare. But as he ran, he suddenly stumbled and fell in front of a passing automobile. In a moment, all was confusion. The boy had been knocked senseless and was hurriedly carried to a nearby hospital. The tag which his mother had always insisted on his carrying pinned to his inside coat pocket revealed his iden tity and his parents were informed of his whereabouts. On Christmas Day, Richard opened his eyes for the first
Blake, here is a present for Richard! A friend of mine gave me a pair of ball-bearing skates the day before my accident. I can never use them now, and have been saving them to give to Richard for a Christmas present.” As Richard received the skates the tears flowed down his cheeks as he whispered softly, “Freely ye have received, freely give.” ‘' W t Lesson for December— THE POWER OF JESUS FIRST WEEK,— Jesus’ power over sickness. (1.) After reading Luke 5:17-26, write in your note-hooks the following sentences, filling in blanks: 1. “The............. of..............was present to ............. them.” (For missing words see v. 17.) (2 .) A man sick with p............. y was h...„....... d by Jesus. (8.) Answer in sentences the following questions: Did Jesus help the sick man in some other way? (v. 20 ). Was the (Continued on Page 191)
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