King's Business - 1923-12


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

AS THE STARS FOREVER AND EVER (An Allegory) Elizabeth Sharp H NE day God looked down upon the world and into the bare little room where a mother lay with her newborn son. The woman with glad eyes upon her baby prayed in a few halting words that he might be fair and noble, and stand high in minis­ try before God. And God heard the prayer and gave the mother peace. God called a shining angel to Himself and pointed down into the bare little room. "I give you a task,” He said. “Guard the child, for he is mine.” The shining angel grew radiant with the joy of his com­ mission and hovered about the bed. And time passed on. Then another day, the angel came and stood before God. “Oh, Most High, Lucifer the proud, has sent a foul an­ gel, mightier than I, who has breathed weakness and fever upon the child whom Thou didst intrust to me.” And God said, “It is well. Be in peace. To Lucifer I have said that he may go thus far and no farther.” So the angel returned to the side of the child. Grieving, he directed cool breezes into the hot chamber and touched the restless little body into slumber. Long was the child oppressed with the illness sent by Lucifer, but the shining guardian stood by, secure in the promise of the Almighty. Time passed on. The child grew into boyhood. Then again the angel came and pled before God. “Oh Thou Omnipotent One, all is not well with the child whom Thou didst place in my care. He is not fair to look upon as other children. He is slow and stumbling of speech. He is unable to learn readily. The cruel race of mortals about him taunt and ridicule him. Omnipotent One, I pray Thee, stretch forth Thine hand and touch him that he may be fair and radiant?’^» And God said, “It is well. Be at peace. My ways are not as man’s ways, nor My thoughts as his thoughts. Thy prayer shall be answered but not now.” The angel, trusting, returned to the boy. He yearned over him and as was in his power-he tenderly smoothed the thorny way. Then one day, God called the shining angel. “Whom does the boy most love in all the world?” The angel replied, “In all the world, the boy most loves his little golden haired sister. He is stumbling, timid, and dull but she alone of all mortals does not know it.” Then God called the Angel of Death. The Guardian An­ gel lowered his eyes before the blinding glory of that oth­ er’s countenance. For therein lay the sadness of the world of suffering which he must needs visit, mingled with the joy of the world of radiance to which he brought many. And God said to the Angel of Death, “Bring the little golden-haired sister of the boy to Me.” Then cried the Guardian Angel, “Oh, Thou, who are all Wisdom and perfect Love, Thine is the plan and Thine the boy. May Thy will be done. Yet why is this further wretchedness brought upon him?” “Messenger of mine,” replied God, “what would it profit the lad if he gain the whole world and lose his own soul? Not once has he looked up to Me who am his Creator, God and Savior. Upon the golden-haired sister has he lavished the love and adoration which should be mine. All is well. Go in peace?’ And lo, all was well. For in his loneliness and through the fragrance of his broken heart, the boy looked up into the face of his God. The long years passed. The boy became a man. There grew within his heart a longing to become a minister before God. The dream arose of vast numbers swayed to righteousness by the word of his mouth. Then did the young man through bitter toil gain an education. The Guardian Angel grieved that his way was so hard. For his fellow students mocked him and his professors endured him with small patience. Lucifer, the Mighty, himself, delighted in placing obstacles in his way. The shining angel cried to God that he might be em­ powered to smooth the path of the young man but was touched to silence by the hand of the Almighty. (Continued?on next page):.

W a n t e d ! 1 0 0 , 0 0 0 NEW MEMBERS FOR The Christian Fundamentals Association _____ By June 1 st, 1924 W I L L Y O U B E O N E ? During comparatively recent years, Higher Criticism of the Bible, known as Rationalism or Modernism, has secured a strangle hold on the th roat of practically every evangelical denom ina­ tion, and seeks entire control no t only of pulpits and schools, bu t foreign mission fields as well. A lready this infidelity concerning inspiration, deity and atonem ent has w rought untold harm. How to throw off this deadly grip is the problem of all orthodox men and women- who love the Lord and His Word, and hold to the Funda­ mentals of Christianity, THE CHRISTIAN FUNDAMENTALS movement ha« arisen with no other purpose than to de­ stroy this enemy and strengthen the faith of Christian people in the simple, fundamental truths of the Gospel. We need your help in keeping an adequate force of workers in the field and in financing our campaign. OUR CONFESSION OF FAITH

I. W e believe in th e S crip­ tu re s of th e Old an d New T estam en t as verbally in sp ir­ ed of God, an d in e rra n t in th e original w ritings, and th a t th ey a re of suprem e an d final au th o rity in faith and life. II. W e believe in one God, etern ally existing in th ree persons, F ath er, Son a n d H oly Spirit. III. W e believe th a t Jesu s C hrist w as b eg o tten by the H oly S pirit, an d b o rn of th e V irgin M ary, an d is tru e God and tru e m an. IV. W e believe th a t m an w as c reated in th e im age of God, th a t he sinned and thereby incurred n o t only physical d eath b u t also th a t sp iritu al death w hich is sep a­ ratio n from God; and th a t all hum an beings are b o rn w ith a sinful n atu re, and, in the case of those who reach m oral responsibility, becom e sinners in th o u g h t, w ord an d deed. V. W e believe th a t the

L ord Jesu s C hrist died fo r our sins according to th e S crip ­ tu res a s a rep resen tativ e an d su b stitu tio n ary sacrifice; and th a t all th a t believe in H im a re justified on th e ground of H is shed blood. VI. W e believe in th e re s­ u rrectio n of th e crucified body of o u r Lord, in H is a s ­ cension in to heaven, a n d in H is presen t life th ere for us, as H igh P riest a n d A dvocate. VII. W e believe in “th a t blessed hope,” th e personal, prem illennial an d im m inent re tu rn of o u r L o rd a n d Sav­ iour Jesu s C hrist. VIII. W e believe th a t all who receive b y faith th e Lord Jesu s C hrist a re b o rn again of th e H oly Spirit an d thereby becom e children of God. IX. W e believe in th e b o d ­ ily resu rrectio n of the ju st an d th e u n ju st, th e e v erla st­ ing felicity of th e saved and th e ev erlastin g conscious p u n ­ ishm ent of th è lost.

DO YOU BELIEVE WITH US? Do you care enough for your religious convictions to help us fight this, the greatest battle in the religious world today? If so, will you join hands with 99,999 others and say it with signature and check, mailing to ETHEL H. BLAKE, Sec*y* 1020 Harmon Place, Min­ neapolis, Minn. I subscribe to the Doctrinal Statement of THE CHRISTIAN FUNDAMENTALS ASSOCIATION, and hereby signify my desire to become a member. Name ................ ............................,.. 1 ^,;................. Address ............................... . Mark 5[Z3 $5.00 Active Membership. X ? n $ 1 .0 0 Associate Membership.

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