King's Business - 1923-12

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S



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Adventures in Evangelism, Edmund Thickstun, Minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South. A book of inter­ esting stories of men and women turning to God. They are true incidents in the experience of a pastor, and the book is dedicated by the author to “Everybody who is trying to save somebody.'’ (Doran) $1.50. Places of Quiet Strength and Other Sermons, John Timo­ thy Stone. We have taken the time to read this book— the first compilation of sermons from the heart and pen of this great preacher. We commend it heartily. No preacher, teacher or layman can fail to be richly rewarded who possesses it. (Doran) $1.50. The Riverside New Testament, translated by Wm. G. Ballentine, D.D., formerly President of Oberlin College. A new and scholarly translation, direct from the original Greek into the English of today. The clear, open pages provid.e something that has never been offered before. (Houghton, Mifflin & Co.) $3,00. • « The Basis for Brotherhood, Dr. Milford H. Lyon. This book is dedicated to the soldiers and sailors of the great war, to more than a half million of whom it was his privi­ lege to speak. He rings true to the great doctrines of the Bible. Dr. Lyon in the preface says, “In time of war all display is discarded and only essentials are retained. The following messages are from the arsenal, not the flower garden.” Every preacher should read this book. (Revell) Price $1.50. Christ, Pre-Eminent. Studies in the Epistles to the Co- lossians, Dr. W. H. Griffith Thomas. To announce the author is sufficient to assure the reader that the book will be well worth having, for Dr. Thomas has never failed in producing helpful, spiritual books. 'This book is timely and is designed to safe-guard our personal experience of Christ, faced as we are with Unitariaism, Socialism, Spiritualism, Occultism, Russellism and Eddyism. The one test is, “What think ye of Christ?” (Bible Institute Colportage Associa­ tion) Price $1.00. Method of Biblical Criticism, by President Chas. A. Blanchard of Wheaton College. In a booklet of thirty pages Dr. Blanchard defines the nature of criticism as re­ lated to the Bible, the methods and terms used, the Rule of Evidence, etc. The booklet is designed to give to the ordinary reader an explanation of the subject so univer­ sally used and so little comprehended by the average reader. (Bible Institute Colportage Association). Harmony of the Last Week, by Eugene Charles Calla­ way. Mr. Callaway is a layman and', as a teacher of a class of young men, was led to take up the study of the last week of our Lord on earth, and as a result, has been able to make clear the fact that Jesus was crucified on Wednesday, the 14th of the month, Nisan, just as the Jews were slaying the Passover lamb, thereby demonstrating the error of the theory that He was crucified on Friday and ful­ filling the prophecy in every detail as typified in the Pass- over. Price 25c.

“But Jesus Answered”—A book of 120 pages, containing eight “Bible Talks” by Rev. H. Tydeman Chilvers, pastor of the Metropolitan Tabernacle, London; preached; on Thursday evenings. The publisher was kind enough to let me read the advanced proof sheets, and it has given me some choice morsels of spiritual food. Mr. Chilvers says in the “Foreword” that his purpose is “to speak to the heart in every day language,” and he has succeeded. The regenerate heart cannot fail to respond, and all through the book there are winsome notes of ap­ peal to the unsaved. Though every chapter is intensely practical, there is no attempt to displace Biblical expressions with modern sub­ stitutes. In the first paragraph are these arresting words: “We are told sometimes that we should not speak of these subjects in Bible language, because men do not understand Bible phraseology. They tell us that the words Incarna­ tion, Justification, and Regeneration are words that are foreign to the ordinary mind. Then so much the worse for the ordinary mind! And I cannot for the life of me see why we should adopt some other phraseology because of the ignorance of the men of this day.” And he does not shun the unpopular word “hell.” “If you go on like that,” he says, “you will slip down to hell as soon as possible.” The chief characteristic of the book is its loyalty to Christ and the Bible. He is constantly pointing to the Cross, the empty Sepulchre and the coming Throne. In it all is the note of victory. In the atmosphere of academic unbelief so widespread today it is a real soul-tonic to read words like these: “When we begin to question some parts of the Book, then the whole Book is brought into question. When we ques­ tion the Book, we question Him, and when we begin to call Jesus Christ into question, we bring shadows over our mind, we darken our vision of Him, we lose our moor­ ings. We are as those at sea without a rudder.” We are not surprised that large audiences gathered on Thursday evenings to hear “Bible Talks” like these, and we hope that thousands will buy the book that they may share the feast with the more favored people of the Metro­ politan Tabernacle.— (Revised by A. C. Dixon) Henry Loomis, Friend of the Fast, by Clara Denison Loomis, his daughter. A life story largely of service to Japan, with touches of interest concerning Korea, China and Russia. The introduction by Dr. Robt. E. Speer, a life­ long friend. (Revell) ?1.25. The Holy Spirit in Scripture and Experience, Dr. J. C. Massee. A booklet of six chapters clarifying many preva­ lent notions and making simple and clear the person and definite, practical work of the Holy Spirit. These chapters are portions of addresses given by Dr. Massee in conven­ tions and evangelistic gatherings, and will be of great value to every thoughtful student of the Bible. (The Book Stall, New York)— Price 25c. (A ll b o o k s re v ie w e d m a y b e o b ta in e d fr o m B io la B o o k R oom « 530-558 S. H o p e St.« L o s A n g e le s . C al.)

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